Col Douglas Macgregor news/update today: Russia Ukraine war and United States of America geopolitics by Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

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  1. 26 June 2024
    FALSE FLAG ALERT! Russian MOD Warns United States Of Zionists aka grey aliens Set To Release Avian Bioweapon Ahead Of 2024 Election, Blame New Pandemic On Putin

    Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, issued a video briefing this week claiming the United States may soon launch a biological false flag to blame on the Kremlin.

    The U.S. military veteran and researcher known as WarClandestine on X posted a segment of the Kirillov statement, explaining the new report alleges the Pentagon relocated its secretive Ukrainian biolab operation to Africa.

    The Russian military general specifically said U.S. biolab activities are taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where a new variant of monkeypox that reportedly “causes miscarriage and has a fatality rate of 10 percent” is currently spreading.

    Kirillov also explained how the U.S. government is using third-party companies such as the Hunter Biden-linked groups Metabiota and EcoHealth Alliance, as well as a company called Quicksilver and over twenty others

    Come join the New Blueprint for Humanity for Peace !
    29 Solutions to fix the mess on this Planet ! including the American overhaul solution!

  2. Dear Galactic Central Sun and Cosmic Central Sun, and the Leaders and other People of Taiji-Men, the True Buddha School, Falun Gong, the Cosmotheist Church and Wolf Stoner of the National Alliance, Leaders and People of other new religious Movements, Kyle Hunt of the Renegade Tribune, Plethon, and whomever else it may concern,

    What Kind of supernormal Being is it, that hates deeply and wants Aryan-descent Whites mongrelized and exterminated out of Existence by just about everyone else?

    I do not accept any such Being as highly virtuous; besides, what Chances are there, that what the 2012 Portal Blog calls the Lurker is partly the aforementioned?

    Thanks for reading,

    — Elfriede Lentner,


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