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AJ DePriest Uncovers The Enormous Covid Bribes To All Education And Hospitals From The US Government
Is this in Spanish?
Please!?!? Please look into Wahington State. The Gov Inslee is being just as evil. This is absolute insanity. And it's true about people are dying only in hospitals. They won't let anyone in the hospitals with their loved ones. And I'm in agreement with the ramdesivir (?spelling) and ventilators. All need to be held accountable. From the CDC all the way down to the hospitals. These drs should already know. Uuugh,,, so frustrating.
I went to the hospital with pneumonia after 2 weeks of fighting covid. I refused remdesevir and when the doctor asked me why I simply said the risk/benefit ratio wasn't worth it and she agreed with me. Refuse remdesevir.
Informative interview. Thanks.
How can I find links to share with people in my area showing the things the school must enforce to get these funds? Thank you!
You have to call your local county health department and ask them who handles public funds request (FOIA). Send an email to that person and cc another govt official so they can’t deny that you requested the info. Tell them you are requesting all COVID related money that was sent to your state with each county listed. All monies from ARP, CARE, or any other govt program that is related to COVID in 2020 and 2021.