Finding the “Life-Lineage”
By Katharina Bless
In this chart we can see the benevolent aspects (blue) and the trine from the sun/moon conjunction goes to Uranus. Now this is the kick-off for the revolution from “we, the people” that is like a stampede through the world.
This will cause a lot of cognitive dissonance, anger or sadness/depression. A lot of facts that will surface is for those who are still believing in Mainstream very difficult to even look at and many will loose the ground under their feet for a while.
Uranus is not telling things very gently, its more like lightening! But it looks very promising since it’s a trine, it’s a gift for those who want to wake up and understand what really is going on. Once you know and the guessing stops, it’s easier to accept and heal the hurt.

Only what we face can go away.
There are very interesting trines from Mars to Pluto, Mercury to Saturn and Venus to Jupiter. They all come out of Virgo and and two are in the same element which is very easy to understand, but the one from Mars to Pluto is going into Sagittarius in 8th house. Now this one can be the greatest gift, if we find this darkness within and in the same time we face the darkness out there, allow it to trigger the darkness within so it can be healed.
We can see that all the planets from Uranus up to Pluto are retrograde. It looks like those gifts that touch personal planets, are directly from a higher realm to make sure that all those who are ready to move on to the higher frequency are getting ready!
You can see that this is the real Lion’s gate now and it is connected with many powerful “pushes” to help. The chaotic situation in the moment, can be mastered when you understand what is going on. That this is kind of the “finals” for many in this University… Universe….

The teachers of all the different faculties have given out the papers for the test and even given many hints and helping suggestion to make sure we can see better. This energy is not just for individuals, but for the whole humanity in a benevolent way.
The tensions in this chart is that so many are not ready to let go of the old ways. If you enter the “tunnel” to the other side, there is nothing much that you can take with you. In this case we are still in the physical body and it’s not about physical possession, but many are too much focused on this level and not able yet to see the journey. In the process of harvesting, we also have to harvest “karma fruit” and need to look at them and then decide what we want to keep and what is not helpful along the way.
Venus with the square to Pluto shows that many are not ready to face their darkness within and are still blaming others and “the world” for their misery. Those can only move forward when the are ready to accept that they create their own reality.
It is similar with the one-and-a-half square from Mercury to ret. Jupiter. The expansion can only happen within and not reach the outside world. Once you expand you limited beliefs and accept that there is another side to every thing, you will be able to clear that karma of narrow mindedness which is based in fear brainwashed into every human being which lead to insecurity, lack of self esteem cowardice and much more.

Neptune shows that there still is a lot hidden, unclear and deception in the ways of information on the planet. Moving through this Lion’s gate can only the one who is ready to take back his/her power and remember that she/he is a living diving being.
From the AC in Gemini that shows the unfinished business to the MC in Aquarius, which is the goal we can recognize the path from talking and understanding with the mind to the break through into letting the Inspiration (In Spirit) take over and guide humans with the Information from the next higher level the we can reach… or that can reach us!
This can happen when we are ready to step into our divine heritage, into the power of the “life-lineage” and not the “blood lineage”. There we find out who we really are, beyond the “persons” (mask, costume) the real spiritual being that is having a human experience.
Many blessings,

For those new to my readings, please check out the latest Introduction because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology:
A guide to Life’s Pilgrimage and the Soul’s Path of Evolution
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