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    What topics would you like to discuss on our weekly Ascension Connection calls?  Right now I have the following on my list.  Comment below and let me know your thoughts, or if you have ideas on other ones!

    • Miracles
    • Auras
    • The Great Forgetting
    Mack Moore

    I’m interested in “the Great Forgetting”, assuming that means the veil of forgetting that most of us experience after incarnation. I want very much to remember who I am, and would appreciate a discussion along those lines.


    I actually meant the Great Forgetting of 1996 that Cobra had talked about in his blog a few times.

    But that is a great idea as well.  Remembering who we are is the ultimate goal of all this, isn’t it?  I like it!  Thanks Mack


    Roger just emailed me some additional topics

    • Reincarnation
    • Mediumship
    • NDEs
    • Channeling

    He knows a medium who has had a NDE and written a book about it.  We are going to bring it to the group next week and see if there is interest in having her be a guest speaker in the future.


    Mack Moore

    Oh, wow. I wasn’t aware of that at all. I just read the article for the first time. It makes me think back about what I was doing in 1996. Thanks for the clarification.


    I’m all for the 3 topics on your list, Melissa.  Death/transitioning/NDEs was one of the ideas I had, so I second that! Here’s another idea: breaking free from mass media mind control.

    See everyone next week (I will be away Thursday so have to miss this week, unfortunately).


    Mack Moore

    I love that. Breaking free from mass media mind control is my passion and expertise. I’m all on board with that conversation.


    Glad you like it, Mack.  I think it was something you said in a meeting that made me think of that, actually. Yeah, my passion too. We have to get rid of media corruption and propaganda to get more and more people to see through the great deception and break free.


    Thanks Alayne!  I’ll plan on that topic in a couple weeks.  This week the topic is Using Astrology to understand your purpose.  Next week Rory Duff will be our guest.  So after that, we’ll plan on discussing.  Great topic!


    Roger Guttridge

    Hi Melissa. There appears to be a problem with the PFC emails. My email to you about medium Micky and her NDE (sent on Saturday) has just bounced back as undeliverable. The same thing happened to my email to Monica at the healing@ address, sent last Friday. Perhaps we can discuss further before today’s connection call.

    Robin Stevens

    Hi Melissa and the rest of the group.

    Clearly we are all on a journey and it’s not straightforward at all.

    I’d be keen to hear how other people break through to higher aspects of their consciousness for guidance and information. I have this strange feeling there’s a block somehow – it’s difficult to explain. Perhaps it’s not my time yet?

    As a bit of background I’ve certainly experienced what some might call ascension symptoms and surges of positive energy when I’ve been overwhelmed or what I can only described as attacked with anxiety by focusing on light and loving emotions.

    “Ascension symptoms” another topic perhaps? Anyone heard ringing emptiness?

    Really looking forward to Rory Duff as a guest. Fantastic.

    Thank you so much, I am glad it’s not me going bananas, it’s just the rest of the world!



    Hi Rob, You are not alone! ;)I have the ringing in my ears as well from time to time.  Also have been experiencing Vertigo, which has not been pleasant.  I find that the better I treat my body by clean eating, meditation, baths, etc., the better these symptoms are.

    As for increasing your connection with your higher self, I’ve been thinking about this too lately and am interested if others have some suggestions


    These are all great topics. I’m on board for all of them.


    I am on board for all topics. But perhaps I am addressing the elephant in the room but….is this it? Is this ALL the support on the forum we have? Are there truly THAT FEW of us? Am I missing something here??? Is this board new?

    Someone pinch me and tell me there are more than 2 threads on this forum. The wind is whistling thru silent hallways here, and I’ve love a ping-back.

    The New Lightwarrior


    Mack Moore

    Dear ThirdPath,

    You are not alone. Melissa founded this forum on May 18, 2021. That was less than three weeks ago. So yes, it’s a new forum. There are few participants because it’s new.

    The “call” being referred to is a weekly meeting on Thursdays via Zoom called the “Ascension Connection Call”. If you’d like an invitation to that call, please see Melissa. All is well.

    Blessings of peace,

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