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Yearly Archives: 2020

Meditation at the exact time of the Eris Pluto square on...

Meditation at the exact time of the Eris Pluto square on June 14th at 3:10 PM UTC for maintaining World Peace  From our friends at...

Informed Consent: You’re a Lab Rat

From David Martin:https://youtu.be/aN2Gzr60sqw

OPEN LETTER to DONALD TRUMP: The Children of Light Vs. The...

Introduction by Michael J. Matt: As I write these words, reports are circulating that as many as one million protesters are expected to descend on...

Emergency Preparedness 101: What to keep in your emergency kit

 When it comes to family safety and home security, top-of-mind concerns usually involve crime or household accidents. However, environmental factors force millions of people to...

21 uses of distilled water

By Edvinas,Distilled water is the purest water there can be.  In the process of distillation, water is boiled, and clean steam moves to another...

Manufactured COVID Paranoia

This article was compiled by Prepare for Change member, Chris Pratt. He offers up article links that support his claims. He is located in...

How COVID-19 was made

By Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. from dcclothesline.com:There is ongoing censorship, even in the scientific literature, to restrict publication of information contrary to the accepted narrative...

Major Cosmic Portals in June Offer Opportunities to Shape Our Destiny

Let's Create A Continuous TSUNAMI WAVE OF LIGHT that will stabilise the global situation, counteract any dark agendas, ensure positive outcomes for the rest...

Benjamin Fulford Report 6/15/20: Leaderless, Bankrupt America in Throes of Chaos...

The collapse of the United States of America Corporation escalated last week into what Chinese propagandists likened to the cultural revolution faced by China...

Respiratory Therapist Exposes the Fake Virus Pandemic

AT A GLANCE...THE STORY:Another whistleblower on the frontlines – a respiratory therapist – has stepped forward to expose many aspects of fakery in...

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