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Hamas Leader Blows Whistle: We Are “CIA Psy-Op” To Advance Globalist Agenda
Yes we already worked that out the whole thing is to push a war to create world war 3 and it is the Jesuits, black nobility, dragon families, and order of the black sun, They want to kill as many people as possible they have all the races of the world fighting each other and hating each other to break our unity. it is all a Psyop for their world dominance agenda and we the people are used as a burnt offering and our blood sacrificed to their God Satan or Lucifer. Look up the British Pilgrim Society they have creates all these factions like ISIS The Taliban etc. Refuse to allow them to make you go to war or kill your fellow humans. These people were never in charge of everything they just use their media to make you believe it. https://youtu.be/lbjlKB9vX4I?si=U2P13dD9bF0bz3R7 and also