Home Full Disclosure WHISTLEBLOWER WARNING: Pentagon Illegally Targeting Americans With Secret Weapon

WHISTLEBLOWER WARNING: Pentagon Illegally Targeting Americans With Secret Weapon


From redvoicemedia.com:

“Well, these operations just don’t stop. You have people who have either a political or financial interest in having them continue.”

It started out as a psychological operational tactic developed by the U.S. military to use against terrorist organizations abroad. It appears to have ended up as a Democrat Party strategy to defeat President Trump in the 2020 election. Dr. J. Michael Waller is a defense expert and was the first to spot it.



Scott Wheeler: What is defeat disinfo?

Dr. Jay Michael Waller: Defeat disinfo was an entity run in the spring-summer of 2020 by military people, former military people supportive of Joe Biden, and it was designed to enhance a disinformation narrative about Russian collusion and all these other things that have been disproven. But they were using their military prestige to make their own disinformation seem like it was anti disinformation.

Scott Wheeler: Using their own disinformation wrapped in a cloak of this is anti disinformation?

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  1. The biggest weapon was use of mainstream media to spin the story. Social media has both positive and negative influence (depending on your perspective). But out and out lies, and propaganda are still in use just as they were during both world wars. Say something loud enough and often enough and people will believe it's true.


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