The Healing Group Invites You to Our Last Call of 2023

Saturday, December 16, 2023
9 am Pacific, 12 pm Eastern, 6 pm London, 7 pm France
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Train Your Mind to Heal Your Body

This Saturday, we will expand on last week’s introduction on how to correct your vibration.

Let’s take a look at our language and thoughts.  Do you realize that your thoughts and words can negatively or positively program your body?  Most of you will remember the old computer programmers expression “garbage in garbage out”.  We need to remain aware of our thoughts and how we talk about issues within the body.

Imagine the first thing you do when coming out of the doctor’s office.  Your thoughts may be racing… “Oh, my doctors said I have Anxiety, or I have migraine headaches.” But you don’t need to accept that language. You can reprogram it!

We often act in a way that matches how we define ourselves. Is there something you want to heal, an emotional issue, digestive issue, a broken limb? How are you discussing it out loud or in your head?

  • I’m having one of my migraines
  • My tommy aches
  • My big toe hurts

Are you discussing it as “My” or “I”, an ownership of the malady? Like My car or my Home? The first thing is to never describe it as “MY” illness, or my cancer journey.

Our mind will hear and react to what we are saying and make it real. For that reason, what we think and say is important if we wish to heal or prevent illness. Good programming in, good results out! It’s that simple.

We have a couple of videos you can watch if you want to get a head start on the topic. They were created by Marisa Peer, a world-renowned speaker, rapid transformational therapy trainer and best-selling author.

Train Your Mind To Heal Your Body | Marisa Peer

These 5 TRICKS Will COMPLETELY HEAL Your Body & Mind TODAY!” | Marisa Peer

We hope you’ll join us this Saturday to share in a discussion on how to be better aware of the language we are using and the words that can either harm or heal our bodies. More than that, how we think can be used for manifestation of things we want in our life!

This is our last Healing Group Meeting until February 2024, so we hope you come and bring along your holiday spirit!

Join the Healing Group Call
Time: Saturday, Nov 18, 2023 9am Pacific (or a few minutes before to check in with the group)
Meeting ID: 838 7511 8791
Passcode: 051259

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