By Hunter Fielding,

A Republican lawmaker and his “entire family” have been killed in a tragic plane crash in Utah.

The tragedy comes shortly after North Dakota State Senator Doug Larsen, who died along with his wife and children, demanded an investigation into the “long-term health effects” of Covid mRNA vaccines.

Sen. Larsen made the call during a statement on the state’s Senate floor.

The Republican senator’s death was confirmed by his fellow legislator and Majority Leader David Hogue.

The plane was piloted by Doug Larsen which crashed Sunday evening after he took off from Canyonlands Airfield about 15 miles north of Moab.

Grand County Sheriff’s Department statement posted on Facebook saying all four people on board the plane were killed.

On Monday, the sheriff’s department noted: “The county’s dispatch center received a report of an isolated incident involving a single aircraft taking off from the Canyonlands Regional Airport and then crashing into the ground.”

“Senator Doug Larsen, his wife Amy, and their two young children died in a plane crash last evening in Utah,” Hogue’s email quoted by CBS News read, adding that “they were visiting family in Scottsdale and returning home. They stopped to refuel in Utah.”

National Transportation Safety Board has commenced an investigation into the small piper plane crash.

Local emergency services and authorities promptly responded to the call after a medical aircraft spotted the downed plane, the sheriff’s office said.

An NTSB spokesman earlier said a board investigator was expected to arrive at the scene Monday “to begin to document the scene, examine the aircraft, request any air traffic communications, radar data, weather reports and try to contact any witnesses. Also, the investigator will request maintenance records of the aircraft, and medical records and flight history of the pilot.”


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    – Bill GATES 👿 ✡︎
    – Stanley C. ERCK : PDG de Novavax ✡︎
    – Stéphane BANCEL : PDG de Moderna ✡︎
    – Pascal SORIOT : PDG de Astrazeneca ✡︎
    – Albert BOURLA : PDG de Pfizer ✡︎
    – Larry FINK & Rob KAPITO : PDG Blackrock ✡︎
    – Mortimer J. BUCKLEY : PDG Vanguard ✡︎
    – Léonard SCHLEIFER : PDG Regeneron Pharmaceuticals ✡︎
    – Alexander GINTSBURG : directeur de l'Institut de recherche Gamaleya ✡︎
    – Serge WEINBERG : pdt du conseil d’administration de Sanofi ✡︎
    – Mikael DOLSTEN : président de Recherche / Développement Pfizer ✡︎
    – Tal ZAKS : créateur du vaccin Moderna ✡︎
    – Klaus SCHWAB : pdt du Forum Économique Mondial & petit-fils d’un Rothschild ✡︎
    – Laurent FABIUS : pdt du conseil constitutionnel qui a validé le pass sanitaire ✡︎
    – Agnès BUZYN : sinistre de la maladie responsable de l'interdiction de l'hydroxychloroquine ✡︎
    – Jérôme SALOMON : DG de la santé truquant les chiffres covid ✡︎
    – Yves LEVY pdt de l’INSERM & Buzyn inaugurent le P4 de Wuhan ✡
    – Jean-François DELFRAISSY : pdt du conseil scientifique du cohen-19 ✡︎
    – Martin HIRSCH : directeur des hôpitaux de Paris ✡︎
    – Gabriel Attal enculé rend vax obligatoire pour les enfants de 6 mois à 12 ans ! ✡︎ 😨
    – Alain Fischer : M. Vax du gouvernement, membre de la fondation Rothschild ✡︎
    – Emmanuelle MACARONI présidente homo-trans de la ripouxblic Fronçaise ✡︎
    – Élisabeth BORNSTEIN dernière sinistre de la ripouxblic Fronçaise ✡︎
    – François BRAUN sinistre du génocide anti-blancs de la maladie & de l'empoisonnement des masses ✡︎

    Tous des enculés de ((( you👺pins ))), parasites, pédophiles, fiottes, trans, psychopathes, génocideurs ..

    Résultat de la MEGA arnaque / psyop ((( youtre ))) du ' Rhume-19 ' ou ' Couillonavirus ' ( le seul VRAI crime contre l'humanité !!!! ) 20 000 000 de morts & 2 000 000 000 d'effets secondaires !!!!

  2. CIA/MOSSAD?? The plane crash of 'JFK' Jr. is also questionable. He was creating for himself a Platform, 'Magazine', that He intended to use, for questioning, investigating in front of the public, what happened to his DAD and UNCLE! That was too dangerous for the Demonic Powers That Be! PRESTO!


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