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New Zealand sets up mandatory quarantine ‘camps’ for COVID patients
I am so amazed that none of the stories about Hawaii ever get in the news. This is still the US here as far as I know. We have had the longest lockdown of any state. There has been a quarantine hotel in Waikiki! of all places since the summer. We are still limited for group gatherings, restaurant attendance, church, gyms, no school buildings, no bars, etc. We can go to the beach now with groups of 5 so that’s something (supposed to wear those masks though). Some tourism started a few weeks ago but better have a neg test or q hotel for you. And should any travel out of state or another island- better have that neg test. Don’t need to look at another country for tyranny; come to HI (pack neg test and mask).
Hi Alice…im sorry to hear of this terrible control over Hawaii. Like the whole world it is evil and demonic. But hang in there. It will be over soon be over. Its not a virus its all do do with World control by the WEF.
Klaus Schwab and the cabal deepstate.
Watch Mel K show and Simonparkes.org and robertdavidsteele.
The whole world is crying. But our tears will finish soon. Don’t take the vaccine.
It will cause harm or worse death!.
Just wake up to what is happening.
The world is coming into the Great Awakening. We have been lied to all our lives. Now its time to wake up.
Prayers and love
The PCR tests are a test for A Corona virus anti-bodies. So if you have EVER had a flu with a chest infection, you WILL test positive for A Corona virus, not THE COVID-19 virus as they can’t be that specific with their testing.
So all this MSM hype about ‘cases’ is total BS and only serves to bring in their Totalitarian agenda and mandatory vaccines.
I am in NZ & whilst I realise the massive violations of basic human rights as well as violations of the trust the NZ people (& the people of the world) have placed in their governments, to my knowledge, these are not “camps” prime minister Ardern is speaking about. The quarantine facilities mentioned are simply hotels designated to quarantining those entering the country or who have tested positive through the bullshit pcr testing (that we all know are hugely inaccurate & don’t actually test for the “virus”). This is no different to how other countries, such as Australia, are (wrongfully) treating returning citizens or positive tests.
We must share accurate well vetted information in order to minimise the ammunition that can be used against the truth of things.
There are no rising covid cases? This is tyranny! oh we have all the swear names like the EU. Biden and the demonrats will not be in power they will be in jail. Doing it for tyranny time the police refused to conform to illegal dictates of these criminals. Biden will not win!