We hope you enjoyed our first Portal to Ascension interview with Rey Hernandez in which we discussed the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences quantitative research into experiences of over 4000 contactees. If you missed the interview you can see it here.
Our second interview is with Billy Carson and we speak with the expert researcher regarding his book on Thoth’s Emerald Tablets. The book, “The Compendium of The Emerald Tablets,” adds a big piece of information regarding the forgotten history of Ascension and the cosmic cycle from the tablet’s original writer. Carson reflects on the meaning of the work in today’s reality. Carson’s research is relevant to understanding and attaining our highest human potential in these times.
Our Ascension Series of Interviews took place this past October when Prepare for Change attended the Portal to Ascension Conference in Irvine, CA put on by PortaltoAscension.org. The weekend conference focused on speakers that presented information about different aspects of Ascension from its historical significance, the cycles of time, what it means to humanity, how it will lead to changes in consciousness, how to discern claims, and more fascinating topics.
We held interviews with seven presenters of the conference including Rey Hernandez of the Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation, Billy Carson, John DeSouza, Rob Potter, Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak, and Adrian Vallera. We also sat down with Neil Gaur who founded Portal to Ascension and who has been organizing the conference for the past few years.
After the first interview, Prepare for Change and Portal to Ascension will follow-up with subsequent interviews every Tuesday until concluding on January 7, 2020. We will also post to social streams and hold Facebook Watch Parties so stay alert for postings on similarly-minded groups and our Facebook page, found at: https://www.facebook.com/prepareforchangelosangeles
John DeSouza joins Prepare for Change in our third interview. He gives us a little background in how to conduct para-normal investigations and shares stories of a few of his experiences as a former FBI agent charged with many lead investigations. We also talk about how the Cabal keeps information out of the public to limit the Ascension process and control the narrative.
Dynamic husband and wife quantum research team Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak discuss Ascension, extraordinary human abilities, interconnectivity, co-evolving as a species, and give examples of remote viewing from their recent book collaboration, “Mind Dynamics in Space and Time.” They both sat down for an interview which will air December 17.

In week 5 (Dec. 24) we welcome home Rob Potter to give us an update from higher sources that he is connected with. We learn about some of his contributions to the origins of Prepare for Change and he shares some stories of esoteric experiences and alchemical journeys. Rob discusses some methods of healing for Ascension found in esoteric sources. It’s a far-ranging conversation and will leave you wanting to hear more.
Adrian Vallera (Dec. 31) follows Potter and stops by to give us an update on the status of many of his active initiatives such as: the Mass Meditation events that he has planned, as well as children’s work, environmental activism, and art & music festivals as the delivery method. We talk about his awakening and learn of where the Disclosure Fest festivals are headed. Disclosure, of course, being a vital element of Ascension.
Capping off the series in the New Year will be a conversation with Neil Gaur, the driving creative force behind Portal to Ascension. The Portal to Ascension brand was created to help humanity navigate through the range of awareness regarding consciousness, human empowerment and the paradigm shift of our society. Through live and online events and a library of webinars viewable at portaltoascention.org, Neil with help from wife Sol, present many thought leaders in the Ascension, ancient history, consciousness, and ET fields.
It is with great pride that we join together with Portal to Ascension to present these “Ascension Series” interviews for our Prepare for Change and Portal to Ascension community members and the public. Please like and share when they come online.
if you missed the first interview, Rey Hernandez, Co-Founder of FREE – The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences, got the series started with a fascinating discussion on the academic study and research paper that the FREE Foundation created from in-depth interviews of over 4000 experiencers regarding the “Contact Modalities” which are contacts with “Non-Human Intelligence.” We discuss his own experience and go over the fascinating results of their scientific research into consciousness, ETs, and the corroborating data of experiencers, and how this brings mainstream science into quantum physics and Ascension topics. Catch the interview here.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
would you please have transcripts of all your videos!! not everyone likes to watch videos on a computer screen! PLEASE????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!