BELOVED Ones of Light, from the Cosmic Heights of Cosmic Love, that Infinite Sustaining Power of the Universe, I come to answer your heart’s call; and to release whatever Assistance is required; to enable you to go forth and in the Great Use of the Power of the Sacred Fire, draw into outer manifestation that thru which We can work; or rather pour forth Our Out-pouring, pour forth Our Love and give Assistance, everywhere in the outer world to which you direct your attention.

I wish to think of this Outpouring as a Wide Open Door thru which tomes My Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love, that Power from the Great Central Sun, which is the Great Cause for Cosmic Manifestation throughout the Universe. The Cosmic Love to which I refer, is the Hub of the Universe, and in the Action of Its Flame, there flows the Mighty Out-pouring of Supply, of Substance, of Energy, of everything you require to fulfill the Divine Plan every moment of your existence.

In My Activity with the Great Lord Maitreya and the Mighty Orion, it is a Three-fold Action of the Cosmic Powers of Divine Love; that Cosmic Love to which Jesus referred. Orion and Myself in that Cosmic Love which We pour forth, both use an Intense Action of the Blue Ray. It is Cosmic Love and Cosmic Power to produce what you will in outer manifestation.

The Lord Maitreya, known as the Great Initiator, is the Out-pouring of that Divine Love, that Great Cosmic Love, which clothes any individual who is rendering service to a great many of mankind in a world-wide activity in Its Cosmic Flame. My Out-pouring of that same Cosmic Love, is from the standpoint of Cosmic  Supply, which also is part of the Cosmic Initiations thru which those must pass, who are to render service to the mass of mankind.

I do not wish to get your attention fixed upon initiations or anything of the kind, but I use that term with reference to the passing of a Great Cycle of Assistance, and the Great Out-pouring which affects the mass of mankind during that Cycle. Orion’s Activity of this Cosmic Love is rather that of Power–the Power of Cosmic Love from the standpoint of both Its Pressure and Its Protection.

In these things which you are planning to bring forth, you need Our Three-fold Action of Cosmic Love. You don’t quite realize it yet, but to bring forth these Magnificent Temples, Schools, Homes and outer activities is a creative service to the Incoming Cycle. You are providing thru them, the patterns of Beauty and Perfection which are to be followed for many centuries to come. You are laying the ground work, and producing as it were, the first model upon which the rest of mankind will build their activities of the future.

If you are to bring those models forth in their Perfection of the Divine Plan fulfilled, everything in, thru and around them, must be the Focus of Our Cosmic Love and Cosmic Light which produces Perfection. Cosmic Purity and Cosmic Peace are the Foundation upon which they rest. Cosmic Protection and Cosmic Power are the necessary Flames and Qualities which must be focused in, thru and around them, to maintain the Perfection of which they are a Cup; and to sustain and expand that, until the time when they become Self-luminous and imperishable; therefore, to last throughout the centuries.

I come to strengthen within and around each one of you, the qualities of Cosmic Love and Light and Purity. In doing that, it will enable you to have more supply in the outer world; to hold protection about it; and to  see that it is only used to fulfill the Divine Plan; and you all know that the Divine Plan never contains a single discord–It could not!

As your hearts have wanted to bring forth these manifestations to render this Mighty Service of healing, illumination and the freeing Activities of Life, then there must come both Cosmic Protection, greater Cosmic Strength and Obedience to the Divine Law; so that you are not under the strain and the struggle under which you have been in the past. We trust, with Harmony maintained, to release you from a great deal of struggle; so that when the flow of supply comes into your hands and use, you will know instantly the Divine Plan and go forth to fulfill It, with Great Joy and at the same time great protection.

In accomplishing an Activity of this sort which affects an entire Nation, the Great Cosmic Law does not just flood to an individual all of a sudden, oceans of wealth. That is not the Action of the Cosmic Law! The Action of the Cosmic Law is to keep the attention upon the Presence and the Ascended Masters, to keep the vehicle pure, the protection charged about you and the attention upon the Heart of the Presence and the Ascended Ones; calling forth the Divine Plan fulfilled; and each step of the way, calling forth the Lavish Supply Life wants to give you, in order to accomplish each thing as the time of its manifestation approaches. In that way, you do not call forth great quantities of wealth and supply, which you would have to guard in the outer world, until the time came for you to use it. There will always be an abundance of supply ahead in time for your use, but not great quantities of it, before you even start into outer action.

In that way, you will not draw upon yourselves the attention, the opinions of the outer world and their curiosity, as to what you are doing and where you are getting your supply to produce these manifestations. As  you go along and build day by day, thru your calls to your Presence, to the Ascended Host and to the Cosmic Beings, you build these manifestations and each day’s Divine Plan is fulfilled. You will be able to look back–Oh, a few years later, and realize how very wise the Great Divine Plan of Life is; and how limitless is the Out-pouring of every good thing into your hands and use, when you begin to concentrate the Power of Cosmic Love thru and around your bodies.

Now, that has nothing whatever to do with personal attachment. This Cosmic Love to which I refer, is the Power of the Sacred Fire that the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings use at the Great Cosmic Levels of Creation, to produce manifestations which you would call miraculous. Those Manifestations for which you are calling in the way of these Temples and so on, will be almost miraculous in the speed with which they will come forth; but you must draw the Great Focus of that Cosmic Love and Light and the Power of Protection to a certain point, before you go into action on the physical buildings.

It is the gathering of this Cosmic Love and acknowledgment of the Sacred Fire in, thru and around you, that keeps swept out the human qualities which would prevent your receiving the Divine Plan clearly and knowing each step–the Divine Way to bring these things thru. You might accomplish a certain amount thru just physical persistency and human will power; or the outer use of that power and pressure of force, but you would find those things are not sustained and they would always contain some discordant reaction!

Now just as Saint Germain was responsible for the bringing forth of the steam-boat, the railroads and much of your airplane activities to bless America; just as He stood back of that whole accomplishment and kept pouring to the individuals in the physical world His  Assistance thru many, or those who would co-operate, until He brought forth the outer action of those means of transportation; just as He stood back of those individuals and activities, until the outer manifestation was complete, so do We and He also, stand back of- you and those who will harmonize with you, to bring forth these Magnificent “I AM” Miracle Music Temples; the “I AM” Temples of Healing, the “I AM” Temples of Light, the “I AM” Temples to the Sacred Fire; the “I AM” Temples of art; and any particular Great Out-pouring and Manifestation that is to bless and beautify mankind and this world.

Since these things which you are desiring to bring into manifestation are the Perfection of Life and are the Divine Plan fulfilled, then all you want to bring forth, can and should be made imperishable and Self-luminous! Therefore, all must be clothed in Our Cosmic Love and Cosmic Light, Our Cosmic Purity and Cosmic Peace and Our Cosmic Protection. With Our Out-pouring the sinister force will have nothing to do. That is why, if your motives are wholly unselfish and you live for This Blessing to come forth to all in your Nation or the whole of mankind; if that is your only objective in existence, and you give Our Love, Blessing and Kindness to those around you, then you shall succeed; and that is why I have come to anchor a Cosmic Power of Supply and Our Cosmic Love which is Our Automatic Invincible Protection as well.

The Lords of the Blue Flame from the Great Central Sun, Who assist Me, can and will focus that Great Cosmic Action of the Sacred Fire in, thru and around everything you do; if you will call for Their Cosmic Love to take up Its Abode in and around you. If you will ask It to abide within and around you, that only the Divine Plan shall be fulfilled each moment. Then shall you see your accomplishment move forward in greater speed and irresistible Power.

       The Great Lord Maitreya before Jesus started on His Ministry gave His Blessing to the Beloved Master Jesus. He clothed Him in the Cosmic Flame of that Cosmic Love to which I referred and Our Cosmic Protection, in order to hold that about Him until His Work was completed. That has been done with every Great Being, or every unascended being rather, who went forth to render great service to the mass of mankind.

Every one, who has carried the Light in powerful ways to the outer world, before that one started on a world-wide mission, has stood within the Flame from the Heart of the Mighty Lord Maitreya and received His Love, His Blessing and His Protection, until the Divine Plan was fulfilled. Now, since your activity is concerned with that same Mighty Out-pouring to the mass of the people, so will the Lord Maitreya pour the Cosmic Flame of Love, Blessing and Protection from His Heart; but I come into the activity of your manifestations, to bring you the Power of both the Supply and Protection of Cosmic Love. Mighty Orion offers you the Cosmic Love in Its Three-fold Action–in the Power of the Three times Three within the Blue Ray. That is, as it were, a Cosmic Pressure of His Love around you.

You may or may. not comprehend all of this as I speak these words, but if you will really call to Me, if you really want to know the full Meaning of these Inner Activities of Cosmic Love, thru your attention to all three of Us from time to time, ask Us to Open Our Hearts and give you the Understanding which is within Our Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love. The Understanding within the Heart is a Feeling and an Anchorage of Substance and Flame within your atomic structure, within both the brain and the mental and feeling world, which stands there as an illumination to every idea that comes forth.

I think you have never quite understood what it  meant to call forth the Cosmic Power of Cosmic Love to illumine your minds. It is this energy from within the Flame in the heart, whether it be in an Ascended Being or a Cosmic Being, which is required to be anchored in the brain structure of unascended beings, in order for the Flame in the heart and the Flame in the forehead to become ONE.

Since the Seven Mighty Elohim govern the Seven fold Flame within the brain structure in the forehead, wherein the All-seeing-Eye of Mighty Cyclopea anchors Its Cosmic Power for your individual use; so is it imperative under the Action of the Cosmic Law, that you draw forth consciously of your own free will, the Illumination of Cosmic Love from within Our Hearts. It will enable you to understand the Divine Plan for which you call; because you cannot comprehend what is contained within the Divine Plan of any Life Stream or anything you choose to do, without the Cosmic Action of Cosmic Love.

The human consciousness, or rather the outer consciousness, which you use thru your atomic bodies, does not comprehend what is within the Divine Plan of Life, unless it be illumined by the Cosmic Love of the Sacred Fire; for that is the Flame which comes forth from the Hearts of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings. That Flame must pass thru your brains when It is flashed from Our Octave, in order to release to you, the Full Understanding with which the feeling in your heart will agree; and then there will no longer be any obstruction between the brain and the heart.

This never comes to individuals, until they can put the little self aside–the outer human cravings and feelings which want to -be the doer. If you could always remember, that the Divine Plan within your Life Stream, is the Release of the Flame of Love from your Presence thru the Higher Mental Body; and that as It passes thru you, It is the Fire Element which expands the Points of  Light within the cells of your body; and the Fire Element passing thru illumines the consciousness: then you will realize that it is the Flame–the Expansion of the Flame of Cosmic Love from your Presence passing thru the physical structure, which is the Illumining Protecting Presence, and therefore is the Doer of whatever constructive thing you wish to accomplish.

The moment you can understand, it is the Great Cosmic Flame of Love from the Heart of your Presence which holds your atomic structure together, releases the energy thru it, gives you these ideas, shows you how to correct wrong conditions; and that Flame is the Illumining Power and contains within Itself, the Divine Plan then will you see how necessary it is to call this Cosmic Love into all outer action!

You cannot have Absolute Dominion over the atomic structure, until you realize that you stand within the Great Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love; for It is the Gift of the “I AM Presence” of Itself to you. If you could always remember: “It is the Great Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love which enables me to even be an Individual Being! It is this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love from my Presence which takes me out of distress! It is the Power and Action of Life which enable me to-fulfill the Divine Plan and be Free.” When you really begin to FEEL that deeply, you will love your Presence with such intensity, you will feel Its Flame within you so Real, so tangible and so loving, that you will know the Great Cosmic Flame of – Cosmic Love abides within you, to give you ALL of Itself forever!

It is this comprehension that I am pouring to you today thru the Radiation of My Heart’s Love! I can draw It forth to any intensity I desire! I can anchor It permanently within and around you, if you will accept It, if you really want It! A Cosmic Momentum of that Power which is a certain Intense Action of Its Flame,  must be permanently established in and around you, if these undertakings that are now coming upon your horizon, are to come forth to fulfill your Victorious Service to Life and to bless all mankind.

You have had a slight example in the Chicago Class of what six or seven months of your decreeing every night for Purity of mind and body, etc., means! You have all felt what it has done to your atomic structure, to your world and your affairs! Well, let Me tell you, when you have six or seven months’ Momentum of as Intense Acceptance of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love–established permanently in, thru and around every cell of your bodies, and in the atmosphere in which you move, you will begin to feel what the Mastery of Life really is! When you realize this Great Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love will reveal to you ALWAYS the Divine Plan and Its Fulfillment; always gives you Its Cosmic Supply thru Cosmic Love; always holds you Eternally Invincibly protected within Its Cosmic Protecting Power of Cosmic Love, and you feel It established permanently and then move forward, you will know that those who come within your Radiance are to abide in the Cosmic Love which you have drawn forth! When you command It to bless them and raise them into the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan for them also, you will find greater and greater Freedom; greater and greater supply and protection; and greater victories accomplished on every hand, in the greatest ease and happiness which Cosmic Love can bring!

This is the Flame to which Saint Germain referred, when He said: “There is no barrier anywhere in this Universe to Pure Divine Love.” How could there be, when It is the Sustaining Power of the Divine Plan of the Universe? It is the Supplying Power of all that comes into outer manifestation! It is the Protecting Power of all that is of the Light; and It is the Balancing Power of that feeling which discord dare not approach!  Discord dare not approach the Flame and survive! The Flame consumes all unlike Itself!

I want you to become that Cosmic Flame! You will find there will be no antagonism from those of the outer world, when you once establish a powerful momentum of It thru your daily call, conscious acceptance and recognition of this Cosmic Power of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love! Instead of Its Tremendous Power antagonizing individuals or arousing destructive conditions or forces, rather would It act as a Soothing Power which shuts off whatever discord they want to release and makes it impossible of expression.

This is the Power that the Great Masters of India use, when They go into the jungle; because that Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love about Them, burns away the vicious feelings of those wild animals before they can express. Since mankind have the same vicious feelings within them as the animals, then as you draw forth this Cosmic Power of Cosmic Love, I think you will be greatly delighted at Its Effect upon those who heretofore were antagonistic to you! Rather, will you stand insulated within It, feeling and BEING Its Out-pouring of Blessing and Assistance to all Life–the Fulfillment of Life’s Divine Plan in whatever you are doing; and that which is not of the Divine Plan will automatically stand aside and know that it dare not pass thru this Cosmic Flame! Thus you give as the Physical Sun gives Its Blessings to all Life!

This is the Great Cohesive Power of the Universe! -It is the Great Commanding Authority of the Sacred Fire and the Greater Cosmic Manifestations of Life and Life’s Perfection! You cannot have Perfection, you cannot have sustained Invincible Protection without this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love! One reason that your “I AM” Music of the Spheres is so Powerful in both Its Healing and Protective Activities, is because the Flame  can go forth on It. and there is no quality except Love that is flowing as you pour It forth!

When you sing your Love and Adoration to the Lord the Maha Chohan, there is no feeling but that of Cosmic Love which goes forth when you sing! The same thing is true of the Seven Mighty Elohim; the same thing is true in your other songs, where the adoration is given to these Great Beings. Your singing releases the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love from your own Presence. It gives an opening, an opportunity to expand Its Blessings and fulfill Its Divine Plan thru you, as you are singing or playing. That is why thru the “I AM” Music of the Spheres, you can do what you cannot do in any other way.

Do you know that thru that music, We can focus the most Intense Action of the Fire Element and nothing fears It? When the Cosmic Flame comes forth on the “I AM” Music there is no fear! That Flame consumes the fear, for destructive forces know they are helpless before the Fire Element! Therefore, when you call forth the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love and you ask the Cosmic Beings to open Their Hearts to you and tell you what you wish to know–illumine any particular thing to you by that Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love, then you have complied with all the requirements of the Law; for no impurity, no imperfection can exist. When Their Light, when that Flame begins to surge through you, the human is helpless. Know that and FEEL It from this hour henceforth!

If your call for the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love to expand thru you Its Divine Plan fulfilled, the human goes down into the Flame and is no more. It is this Expansion of the Sacred Fire of that Cosmic Love ever before you, thru your physical forms, which has been required throughout the centuries to set mankind free; and to release into this physical world, the Greater Powers  of Life to dissolve the human qualities.

That Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love is the Great Purifying Power of the Sacred Fire, for It harmonizes all things! It balances all things! It heals all things and It protects all things! It is Cosmic Power without limit and those who render service to the many, must have It about them, else their service must fail. If people go forth to render service to the mass of mankind, and they do not understand this Inner Action of the Law, sooner or later, some destructive force touches them and they succumb to it; and the work of serving the Light is closed thru the rest of that embodiment. That has happened thousands and millions of times on this planet.

People’s hearts have wanted to reach out and do something to help others, but not knowing this Inner Law of the Sacred Fire, they have not been able to draw the Power which holds the Cosmic Protection of that which they want to give! They have not had the Illumination and the Wisdom to know what was the Divine Way to render that service and hold it protected, until it was completed.. That is why so many wonderful things have started out with such magnificent principles and with such capacity to bless, but have ultimately been turned into some vicious activity.

With this explanation, from now on, whenever anything of that little self disturbs you, will you just raise your hand and rip it out of yourselves and throw it in the Violet Flame and say: ” ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ expand Your Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love thru me! Fulfill Your Cosmic Plan and expand Your Cosmic Light thru me! Release Your Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Perfection thru me! Hold Your Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Protection, of Cosmic Love about me and give me Thy Cosmic Victory! Make me Thy Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love in full manifestation! Give me Thy Full Illumination and move me forward the Cosmic Fulfillment of Thy  Law! Make me the Law of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love in action thru this flesh form; and dissolve all unlike Thy Glory, Thy Freedom, Thy Victory and Thy Perfection!”

Gather your momentum of this and command Great Cosmic Miracles made manifest, by the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love, sustained and expanded to bless all Creation! Then, the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan moves into outer action in your daily affairs, and the obstructions on your pathway will disappear in the future.

The Lords of the Blue Flame from the Great Central Sun are Those who wield this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love in Its Cosmic Infinite Power! Therefore, that Pressure of the Blue Flame which They draw around an individual who will persistently call for this Power to dissolve every problem, will clothe them with Itself and you will find Legions of the Mighty Beings of the Blue Flame, handling conditions ahead of you and around you, of which your intellect knows absolutely nothing.

It is imperative that you have this Explanation before much concentration of the Power of the Flame–the Sacred Fire for healing purposes is drawn forth! When the Cosmic Powers, the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Healing Power is delegated to an individual, to produce the manifestation for which you call, then the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love must be in full command! Then, as you call forth the Miracles, Perfection and Cosmic Power of Cosmic Love, you will find the Mighty Mighty Action of that Sacred Fire increasing and playing upon the atomic structure of an individual whom you wish to heal; until cell by cell, there will reappear the Full Perfection of the etheric pattern fulfilled and again the physical form stands whole; but you cannot do it without ENOUGH LOVE!

Remember the Words in those Blessed Books–“Only enough Love can draw you back into the Perfection  you once knew and may become again” and that Cosmic Love, that Love to which Saint Germain referred, is the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love from the Hearts of the Cosmic Beings who have built the world upon which you live!

        It is the Cosmic Action of your own Blessed Electronic Body who occupies Its Time and Its Activity in the Universe by creating Perfection at Cosmic Levels of manifestation; while your Higher Mental Body stands as the Silent Watcher over your outer physical activities; and supplies and directs you in what you need; but the Greater Part of yourself–your Electronic Presence, is wielding this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love in the Manifestations which It draws forth to produce Perfection for this whole System of Worlds. That is the Activity of the Electronic Presence, the “I AM Presence” of every Life Stream! That is how the Forces of the System are governed by the Individualizations of the Flame from the Central Sun which abide within the Electronic Bodies of mankind in the “Mighty I AM Presence”! With your conscious Love and call to that Presence, you may have Its Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love expanded, to render service thru your flesh forms, just as well as by Its Own Direction of It to Cosmic Levels of Activity; but you must make the call! You must open the door from this side of Life! Your Presence will not refuse you! Your Higher Mental Body will not refuse you! Neither will any Ascended Master nor Cosmic Being!

I come today, to give you this Explanation, because It must be given! You must understand It! Then draw forth Its momentum before the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan for which you call, can take place! Its momentum must be drawn forth before the Power can be delegated to you or focused within these Temples, Homes or Schools for Our Service to the mass of mankind!

Do you know, my beloved ones, to what degree you  can control that Cosmic Flame around you; and to what intensity the Lords of the Blue Flame from the Great Central Sun will hold Their Cosmic Blue Flame of Cosmic Purity around you? If you had a Tremendous Momentum of that under Their Guard, do you know you could walk thru some of your military camps and evil would die before it could express! I think that is a Service to Life well worth disciplining the outer self, in order to render to those Life Streams this assistance which you can give. Their Love and Gratitude will pour back to you for eternity for the Freedom given.

Those conditions cannot be purified except by the Fire Element and the Pressure of the Cosmic Light! No other thing can do it; but when you understand the Full Power within the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love of which I speak; and which “I AM” anchoring here today in and around each of you; when you know the Full Power which is within that Cosmic Flame, then will your hearts sing with joy, when you are able to go forth and undo the damage of all the human has imposed upon Life!

Supposing this Power were suddenly delegated to this Messenger; a Temple brought forth and just a few cases were healed or hundreds were restored, the eyes and the bodies perfected–supposing that Power were given to a dozen people; what do you think would be the surge of those in the outer world, to come near them within twenty-four hours? That is why you need to gather your momentum of Cosmic Protection! That is why you need to consciously call forth Cosmic Protection and Cosmic Wisdom to handle such a situation. You need to call forth the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love and the Cosmic Action of the Unfed Flame, to hold the Balance everywhere!

Your opportunity to render service is almost without limit while you are yet in these atomic forms; and when I see the need of mankind; when I see what you can do;  when I see what your Life Streams will do thru you, Oh My dear ones, please don’t waste a moment on the things of the little self longer! You CAN render this Service to Life! You have the Understanding! You have been provided with a Place of Purity, into which you may come and have this Law explained to you.

Will you BE My “Crystal Cup” of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love, to My Beloved Life Streams upon earth? They are all dear to Me! They are all dear to the Ascended Masters! They might not seem quite so dear to your human self; but beloved ones, remember! even the most limited of some of those in the outer world today, are the Twin Rays of some Life Stream, which might be ascended! Do you not think it a tragedy in the Universe, when one part of a Life Stream has attained the Ascension and the other one has gone perhaps to the depths of degradation?

For instance your black magicians in the Compound; some are the Twin Rays of some of those who are ascended. Oh, what a tragedy before Life, precious ones, when you see Life in Our Great Cosmic Capacity! I do not see how any one could longer desire anything for the little self; a self that is so little in comparison to the Great Service you can give, when you understand Life and know that you are a part of every atom of Life in Infinite Space. How can you dwell longer in just the carrying out of your own ideas, when this Great Service to Life stands waiting! You have the capacity to give, and We stand ready to illumine you, and tell you how to hold the Protection to help you.

Oh, live for the Freedom of the world, precious ones! Live for the Ascension of every Life Stream! Pass no judgment on what you see! If it be less than Perfection, then it is but the shadow of energy misqualified; but Life abides within it and must some day come into Perfection.

Let the Flame of Cosmic Love expand thru your  hearts today, and with that desire to render service to the many; with your determination to hold the protection and purify yourselves, I will wrap you in My Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love and make you the Manifestation of the Powers to do these things! The Mastery within your Life and the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Protection and Cosmic Authority, shall blaze Its Freedom wherever you move; joy beyond words to express shall flood your Beings; and you shall give forth Freedom and Blessing, as an Ocean of Love and Perfection to Life wherever you move. You shall raise your hands and those bodies shall arise whole! You shall raise your hands and the substance of earth be purified at your command! This Power is within Life and this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love is the Supreme Dominion, the Scepter of Dominion, which it is your privilege to pour forth when you love Life as We do!

The “Crystal Cup” can be full and overflowing with that Sacred Fire which harmonizes all, heals all, balances all, supplies all and protects all! That is the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan! You have standing before you this afternoon, a Wide Open Door into all the Glory that Heaven contains and earth must some day become! In your constant calling for the Divine Plan to be fulfilled by that Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love, there is naught you cannot accomplish!

If you will stand with Me and give your Decrees, We shall one day, together with These Other Great Beings of Cosmic Love, make every military camp on this planet as Crystal clear and Pure as this room, and the rest shall have been dissolved and consumed from the memory of Life forever; from the records of the Universe and replaced by the Divine Plan fulfilled of God’s Destiny of Perfection for all! Is it not worth it, precious ones?

If you could see as We do, the heart cries from those precious ones! Their calls in the midst of that darkness  for some kind of help and protection against what they are in, my dear beloved ones, you would not spend one second ever again on anything, except the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan which Life offers you: to free those precious ones from human distress.

May you ever abide within the “Crystal Cup” of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love! You know not yet the purpose for which the Unfed Flame was brought into this Sanctuary, anchored with Pelleur’s Domain, blest and directed by your Precious Goddess of Justice and the Seven Mighty Kumaras in the atmosphere of earth; pouring forth Their Balancing Power of the Cosmic Flame of Their Cosmic Love, to bring Perfection once again upon the earth!

Beloved Frederick, you may do this thru your music and may We give you Protection until there will come forth thru the “I AM” Music of the Spheres, such Assistance as has never been given in any age on this earth!

“I AM” revealing this today, because at no time in the history of the earth have so many of mankind been at war. Therefore, Life is offering more of Itself in the Flame of Its Cosmic Love, to offset that greater destruction. Thru your “I AM” Music of the Spheres and these “I AM” Music Temples of Healing, We can hold the balance and return mankind again to the Pathway of Light and make everything the Perfection which Life intends. As you really accept and make your application to draw this Power forth to render this Service, you could never again in all eternity know one moment’s distress–never! If you are ready to discipline yourselves and compel that human to be no more, you become the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love–a “Crystal Cup” of Its Dazzling Essence and you can pour to Life everywhere that which brings Perfection.

Can there be any greater joy? This Cosmic Power,  my beloved ones, you can draw without any limit whatsoever and never anything but Perfection be the result. Is it not worthwhile to live for an Ideal so Great; so practical, so tangible, so ready to fill your world? I hope you love Life enough to do it. I shall love you and pour My Love to you ceaselessly; and may we all draw forth into the physical octave, this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love to produce these Manifestations, which will raise mankind so quickly and undo the unfortunate activities of the last few years.

Your Beloved Saint Germain, that Great Blessed Cosmic Being, was willing this morning to come to a hand full of people, to try to clear away that which binds them to distress. I am sure you are willing to go with Me to the ends of the earth and use this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love to set free all Life from human qualities. Live for the Freedom and Perfection of Life to all, and all will give you the best they have; then you shall not know one moment’s distress ever again.

I know the Power of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love! I know It is the Supreme Authority of the Universe! There is no substitute for It! Therefore, BE Its Reality! Walk as the Fulfillment of the Law and let that Flame play thru you Its Song of Life, and experience My loved ones the Thrill, the Joy, the Power of commanding the individual to arise and say: “BE thou made whole”! Jesus did it! He said all men should do it! Saint Germain told you that one day every human being would use Jesus’ Words with Fulfillment! I AM showing you His Master Power! He told you that Acknowledgment which He gave for three years: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence of Pure Divine Love that transcends every human concept, and that opens the Door to me to all the Light within Its Heart.” That was what enabled Him to be the Manifestation of His Victory!

You, today, may draw forth this Cosmic Flame of  Cosmic Love to which I refer and go forth and do as He did! You can, My beloved ones! Make your calls! Give the obedience! We will help you hold the Protection and release Our Love to amplify yours, and the human cannot stand against Us longer. I would, today, that there were enough of mankind ready to do this that in one afternoon or evening of Our Out-pouring, the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love could surge throughout your land and shut off the action of all that is not Freedom and Victory to Life!

My Beloved ones, your Beloved Saint Germain has given you so much. He is so magnificent, and this which I offer you today, will assist Him to His Cosmic Victory! Then, He can say to Those Who govern the System: “These who wield the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love are My Family of Light and are purifying the earth! Watch and see their Light expand.” As that surges and covers the earth, the Cosmic Beings who govern this System of Worlds, hold Him and His Cosmic Victory in Their Loving Embrace!

He has worked so long! He is so wonderful! He has answered your every call! Do this for Him and I will help you! It will help Him greatly in His Protection for America and the Freedom of her people, from that which wants to engulf them in the distress of the rest of the world! Come! BE My Flame, My Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love! Command these things and I will help you; and time will tell what Our Devotion to the Light and Our Service together has meant for the Freedom of America and the world!

May your own Beloved “Mighty I AM Presence” open Its Heart to you, each one, and tell you all that the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love means to you and to Life everywhere! May It show you Its Divine Plan and give you Its Assistance to that Fulfillment until your Ascension!

With the Mightiest Love I know how to pour forth, I seal you now in the Great Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love in Its Great Cosmic Protecting Power; in Its Great Cosmic Accomplishing Power; and in Its Cosmic Supply of everything required beyond all you can even imagine. It shall go forth to bless you and give you the Freedom to render this Service, by the Power of the “Sacred Fire that none can put out.”

Not all the world can prevent My Love enfolding you! Therefore, none can put out the Flame in My Heart, nor after It has enfolded you. So that phrase means many things and to you this hour, may It be spoken eternally!

I thank you and love you and bless you for the Harmony, the Purity, the Perfection and Protection maintained here! Now may this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love expand everything into the Perfection of the Divine Plan Fulfilled! May the Song of the Light, the “I AM” Music of the Spheres and Its Instantaneous Miraculous Healing Flames, go forth to release every Life Stream into Perfection and blaze the Ascension for all.

Throughout your beloved America this hour, may that Cosmic Flame sweep into everyone within her borders, and all concerning her destiny; and make her Our Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love and the Divine Plan fulfilled, for the Freedom and Victory of the Light forever.

Thank you, beloved ones of the Light! May the Mighty Lords of the Blue Flame from the Great Central Sun, come and stand by your side to guard you, until your Momentum of this call is forever your own Protection. You may have It in whatever intensity you desire and all the Power that you require for your Victory!

In the Love of My Heart and the Cosmic Flame of Its Eternal Invincible Protection, I thank you!



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


    • Thank you for being there for all of us during this time. I call everyday, many times for the Violet Flame to transmute all human misqualified energy. Freedom and VIctory to America and the all the people of the World.

  1. Thank you, Cosmic Beings of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love, for assisting us in receiving this. I love you.


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