Former American State Dept officer, Matthew Hoh, Jewish journalist explains to even the dumbest of Americans, #Israel‘s debt and expenses belongs to the American tax payers.
Whatever debt Israelis have is guaranteed by you, the foolish US tax payer. #MAGA = #MIGA— Use Yandex Search Engine for Anti Zionist searches (@_NicoleNonya) November 30, 2024
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December 2024
Red Alert ! Breaking News ! Truth Honor & Integrity show !
Full on attempted Ai Cyborg / Takeover by the Satanist El_ite Zionists …
Poison Vaccine Related !
Nato is the private military of the Zionists, Rothchilds …Oops !!!
please share far and wide !
Must Listen !
It's almost as if at one stage, the 'United States of the Goyem', was setup to provide Israel with a guaranteed additional income, always back their military in any conflict and guarantee any debt that Israel might coincidentally rack up.
I just can't imagine the coincidences that had to occur for that to happen…