This is an excellent interview exposing the history of the vaccine story, well worth watching.

In 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act into Law, inadvertently setting the table for the pharmaceutical industry to become the most influential industry on earth. But that isn’t the whole story. Barbara Loe Fisher, a pioneer of the Vaccine Injury Awareness movement, was at the table, fighting for families and children as this controversial law took form. Listen to Barbara as she tells the untold story of the 1986 Act and how it came to be. Learn the betrayal that paved the way for vaccine manufacturers to secure immunity from liability for their products, opening the door for the complete capture of the agencies charged with regulating the vaccine industry and protecting the public trust. This is 1986: The Untold Story.

AIRDATE: January 4, 2023. From Del Bigtree

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