Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired – Everyday Toxins Exposed

Research article by Rev. Kat Carroll

This is a long Exposé and I encourage you to take it in bite size chunks. Unless you’re a bit ADHD like me and like to be super focused. We like to show what’s happening in the world, and also what you can do about it. At the end of this article you’ll finds organizations you can join and how to help turn things around, especially in the States. Let’s Make America

Take your time and share the information with others that resonates strongly with you. 

In part 1 of this 3-part article (Wonders of the Pineal Gland), I shared the importance and health benefits we are blessed with via our pineal gland. A healthy pineal regulates your sleep and wake cycles, and your mood. Through its ability to convert external signals into hormones we can connect with higher consciousness for inspiration, religious, mystical experiences and creative thinking. It helps heal your body while you’re in deep sleep by stimulating growth hormones to  repair cell damage. As the pineal gland becomes calcified over time and exposure to toxins, individuals have trouble sleeping, less happiness and poorer health.  A calcified pineal gland is noted in all people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Without a healthy pineal gland, we become mentally and spiritually sluggish.

In this article, I focus on what causes the disruption and calcification of our pineal gland.  In Part III, I’ll reveal the foods and supplements that will help you detox, decalcify and support your pineal, and some practices that that will help stimulate your pineal gland.

History may end up calling this century the aluminum age. With the advent of ever-growing technologies, weapons, and chemical experimentation, our bodies have been exposed to substances and frequencies that were never meant to be in our environment yet, they’ve ended up in our food, air and have even been forced into our water and health products (including vaccinations).

Our bodies are normally magnificent at healing when properly fed and rested. But the bombardment of toxins, in the form of pollution, nuclear waste, microwaves, electro-magnetic fields, heavy metals and chemicals make it difficult for the body to heal or even absorb vital nutrients from food. The business models of this age and reliance on fossil fuels have yet to find solutions that are good for the environment without being bad for corporate bank accounts.  We can’t seem to convince the corporations that if we don’t make necessary changes now, we won’t be able to stop the decline of the biosphere and all life on this planet.

Why are so many sick and tired?
Life is so different from when I was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s. People were healthier because we got out and played together, walked more and didn’t spend hours in front of the TV, computers, or on cell phones.  Today we see the highest rates of cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and dementia in modern cities around the world. Many children have learning disabilities and new strains of old diseases. We are rampant with heart and lung disease and autoimmune disorders from years of exposure of heavy metals and chemicals.

Inflaming Information
Inflammatory responses are caused by toxins that make the body over produce certain hormones. This can lead to thyroid problems, weight gain, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, asthma, IBS, Crones disease and depression (just to name a few!). Heavy metals are linked with degeneration of the brain and nervous systems in our aging population and we see learning and behavior problems in our children. Modern medicine is, in part, responsible for some of the toxic reactions and there are nearly as many possible side effects for the diseases they are supposed to be treating. Many medications contain heavy metals, particularly vaccinations, and what’s given to infants is higher than the recommended exposure… And yet it still goes on!

Fluoride – Nothing to Smile About
I’m going to start and end this research with Fluoride since we can’t seem to get away from it as it’s in our tap water, canned and bottled food & drinks as well as almost all oral health care products.

Fluoride is considered the main cause of Pineal gland calcification. It’s an additive in public water, in our toothpaste and mouth washes and applied at office dental cleaning procedures. In the 1990s, a British scientist, Jennifer Luke, discovered that fluoride accumulates at high levels on the pineal gland causing calcification.

Fluoride appears naturally in the body as calcium fluoride. It’s mostly found in our bones and teeth.  It’s fine when naturally occurring but too much can cause problems later in life. Skeletal fluorosis is a bone disease caused by an excessive accumulation of fluoride in the bones. In advanced cases, skeletal fluorosis causes painful damage to bones and joints. It was added to our toothpaste and mouthwash after allegedly being found to reduce cavities where fluoride levels are naturally higher.  Water fluoridation is usually is accomplished by adding sodium fluoride), fluorosilicic acid, or sodium fluorosilicate to drinking water.

Calcification tends to become more severe with age, with many people experiencing symptoms of heavy calcification of the pineal gland by the time they are 17.  An MRI or X-ray would show a large lump of calcium phosphate on the pineal gland as well as in other parts of the brain and body.

Fluorides are compounds that combine the element fluorine with another substance. What is fluorine? Fluorine is the most reactive element of the periodic table, designated with the letter F.

Some fluorides occur naturally in soil, air, or water, although the levels of fluoride can vary widely. Just about all water has some fluoride and it’s also found in plant and animal food sources. While Calcium Fluoride is natural, Sodium Fluoride is the toxic waste that became a big money maker during the 50’s when the waste deposits (which are labeled dangerous by the EPA) began showing up in the city water. Low levels were tested and claimed to be non-toxic. The problem is that sodium fluoride accumulates in the body and brain through repeated micro-dosing.

Drinking a single glass of fluoridated water doesn’t pose a threat; It’s the accumulation through repeated exposure that causes the calcification and threat to our health. Think about your grandmother’s crusty old teapot or look at the pipe in this photo. This is what happens inside our blood vessels and around the pineal gland when calcium builds up.

It is undisputed that consuming high levels of sodium fluoride causes neurological damage. Harvard researchers questioned whether sodium fluoride in the drinking water was toxic to the developing human brain, and a study was developed to answer their question. The study found that “children in highly fluoridated areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas,” supporting the concerns of the adverse effect of high sodium fluoride exposure on children’s neurological development.”

Toxic Chemicals in Your Water – (link) 

“Fluoridation causes slight damage to a specific part of the brain [pineal gland], making it more difficult for the person affected to defend his freedom and causing the individual to become more docile towards authority. Fluoride remains one of the strongest anti-psychotic substances known and is contained in twenty-five percent of the major tranquilizers.”   Here is the link to the article on the practice of fluoridation and the company that was  involved.

A calcified pineal gland will not properly synthesize melatonin which disrupts your natural circadian rhythm. Without restful sleep your body has a harder time repairing damage and fighting infections and diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and more.

Chemical Experiments In WWII
What was happening in the 30’s and 40’s during WWII is well documented but largely kept quiet. You need to hunt for the articles and information. Sodium fluoride was being added to drinking water in work camps to make the workers sterile and easier to manage. It was introduced into the drinking water of as a form of “mass medication” to make the working population more docile and…. it passed through the blood stream to their children, (if parents could conceive).

According to a German chemist who was an official of the IG Farben chemical industries and a prominent figure in the Nazi movement at the time, water fluoridation started in the 1930’s:

“mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force people in their concentration camps into calm submission.

(Ref. book: “The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben” by Joseph Borkin.)”

The article can be accessed here.

IG Farben’s war crimes are documented and can be read here. It’s interesting to note that this company would be what they themselves called a cabal of multiple companies tied to pharmaceutical and pesticide companies such as Bayer, Monsanto, BASF, Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy. Currently, the pesticide company Syngenta is owned by Novartis, a global healthcare and multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland (for decades). One of their specialties is oncology, the study and treatment of cancer. Personally, I see this as a conflict of interest to sell products that cause cancers and the drugs to treat them.  You need only look at IG Farben’s dark past and wonder if the company practices have  changed much since WWII.

In 1942, scientists Marcovitch and Stanley initiated studies to identify antidotes for fluorine. This and others are covered in part III of this study.

Fluoride in water is being  banned
Many countries have banned water fluoridation, including Japan, Austria, Denmark, China, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. Individual municipalities in other countries have discontinued the process. Most of Europe is free from fluoridated water.

It was introduced into American water system in 1945, just after WWII and with the blessings of Winston Churchill, then PM of England. in Michigan. While low doses were thought to reduce cavities, it was also shown to produce brown spots and white streaks on your teeth or Dental Fluorosis. It was thought the benefits outweighed the risks, yet it remains an ongoing controversy and battle to stop the use of fluoride in pubic water. The types of fluoride added to different water systems include fluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and *sodium fluoride*. It’s a caustic substance and has even burned holes in concrete where it spilled at a water treatment facility. Click here to read the article.

It’s estimated that 40% of the population has a significant buildup of fluoride in the body by age 17. Studies on children in areas of high fluoride compared to those not using have shown a decrease in the IQ’s of the children with high levels of fluoride. That is important enough information to repeat!

Fluoride Fluorosis
Skeletal fluorosis occurs from the ingestion of high amounts of fluoride for a long period of time. It builds up on teeth and can cause brown spots and pitting to white streaks. Excess Fluoride in accumulating in bones causes painful damage to bones and joints and may cause deformation. It can also cause hip fractures, bone cancer and reduced IQ in children.

In India, the disease was first reported by Vishwananthan in 1935.


Tap Water, Calcium, Fluoride and Chlorine
Fluoride is not only in our tap water; it’s used in the packaging of food and bottled drinks. The calcium and fluoride ions combine to form a plaque like layer over your pineal gland. This is also what happens in your arteries with arterial sclerosis (abnormal hardening of body tissue). Over time that layer becomes calcified and prevents your pineal gland from functioning properly.  There are other nasty substances in our tap water, especially if it’s from a well, that should really be treated with a water filtration system, reverse osmosis or distillation device.


You’ll need to speak with a water treatment company to find the system that filters out heavy metals, fluoride, sediment and works best for your home and budget.

Progress is being made and that’s why we should share our voices and keep this moving in the right direction!

As of October 4, 2024 – End of fluoridation of US water could be in sight after federal court ruling.  

Highlights of Congressional Testimony on Fluoride (Printable Pamphlet)

50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation  

How You Can End Fluoridation – Mercola

Why Water Fluoridation is a Forced Experiment That Needs to Stop

Chlorine is another additive to water that is asserted to be there for our protection to kill bacteria. Chlorine is common in the salts of the earth and both people and animals require chlorine in limited amounts. You are exposed to chlorine every time you take you drink a glass of tap water, take a bath or shower, go for a swim in a pool.  It’s absorbed immediately through the mucous membranes and skin. Here are websites you can visit for ideas and documents you can print to spread awareness. Click on any of the links to learn how to join or start a water safety movement in your community.

The chemical element chlorine is a corrosive, poisonous, greenish-yellow gas with a suffocating odor and is 2 1/2 times heavier than air. Chlorine belongs to the group of elements called halogens. *Halogens combine with metals to form compounds called halides*.  Chlorine is changed from gas to its liquid form by compressing the gas. Liquid chlorine is mixed into public water systems and swimming pools to destroy bacteria.

Until recently, concerns about drinking water focused primarily on eliminating pathogens. New studies show  chlorine used to reduce the risk of infectious disease may account for a substantial portion of the cancer risk associated with drinking water (a scary thought for a substance required for life!). These concerns about cancer risks associated with chemical contamination from chlorination by-products have resulted in numerous epidemiological studies. These studies generally support the notion that by-products of chlorination are associated with increased cancer risks.  

Chlorine is used to combat microbial contamination, but it reacts with organic matter in the water and form dangerous, carcinogenic Trihalomethane (say that 3X fast!). According to Dr. Joseph M. Price, MD, in Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, “Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. It is an insidious poison”.

In a 1992 study that made front-page headlines in the July issue of the American Journal of Public Health. Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee found that people who regularly drink tap water containing high levels of chlorine by-products have a greater risk of developing bladder and rectal cancers than people who drink unchlorinated water. The study estimates that about 9 percent of all bladder cancer and 18 percent of all rectal cancer cases are associated with long-term consumption of these by-products. This amounts to over 20,000 new cases each year. This disturbs me and as poorer populations can’t necessarily afford to buy bottled water or to have a purification installed in their homes, which are often rented.

Shocking Chlorine in tap water Demo Shows Immediate Absorption  A must watch video!

I mentioned Halides in the previous section. They are formed by combining a metal with one of the five halogen elements: chlorine, bromine (a by-product of chlorine), fluorine, iodine, and astatine.  The halides are reactive in water and the most reactive halogens are chorine and fluorine. This is important because it combines with aluminum to form the compound aluminum fluoride. Once it combines with oxygen in the body it forms aluminum oxide or alumina. Alumina is the compound of aluminum that is found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Fluorine attaches to aluminum and influences its absorption. Mercury (Thimerosal in vaccinations) also reacts with ALL halides.

Bromine is an element used in pesticides and gasoline; as a fire retardant in fabrics, carpets, upholstery and mattresses; and as an alternative to chlorine in swimming pool treatments. Bromine is also used as a food additive in breads and in citric drinks.

Bromine is in the same group as chlorine and iodine. It can have a negative effect on your thyroid gland causing under production of necessary hormones. It is also a category 2B carcinogen and has been banned from use as a food additive in Europe and Canada.

“The thyroid gland relies on iodine obtained through the foods you eat to produce thyroid hormones that are essential for normal growth, development and metabolism. Because it’s so similar to iodine, bromine can take the place of iodine, which results in less iodine for the thyroid gland.”  From

Heavy Metals – A Very Heavy Topic
Aluminum is not a considered a “heavy metal”, it’s readily ingested, in food additives, antacids, buffered aspirin, astringents, baking powder, nasal sprays, baby formula, fruit juices, antacids (to name a few). It’s even absorbed through your skin from underarm deodorant. The pharmaceutical industry will tell you that they don’t cause health problems. What they don’t tell you is that once injected into your system all it needs is exposure to any of the halides such as the chlorine in our tap water to begin the calcification process.

Dr. Chris Exley, PhD, has dedicated almost two decades of his scientific life to researching aluminum toxicity. He calls the time period from the early 20th Century to now the “Age of Aluminum.” Before then, aluminum remained in the ground and hadn’t yet been mined. Exley claims mining aluminum and using it in so many ways corresponds to the marked increase of neurological diseases.

Trace amounts of aluminum found from food sources are generally excreted through elimination and sweating. However,  vaccines send them directly into your blood stream.  Both Aluminum and Mercury are known neurotoxins and are routinely used as additives in many common vaccines to increase their long-term effects.  Aluminum and Mercury cross the blood brain barrier and accumulate in the brain.

Multiple studies have shown a direct link to aluminum toxicity and Alzheimer’s. Dr. Seneff’s work has shown correlation to aluminum and pineal gland calcification, as nearly all Alzheimer patients have a calcified pineal gland. Both mercury and aluminum have vague toxic profiles including emotional instability, lethargy, depression, anxiety and attention problems.

You should seriously consider switching from aluminum pans to glass, stainless steel, copper, cast iron or unbleached parchment paper. Silicon mats are another safe alternative for baking and cooking.  They come in a variety of colors, are dishwasher safe and smell nice. Silicon is still a relatively new product for cooking so there is little testing information but nothing yet to say it’s unsafe. If you do use silicon matts, never use them as a cutting board as some contain fiberglass.

Teflon was developed by the Dupont company in 1938. Studies conducted by Dupont show that the Teflon off-gases toxic particulates at 446°F. At 680°F Teflon pans release at least six toxic gases, including two carcinogens, two global pollutants, and MFA, a chemical lethal to humans at low doses. You may find it interesting to know that Dupont is heavily involved with the military producing radar absorbing paint for our jets, Kevlar protective clothing, and they are involved in many chemicals known to be toxic. They sell glyphosate under the name Abundit.  Dupont and 3M have been sued for not advising the public of the toxicity of the PFOA’s used in making their products as well as for toxic runoff from their factories. DuPont Settles Teflon-Linked Water Contamination Lawsuits for $671M

Glyphosate, Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos Monsanto/Bayer, Dupont Syngenta, Dow pesticides (all create neurodevelopmental problems, especially in children and the developing fetus).

Glyphosate has been shown to bind up aluminum and bypass the gut barrier, decimating all immunity and amino acids made by our beneficial gut bacteria. Besides causing Irritable bowel and leaky gut syndrome, heavy metals like aluminum and Glyphosate  have synergistically devastating effects. Pesticides provide easy passage for  aluminum into the bloodstream where it then travels, unfiltered, to the brain and the kidneys. The issue with this is that the pineal gland sits inside a space where the optic nerves cross (called the optic chiasma). That area is not protected by a blood brain barrier so, it gets the full brunt of the unfiltered blood. When this area is exposed to aluminum and/or pesticides, it’s at high risk of accumulating these toxic substances.

Recent studies have shown the devastating effects of Glyphosate on our gut bacteria, which, when healthy, helps to sustain your mood, immunity to disease and overall wellbeing. Dr Seneff’s work has shown how aluminum works with Glyphosate to avoid our body’s defenses as it enters the body. Heavy metals in general have known negative effects on the body. As I stated above, both mercury and aluminum are highly neurotoxic and accumulate in the brain. Halides combine with fluoride to create aluminum oxide or alumina, the compound found in the brains of patients with  Alzheimer’s disease.

Glyphosate-based herbicides contain toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, chromium and nickel, a new study has found. These are not declared and are normally banned due to their toxicity. They are also known to be endocrine disruptors. Many of these chemicals are known to cause fetal changes that effect sexual development causing The chemical feminization of men. Chemicals are also linked to problems in the development of the prefrontal cortex in the brain, the area responsible for impulse control and understanding right & wrong behavior. Correlating to this is the link in decreased IQ rates in the areas where these chemicals are used more often.

Toxic Pesticides, Herbicides have both been found at levels well above those permitted in drinking water in pesticide treated areas. Heavy metals were detected in 22 pesticides, including 11 glyphosate-based products. Research suggests that heavy metal contaminants “could explain some of the adverse effects of the pesticides”.

The research was published in Toxicology Reports by a team led by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini at the University of Caen, France. All the pesticide formulations tested except one contained a cocktail of toxic heavy metals. Commenting on the contamination the researchers stated, “This phenomenon appears to be widely distributed in the world, as our samples came from the European Union and North America.”

The researchers found large amounts of arsenic in glyphosate-based herbicide in Sri Lanka. The country has banned glyphosate herbicides due to a suspected connection with chronic kidney disease in rural people.

Atrazine was invented in 1958 by Geigy Laboratories which is now Syngenta, and owned by ChemChina, a Chinese state-owned enterprise, and manufactured in Switzerland.  It’s another endocrine disruptor and the second most widely used herbicide in the US.  Atrazine was banned in Europe in 2005 due to suspected environmental damage and health concerns. Professor Tyrone Hayes of UC Berkeley was hired by Syngenta to investigate the effects of atrazine on amphibians, but the company blocked the publication of his work when they didn’t like the results. His research showed that atrazine triggers overproduction of estrogen and underproduction of testosterone, and it has been linked to deformities of the reproductive organs, several types of cancer and birth defects decreased cognitive abilities, particularly in the young. Decades into Hayes’ studies on atrazine, his discoveries have most famously linked atrazine exposure with changing genetically male frogs into functional females.

Co-formulants more toxic than glyphosate
The study also looked at the toxicity of the co-formulants in glyphosate-based herbicides, compared with the toxicity of glyphosate alone. It found that when tested on plants, herbicide co-formulants such as POEA were toxic in isolation, while glyphosate alone was only slightly toxic to plants at the recommended dilutions in agriculture. Among the formulations tested, a Roundup formulation containing the surfactant POEA was most toxic, in that it most quickly desiccated all leaves of the plant.

The researchers also exposed human cells to the components of formulations, both mixed and separately. They concluded that the co-formulants, which are composed of petroleum residues, have a more endocrine disruptive effect and are more toxic than glyphosate.

Dioxin – I found this due to a Twitter comment on May 17, 2019 which lead to an article about the chemical industry hiding reports and court cases on the dangers of many chemicals and chemical processes. These located files are called The Poison Papers.  Dioxin is another hormone-disrupting, cancer and diabetes-causing toxic chemical now found in humans all over the world. Dioxin is formed during many industrial processes when chlorine or bromine is burned in the presence of carbon and oxygen. Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds (like the PCBs in our plastics and paints) are part of a group of chemicals classified as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). POPs are major environmental contaminants and pollutants that resist degradation and therefore persist in the environmental and build up in the food chain.

So, What Can We Do About This?
Knowledge is Power – Arm Yourself, and share this information with others!

Know the level of fluoride in your drinking water. If your drinking water comes from a public source, you can find out about the levels of fluoride in your drinking water by contacting your local community water system. People who get their drinking water from a private source can have it by a reputable laboratory.

  • Every agency that provides water to an area is required to provide its customers with an annual report on water quality known as a Consumer Confidence Report. This report lists the levels of certain chemicals and other substances in the water, including fluoride. You can also contact the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 for more general information about drinking water safety.
  • People who live in areas with high levels of fluoride in the water might consider using alternate sources of drinking water, such as bottled water. Most bottled water has some fluoride, with natural spring waters tending to have the least. You can contact the bottler to find out about fluoride levels. There are also methods to filter fluoride from your water and reverse osmosis to leach out the excess minerals (making hard water soft).

Get Involved!

Join or create an organization for safe drinking water

The following was taken directly from the website

“Please understand the battle about fluoridation is not fought on facts by opponents. They use emotionally charged statements such as “Do it for the Children” and “the American Dental Association” recommends it. They never talk facts and will avoid any technical discussion. They know they don’t have science on their side. There is no magic formula for stopping the fluoridation of a community. The best advice is to try to find a few like- minded people in order to fight the effort. Give yourself a name, like Any town Citizens for Safe Drinking Water. You’ll get more attention and achieve better credibility by being a (loosely) organized group.

Become familiar with what’s on the web page, Dr. Kennedy’s letter, the letter from the EPA Scientists and the Natick Report. Print copies of these documents and give them to your city council members and anyone in the media.

Children’s Health Defense The World-Wide Movement Against Water Fluoridation

Sign up for free news and updates from Children’s Health Defense.

You may also consider writing the editor of the local paper, contacting local TV stations, reaching out to “truthers” for YouTube interviews, and see if they will cover the issue. If so, tell them your group is against it and give them contact information. They usually want to talk with both sides of any issue.

Do you have a web site? This is KEY!! There is no way a person can remember an abundance of information but if they can refer to a web site for more info, that’s great. Use our site It’s easy to remember. Always refer to it in EVERY discussion, EVERY letter to the editor. You can also share this article as long as you include all the source reference material on the last page.

You don’t have to be an expert on fluoridation, just a concerned citizen. Always conclude your discussion with “Let’s wait until the experts are in agreement. That’s common sense. When in DOUBT – Keep Fluoride OUT!”   Fight, Fight, Fight for your right to healthy water and foods.

Here are websites you can visit for more ideas and documents you can print to spread awareness. Click on any of the links to learn how to join or start a water safety movement in your community.

Highlights of Congressional Testimony on Fluoride (Printable Pamphlet)

50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation  

How You Can End Fluoridation

Why Water Fluoridation is a Forced Experiment That Needs to Stop

Remember, it’s not just the fluoride; it’s a chemical reaction that occurs in your body and brain when exposed to heavy metals in pesticides (which accumulate in your brain) and the other chemicals hidden in dental health care, food, water, drinks, medications and even our hygiene and cosmetic products.

I found this to be a concerning discovery and wish to share this information so we can work together to solve the problem by creating more awareness.  The public must see how prevalent and widespread the problem is and, the seeming attempts to hide incriminating details by Corporate officials and attorneys.

It’s not all bad news! In part III of this series, I will show you foods and supplements that help detox your body from the toxins mentioned above. There are herbs, teas, tinctures and practices that will not only help to decalcify your pineal gland for better health and wellbeing, they may also increase your psycho-spiritual experiences and boost psychic abilities!

Here’s to your good health, long life, are far sight!


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Rev. Kat Carroll
I've been interested in all things related to metaphysics, parapsychology, spirituality and anything related to space since childhood. I'm the kid who used to let the Jehova Witness and Mormans into the house so I could ask a million questions. I've always wanted to be of service and ended up working as an EMT and later in law enforcement. A family job transfer lead me to Washington State for 5 years where I went back to studying spiritual phenomenon and meeting some fascinating people. I've had several initiations, was taught energy healing and became certified in Reiki III over the final 3 years. I had a larger awakening and understanding of how it Reiki worked, remote sensing and more after returning to CA in 2001. I love researching and now writing and being a spokesperson for benevolent contact with NHIB through the practice of meditation. I experienced a spontaneous healing and not long after the "quickening" of 12/21/2012, began having more paranormal experiences, including seeing the UFOs, and orbs that fly over at night. I'm also a volunteer /Admin for ETLetsTalk and love teaching others how to make that connection that I know will one day lead us out of the darkness and into a brighter future.


  1. I feel ill every day and my body is in immense pain and yes I am sick and tired of it. WE need to challenge our oppressors in every way possible Using our brains and playing them at their own game by stealth a lot small things make one big thing sign the CitizenGO petition against the WHO treaty which they are trying to get though to take away our rights and have full control over everything we do and think – we have already delayed that treaty but now everyone must sign to stop it –
    VERY IMPORTANT sign today

  2. TY sooo much Rev. Carroll for your awesome invaluable information and research for helping humanity!!! 😇🌟🖖🧝🏽‍♀️💜🧝🏼‍♂️👾🌟🛸

    • Thank you Marc! 🥰. It's a lot of work but you are all worth it! Next week I'll share part III on detox and boosting psychic abilities.


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