Why are we paying for their war? When will we start asking these questions. Give til it hurts you cattle…

via RT:

Israel’s war on Hamas will cost the country $53 billion and hamper economic growth into 2024, according to figures published by the Bank of Israel on Monday. Fighting has been paused since a truce came into effect on Friday, but the Israeli military is expected to resume operations in Gaza this week.

Direct military spending will account for $29 billion of the $53 billion total, the bank stated, adding that this figure includes military aid provided by the US. Compensation for damage will come to $6 billion, while other civilian expenditure will come to $6.75 billion. Lost tax revenue and interest on government debt will make up the remainder.

Source: https://citizenwatchreport.com


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  1. Drain the Swamps, Disassemble AND REMOVE ! all governments (they all are only Tyrannosaurus string tied monkey minions) in a form of by their ranks of corporate institutes " Loan-Sharks " muscling the lies in threats of, prime directive ! ? Did you make money working ? thinking its yours to keep by working a what for.

    And that what is hundreds of thousands of work hours per person. They simply expect all to pay their 10% back in tax ( and obvious that too has been broken controls to have climbed up to 50% or more 64% of your income range taxing) ALL GOES BACK INTO THEIR POCKETS. Sorry to say Religious sectors all do this where by tricks of spells and words assembled to promote fear mongering to push and pull out your purse to give handsomely.
    The offering plate comes out 5x in 40 mins. Take a few pebble and place those onto the .. Plate ..

    the ET call home money to Blackrock Vangards of capitol 'Pile'. BTC has mechanism 'code' in its block chain constructs.

    They rake in the money back for nothing, just as has over time now the new Brics Movement everyone else who is seeing into the zero value of swift fiat money as zero valued.
    Quickly building around this tinsel melting cheap paper. And now as Brics is commanding to influence by other countries wanting to Add in by simple request. Go figure, Gold backed.
    All are buying positioning as much gold in their holdings to replace the paper wrap their now no longer trading in empty value poo-Paper.

    There is your secret Truth to Money.

    And the beat goes on.

  2. only viewing the pic on this in a sense a quickie pop to mind has to bend a little in laughter. And the USA picks up the the xyz " Billi buck Tab."
    By some this person is already dealt with. Other feature be almost true to become pay with what monopoly money – like the debt there is no debt they simply print more toilet paper monopoly money. Money is not real look, really really close and they like to change this always. On any bill, possibly any all world bills.

    " This is not money but a legal tender to place as money ". And only the number to value reference its ink factor.
    ^{now you know its all fake} ^ ^ [ zero value – gold silver platinum – Backed – have value ].

    So how many playing Monopoly today. we have 6{global gobbermunt unficials all to play}. an a few more awaiting turn. Plastic model placements from Go to Jail, and around the globe
    or is it the board these war mongers like to play with 4 sheets of ply a pool cue rake and little green and brown Plastic men.
    Then place it all on the 4x rail wrap it around Venice ave and spin right thru boardwalk and pass go. "Again".

    Going into joke shops and buying the 2pk of Toilet paper printed like Money is all the same thing. As swift fiat money goes, its empty value is only good for "The Job is not finished until the paper work is done"

    Hence Monopoly money. Cost does not exist debt does not exist the eli'utes in hope soon shall all not …….

    Bring it on the new changes into 5D from the start side up. Place your foot here and wait for the green light.

  3. What Americans have got the tab for that evil atrocity because the government is broke – their idiotic shenanigans has caused so much death and damage for no good reason and for no gain. We are all sick of their games and the public is becoming more aware of the way they operate I am glad to say.


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