Planting a seed of inspiration in minds and hearts one post at a time!

Thanks and humility for all the support i get on a daily basis from my global network. Ive spoken and worked with people from almost every country around the world in what i do. More and more everyday i get messages and emails from countless people, expressing how valuable my time, information, perspectives and opinions on the things i do and share on a daily basis is for them, how its literally opened their mind and completely liberated them from all the fear, the worry, the doubt, the sorrow thats out there, and how it has LITERALLY changed their whole life AND especially their outlook on life.

THIS is why i do everything that i do and share everything i share, and even if it was just ONE person who i know it touched and helped, then my purpose is complete and my heart content. But im not stopping there, ive literally SEEN and continue to see every single day how I, ONE PERSON CAN CHANGE THIS WORLD. and this is what i LOVE doing with ALL MY HEART.

And as the saying goes, DO WHAT YOU LOVE, and find a way to get paid for it. well, im NO businessman, im just a kid doing my thang, and doing it WELL, and i LOVE what i do. So this is where the courage comes in to not be afraid to simply ASK for help from those who appreciate it so much. Everything i do requires ALOT of TIME and dedication to writing and compiling the discoveries i encounter, which is why MOST PEOPLE simply never consider it, because they simply dont have the TIME to do so, with all of lifes distractions. Im about to release ALOT more etymology articles that ive put together, but the time to edit and compile them will take full dedication, and i could use some incoming support.

So this is where the laws of nature and symbiosis come into full swing, not everyone has the skills, the dedication, the TIME, or the DESIRE to do what it is I love doing so much. So thats why its MY PURPOSE to provide all that i can in this regard, but in order to do MY PART, i ALSO require a symbiotic relationship to those who dont have that ability, and THATS why i NEED YOUR SUPPORT to allow me to do my part for those who dont have the circumstances to do so.

Every day I get flooded with requests, questions and simply to provide my perspective or specific research and or knowledge base on countless topics, and while i deeply desire to address each and every one with the same level of commitment and dedication, that simply takes ALL OF MY TIME and effort to do so, which i AM MORE THAN READY to fulfill, but in order for my effort to be symbiotic, i simply am asking for an exchange in order to support me and allow me to keep having that ability to help people. Its just getting to the point where i cant continue it all for free, all my energy is being expended in giving and i require a mutual exchange in receiving. Thats where the Trust and Love and the Courage to simply ASK for support comes in.

So here i am, pouring my heart and soul into all i do, as ive always done throughout my whole life, and will CONTINUE to do, and if you appreciate it as much as i do, all i ask is for a contribution, whatever you can afford or spare for the value of what Knowledge and Wisdom is worth to you. For me, its PRICELESS and subscribing to a monthly donation of whatever you feel its worth to you, will be put directly into expanding outreach and new projects.

Whether its the price of a coffee each month, a tank of gas, or whether you’re well off and can easily afford to give generously, it will echo throughout eternity. Ive added a subscription feature to my page on my personal website to accept donations at Lifting The Veil: Open Source Information Sharing­l. ONE PERSON CAN CHANGE THE WORLD…. whether youre out there doing it on the ground level, or directly supporting someone like me who does it on a daily basis, YOU ARE AN INTEGRAL SYMBIOTIC CATALYST IN CHANGING THIS WORLD. Feel free to contact me via Skype for sessions (contact Made_Manifest) , to pick my brain on ANY subject, or message me directly, or contact via email [email protected].


My paypal subscribe link. my donation address is [email protected]



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