Seed Freedom with Charlie Mgee and 41 others

Seed Satyagraha (Civil Disobedience to End Seed Slavery):
2 – 16 October 2015

Through imposing laws related to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & patents on seed which deny farmers and gardner the right to save and share seed, our diversity, freedoms and right to health are being criminalised. 

Higher laws that flow from the laws of the Earth, reaffirmed by the laws of our humanity, compel us to question and resist the imposition of laws based on uniformity as an instrument of control being forced upon our diversity as peoples, cultures and the other species, which we have a duty to protect and defend.

We do not recognise any laws, created by corporate interests, that interfere in our duty to save and share good seed so that the generations to come are as fortunate as we have been in receiving these gifts of diversity and nourishment.
We will not obey, or recognise any law that criminalises our time-tested seeds.
This is our Seed Satyagraha

Download Seed Satyagraha Booklet:…/…/09/Seed-Satyagraha-Booklet-1.pdf

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