We’re living in the year of the Dragon, within the Shift to 5D. But this is much more than just metaphorical mythology. Gaia has signaled her willingness to shed the old karmic construct. Her Torus is accelerating, as experienced by the increasingly freaky weather patterns. It’s being amplified by the latest infusion of Dragon Energies. Embodying these, can provide massive alchemical quantum shifts in our lives. Here’s how.

Essential Gaia Healing

Recent shifts in the energy field of Gaia, have facilitated the influx of higher dimensional Lyran Dragon Energy, accelerating her Torus Flower of Life. This infusion was made possible by a crucial recent healing in Gaia’s energy field.

At the Openhand Facilitator Conference this summer, we were working in Glastonbury, Gaia’s heart chakra. We discovered that at the Galactic Convergence of 2012, where she birthed the New Paradigm in 5D, she “went out of body” a degree, and detached her energies somewhat from the lower realm. That’s caused here in the 3D a lagging behind the Grand Galactic Convergence – that which is precipitating the Great Shift. This has manifested on the planet, and in society, as a kind of lethargy, inertia and stuckness.

The facilitator group had to work with an old Annunaki technology field implant, remove it (with support from the evolved Anu), and thereby allow her consciousness to better integrate – her new Higher Self (from the 2012 convergence) reconnected with her Lower Self (here in the Matrix Simulation). This stimulated an amplification of her energies here – a very welcome breath of fresh air through the field. But it now goes much further than that – this shift has caused a cascade of dynamics, that have contributed to an amplification in the Shift energies. Following a multidimensional benevolent mission in the Himalayas this summer, the Dragon Leylines are now activating around the planet.

Explore the Reactivation of the Dragon Leylines

The Influx of Higher-Dimensional Dragon Energies

What this all means, is that we can each call on this massive infusion of Dragon Energy to uplift our lives. How do we undertake that?

First, is to recognise the characteristics of Dragon Energy – these are qualities of what’s termed the Soul-Ray-Harmonic – various frequencies of being, that animate the soul. Dragon Energy is highly alchemical and catalytic, but also highly sensitive and empathic – it blends both together in a highly potent mix. It can empathise with the field, but doesn’t attach to it – rather it transforms it. You can imagine/visualise a dragon blazing a trail through the field.

In order to ride this highly potent energy, you’ll need to recognise its characteristics. Here are 9 key ones:

9 Characteristics of Dragon Energy

1) Dragon Energy is highly catalytic and naturally acclimates – focuses in on – eddy current convolutions in the field, so as to resolve them out. This could be at a planetary level, or within your own personal life circumstances
2) It’s highly empathic and sensitive – feeling all the vibrational nuances on its given path, intuiting the blockages and the possible unravelings of soul energy. It sensitively feels, but doesn’t attach or bog down in density – it naturally lets go
3) It readily appreciates the bigger picture within the flow, and therefore doesn’t get bogged down in others’ projections due to its catalytic destabilising effect – it’s all about the emergence of the light from redundant density
4) Dragon Energy is not attached to specific outcomes, but rather the transformation of the field by the infusion of light or by furnishing increased coherency through the field
5) Dragon Energy needs no validation or approval. It takes its alignment from the quantum energy feedback loops it creates and experiences through signs and synchronicity
6) It readily sits and anchors within the infinite potential of the unknown, and is highly alchemically creative of flows from that place, followed by plentiful benevolent crystalisations
7) Dragon Energy is risk-taking, but not reckless
8) It’s courageous, committed and focussed
9) Dragon energy is sensitive, but boundaried and unattached.

The Purification of Dragon Energy

If you recognise these kinds of qualities coming through in you, then the likelihood is you have at least part of that configuration, and can amplify it in you for maximum uplifting affect of your life and the field around you. Be aware though, it is far from an easy energy to ride – others who won’t understand the unwinding catalytic effect of your nature, will likely, at times, get angry, blame and project. Especially those unwilling to own their own tiggering. For this reason, Dragon is often most comfortable in its own company – connecting into the higher dimensional realms where it is best understood.

One of the key healings that has been necessary in the field recently, has been to help Earth Dragon Energies heal from the guilt and shame of misdirection into black magic practices – which includes “intentioning” to get a particular outcome. Especially where that doesn’t respect the requirements and needs of other sentient life. That work has been undertaken through dynamic empathic expression, through the authentic summer crop circles in Avebury, UK.

To ride this energy requires a great deal of inner purification – of lower physical, emotional and mental densities. Because the energy is so strong, it readily stirs up density or can project you out of body, if you’re not able to ground and anchor through the base chakra.

Outline Approach of Manifesting From Dragon Energy

As you are able to embody this infusing Dragon Energy, it becomes possible to consciously manifest from it. Be aware though, this is far from “intentional manifesting”, which would severely limit Dragon’s flexibility, and ability to pick up spontaneous flows from the source. Rather, it readily picks up these activating flows, rides them, amplifies them, and then infuses them through dynamic situations.

Here is an outline approach to manifesting with Dragon Energy for your contemplation:

9-Step Approach To Dragon Energy Manifesting

1) Always begin by dropping into the infinite potential of the source presence – sit comfortably in the “not-knowing”. However, you’re still being actively attentive and aware, to watch for, and pick up, the subtle instigations of flow
2) From the anchoring in the infinite potential of the source, contemplate, visualise and witness the direct circumstances of your life, and especially the disharmonious aspects
3) Visualise yourself as the Dragon Energy, flying through the energetic field of these convolutions. Work to unravel attachments in them by letting go and transforming through as you fly. This is enhanced by synchronising the breath 
4) As you “fly into the distortions”, feel yourself creating an open space of flow through them
5) Focus on animating the frequencies of your soul-ray-harmonic. Bring alive a highly expressive and animated sense of self – focus on animating authentic beingness in and through your engagements
6) Feel and visualise transformation of the field through which you’re flying, with positive benevolent alignments, and the sense of connections with other Star Being Groups that can help amplify the creative flow effect
7) Express positively into the field with incisiveness, focus, determination, and risk-taking without recklessness; with compassion and care, but without attachment to the triggering effects of your actions – work to perceive the bigger picture effect
8) Bring creations that are naturally supported by signs and synchronicity into being. Be the active co-creator of crystallisations in the field, but without attaching to them
9) Celebrate the quantum field feedback loops of your positive actions. Let these be your “victory”!

A Sophisticated Advanced Ride

Dragon Energy is for sure a sophisticated, advanced energy to ride. It is definitely not for everyone to fully embody, but everyone can benefit from at least flashes of this energy coming through their lives, to positively transform them. Since it does represent a high degree of energetic mastery, please consider my viewpoints above more as indications and activations on the path. The viewpoints are designed to help illuminate the possibilities during these highly alchemical times.

From openhandweb.org

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