From starlight432.blogspot:
“Is the notion of a new earth not just another utopian vision? Not at all. All utopian visions have this in common: the mental projection of a future time when all will be well, we will be saved, there will be peace and harmony and the end of our problems. There have been many such utopian visions. Some ended in disappointment, others in disaster.
At the core of all utopian visions lies one of the main structural dysfunctions of the old consciousness: looking to the future for salvation. The only existence the future actually has is as a thought form in your mind, so when you look to the future for salvation, you are unconsciously looking to your own mind for salvation. You are trapped in form, and that is ego.
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,” writes the biblical prophet. The foundation for a new earth is a new heaven – the awakened consciousness. The earth – external reality – is only its outer reflection. The arising of a new heaven and by implication a new earth are not future events that are going to make us free. Nothing is going to make us free because only the present moment can make us free. That realization is the awakening.
Awakening as a future event has no meaning because awakening is the realization of Presence. So the new heaven, the awakened consciousness, is not a future state to be achieved. A new heaven and a new earth are arising within you at this moment, and if they are not arising at this moment, they are no more than a thought in your head and therefore not arising at all. What did Jesus tell his disciples? “Heaven is right here in the midst of you.”
Source: (This is “A New Earth,” which is the sequel to “The Power of Now.” “The Power of Now” should be read first to understand terminology in “A New Earth.”)
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Thank you, Starry Light, I can follow your reasoning for quite a good length, and I'm not a believer in a fixed outcome and a heavenly place that is waiting for us, in the future, with promises of dates and events that sometimes seem to be equal to the rabbit tails on a dog race circuit, never ever caught.
I believe that this testimony of a survivor of the ancient Mayans in South America, called Micca, is interesting to join with the reading of your post. Even when the experiences described aren't verifiable that much, or even important in the sense of being real, the living conditions, plus the cause-and-effect on Micca's people, the influence of so-called saviours, who stealth wise found a way to enter Micca's society, in a triumph of AI's heartless intelligence over these people, are quite similar to our present-day living conditions all over planet earth.
I can imagine how many souls of present-day living humans carry a seed-fear of a once-fallen civilisation, where they were part of, active in, or suffering from, finding a miserable death even.
It's my belief that my own acting on what I truly know to be valuable, and nurturing, in service to life and love, will grow the seed of confidence, and that this attitude creates the building blocks for self-reliance, alone in private, and in the connection with others, be it a community, neighbourhood or family and siblings. A condition of living together that will lead to an experience of Heaven on Earth. Including the Event? Who knows? The sun is a conscious living being, as much as planet Earth, it's possible that on that large scale of cosmic development, an event of literal enlightenment will happen one day. Only, I imagine that it'll be a certain liberated level of our collective consciousness that will determine the moment of such an Event.
So that in each moment of our NOW we're having an impact on what the future brings. Waiting for Heaven on Earth while excluding oneself from the alchemy and the magical transformation that lies in waiting within us, for an awakening, a coming to light, to me, is a denial of our ability to create our reality from within. And I'm convinced, by experience, that we are glorious creators put to the test in these weird times of many things in an upside-down position, with much that isn't real.
We're the changers as much as the ones who are changed 😉
Here's inner earth Micca with his testimony about his people's fate:
Devon Seamoor, thank you for the thoughtful comment! I read the link, and thought I'd post a couple paragraphs:
"Make no mistake, there will be no Angelic ET's coming to our rescue or aid until we do our part. Telling stories of victory may make us feel better, but only through action will we ever attain the victory so many are storytelling about now. Stories of liberation by saviors may be comforting but they also cause those who believe them to waste a lot of time that could be used to secure liberation on their own."
"I cannot emphasize enough that there will be no Angelic ET's coming to our rescue or aid until we step up to do our part. Stories of humanity's liberation by saviors may be comforting, but they prevent us from individual action to secure liberation on our terms."
Yeah, it's all about the Now, which is what so many people are placing as irrelevant. If the Now is neglected, so is the future. This is why I'm focusing on my internal state, and not getting caught up in all the 'stuff' in the outside world, or wondering about meaningless projected timeframes into the future, where the goalpost keeps getting moved ahead endlessly.
Being in the Now and doing internal work is much easier said than done, but has become priority #1. Also, another friend on my blog commented a useful link:
Thank you, I fully agree with the value and importance of being in the present moment, for isn't that where the action is? 😉 And what about when action is mixed with attention, the experience may bring awareness with insight, and clarification, so that one grows wiser? Instantly or a little later? Nowadays, I exercise in doing things in new ways, changing habitual reactions. My 2 kittens are very helpful in showing me how to be in the present moment, alert, just be with what's in their world. And in their feeding bowls 😉