A review of 9 Psyops over the decades that stood out to me as significant, although there are so many more examples. What is a Psyop? Psychological operations are the planned use of propaganda and other psychological actions having the primary purpose of influencing the opinions, emotions, and attitudes to influence objective reasoning, and ultimately the perceptions of people in order to hide a hidden agenda.

Historical Psyops:

PSYOP 1 We won WWII against the Nazis

PSYOP 2 Adolf Hitler died in The bunker and Heinrich Himmler committed suicide

PSYOP 3 We need rockets to overcome gravity and go into space

PSYOP 4 We need to use gasoline, nuclear and coal for power as there is no real alternative available

PSYOP 5 A lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK

PSYOP 6 In 1969 we went to the moon and just got some rocks and came back as seen on TV

PSYOP 7 The Mainstream Media The News you can Trust

PSYOP 8 The Medical System and the doctor’s Hippocratic Oath to “do no harm”

PSYOP 9 There are no secret space programs with advanced medical technology That is only science fiction We have only gone to the moon


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Come to think if its a psi-op definition now is the time to show what is spoken every single bit of it and all the other Tesla Tech "and All" that has been hidden/suppressed from all mankind last 250yr time frames and allow it "Surface access for all".

    Nuff of the Petroleum Jelly products being jammed into our vein and call it a "Treatment" We are now worthy of the rightful "Cure" in taking replacement of experimentation on the human peoples. Was not there an Oath of medicines and such to Cure heal prevent for such role certifications. Seems the $1.50 photo copy at wally mart appears to be "you can say these words 3x in a row, Your now a " Xyz ". practitioner. Burp!

    No longer can we accept just the glass show case advertisement.

    Bring out the all Tangible Open it and All Secret item base products, we all can Share in the Cure and reality of freedoms grant to all peoples. Not just the 40,000 Few in backwards mental mind set. We can just say no to such anomaly and right the statue of all mankind to stand for human rights and freedom all allowed at birth right. Love Light is the brightening adventure becoming. Love of all for all to whom we are. Those who believe to care not. Await to be blinded by the LIGHT. And then some.
    Bring It ON!
    Simply Human.

  2. What is a truth and who is a truth right to speak free. these 9 are simple an believable by the all suppressed toys some will leak are true and exist. IE: secret space programs long in effect. Yet as others in past whom have shared primary leaks, the Dark Clowns try to re-enact its all copyRight pattern, Disney up believable comparison and crap on/deflame slander to kill the originator for giving a truth,
    Yet still so many breeding on the flow of all time lies unknown to True_Belief what truths are real or unreal to their deceptive stumbles. Cheap and genetic drugs are not for meek at heart. Why their drugs they can keep. Light exposure and love drug is so much better to sense in cast it out,? if it come back no lie event, possibly there is truth to be further found to detail.

    Rest of the buzz, by such chaotic current smear campaigns are such to distort and simply befall all the deception plans worth the trick by source expression alone. What could be the all paid or puppet ball an chain "monkey on a long chain-link rope, able to now appear to talk.
    Is a facade' part of the trick, or is the wording just getting better the spell of its syrup, tasting more nutritious than this mornings continental slice of cheap coffee and cup o muffin. or is it a muffin top on a base of fuzzy mold filled bagel, made believe the fiction, looks like a duck yet farts like the monkey on cat food. Visual and audible filtering is really becoming an art or a codec of check list menu items, Spent to characterize the lie as if real. Kim 10 days o darkness. Now there's a typical lie made to believe in the marvel comic frame by digital AI distortion one might hurt to swallow. is it real or mis-information AI gone "Lo-batt Lo-batt" in repeat seeking for a pod to charge by. even Sophia is improving 'yet it' seems to hit all data index reference right. Truthers know lies can be proven.

    Way funny is bitchute 911 witness, 10-10 news all there ready commentator noise all paid and scripted. I was on the 92 fl and walked down 96 fl to escape. thermite paint inside job detonations by the book. KM details. So whats the lie when the facade can't even keep to its narrative. Sum it all up
    Trust only yourself by hard value learning a truth. Real truth nothing but the truth! {gud rukk}. Everything told is a lie and no one tells of the truth you can get free meal ticket on.
    That fortune cookie read was real "That wasn't chicken" The prism illusion is now seen by it's all life robbery of its evil value, shown of its rainbow of Lies deception and evil all order of slave command. Time to drain the swamps. Metal cage the lurker robot lucifer demons and time we all get real by the reality we had the carpet pulled from under all our feet.
    Drain their Silos of rotting toilet paper wealth and no longer slave bleed our Hard Earned and negate their common ordering commands. Time to return "Think" to those like terrible 10's in rebel yells "Never let the Kid Out!".
    I'm not going to "Pay Tax" and I'm not going to take out my bank to give to "Noooo-Body".
    "…. rite off" and start from there. think by now the Brics Euro charge, squeeze in $wall to ball breaking their $spinless$ backs. Sorry Santa Schwab yer credit showing _Zero_ do you have another card.

  3. Breaking News Intel !

    Thousands of Kim Goguens previous supporters in her groups over the last few years are

    turning on her with the Truth of her Zero Performance !

    As Per Thomas Williams and he has evidence ,

    Don't give Kim Goguen or Donald Trump any money, They tried to exterminate Humanity !

    as Per Thomas Williams the reason for Her dereliction of duty is due to Kim Goguen

    Funding Donald Trump Billions & Billions of Dollars for the poison vaccines and scamdemic

    early 2020 That's why she Lost access to the quantum system December 2020

    Thomas Williams also disclosed to the world Kim Goguen has a Marduk chip in her brain.

    hence her split personality's and anger management issues

    She is not ground command she is nothing.

    Since she lost access to the quantum system December 2020 as per Thomas Williams

    Truth honor and integrity show ,

    she has started using for her fake intel , SitReps based on Seers, channeling, clairvoyance

    & biofeedback readings evidence below youtube


    Don't vote for Trump or Biden they are both Black sun and on the same team with the elites !

    & join the new blueprint for humanity for " we the people for the people & by the people "

    the Triality choice created by Thomas Williams and Thi Team details below !


  4. Simply Remarkable "Dan the Man"
    Expressed words shares it all. There are Bread Loaves filling each side of these simple 9.

    Remember All the answers to our questions lie all within us. All we need do is look into ourselves look listen and Trust within. These truths resonate a higher frequency Bell Toll shaking the inner lies to simply shatter by now the truths Told. Filling in New Breath to relax and accept as Valued Truth. As new graduate I 1st started a job at TRW Data Point. can verify its tech was highly advanced as many caught up the rapid. Then wonders now the all life's pieces are fitting together.

    Next to action is the primary action/reaction opposing to now "Rid" Liars and mind control Freaks. simply put They can take their own poisons and we will no longer accept their narrative of control Any the longer.

    I am one to who Cares to Share to say. I stand as a human and have the right upon this planet to listen hear and accept Only the Truth for now on and all time forward.

    Shall we all share to:
    Mind to Mind Loving Heart to Heart an Soul to Soul, All share in this and commit everything to making the difference. No One Owns the anything of us and our person. No ONE. but the me and you singularly. "I Am."

    We are Born Free to Do So. In all the Light and Power "IN GOD WE TRUST"
    Amen to change. For its our turn in All New Beginnings.


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