When the Shift to 5D is complete, and those who’ve ascended look back on the twist and turn of events, we’ll quietly pinch each other, and marvel at the dramas that have played out before our eyes – Shakespeare’s pen will quiver! No other act could have impacted life on the planet more instrumentally than the entry of the Ascended Masters. When does benevolent intention become intervention? We must all heed this tragedy playing out in our midst right now, within the Great Unfolding. It is much ado about everything!

The SEER of All Things

Way back in the annals of history, a crucial split happened within Unity Consciousness. The SEER of all things became aware of itself, and then inadvertently invested itself in the miracle of the forming and crystallising Separation Consciousness – what miracles and wonders are now shaping before my eyes? And thus the descent into identity began, and the perilous journey of unravelling from it, that we’re all undertaking here in the Shift today…

How can you be the absolute presence of the One, the SEER, be actively involved in reality, and yet not attached or identified with it? What’s the problem?…you might ask. It’s because when the Observer gets too wrapped up in the Observed, then reality is shifted and transformed. And it can be anchored in distortion by the identification. That’s when reality goes awry, when the apple goes bad, and those caught up in the distorted Torus have to live with the consequences – just like now.

Somewhere in our dim and distant past, a Group of Ascended Beings extracted out of the identification limitation. Meanwhile, civilisations were developing, and undergoing the turmoil of evolutionary growth – the ups and the downs, the frictions and the tragedies, war and peace. “What if we could smooth out some of those dissonances, what if we could help?” – so one part of this Group of Ascended Masters contemplated. The other aspect already recognised the risk of such direct involvement – where does supportive intention become intervention?

Where Does Benevolent Intent Become Intervention?

I am aware that such a split did actually take place. One group continued its interconnection with the Source – the Group of 9. Another descended into direct involvement with several forming civilisations, working to underpin directional consciousness. These became the self-appointed, “Council of Nine”. Roll on millions of years later, and in our solar system, I say to you that through multidimensional meditative investigation, it’s the Council of Nine behind the background developments and the directional dramas of the various civilisations.

The problem with the original conundrum, is that once you get directly involved by intentional direction, then you create identity around what you are doing – the paternal figure, of wisdom, insight and knowledge; that to be respected, worshipped and even idolised. But the natural Torus itself, the Flower of Life, needs no such worshipping. She just gets on with the job: an infinite intelligence that creates effortlessly in any given fractal, even the gentle rose, and yet each still interconnected with the Universal Torus itself. It’s only ignorance, and arrogance, that believes this needs to be replaced.

The Group of 9 has long since realised the true nature of catalysis. In a chemical reaction, where A moves to B, the catalyst C does not change the outcome of the reaction. It only speeds things up. For them, this is the line in the sand – direct catalytic involvement is fine, where it only speeds up the outcome. Beyond that becomes intervention. As a bridge with the Group, this is what I’ve been called upon to reflect to the Council of Nine in recent engagements.

The Flower of Life

Yes, the catalytic Torus will destroy civilisations, just as it forms the fertile soil for them to be resprouted. And this is where a truly Ascended Mater earns their title – they have learned how to create, not by intention, but by harnessing the Flower of Life in any given situation. But just as the petals fall in the autumn, so they’ve learned to let go of what they’ve manifested. Life evolves and learns through cycles. There is nothing else truly going on.

On Earth, The Council of Nine has orchestrated the movement of human civilisation since the time of Atlantis. Although they weren’t actually pulling the strings – only providing the directional consciousness to various other entities, such as Ra and the Annunaki (with reptilians and greys in tow). But it was ignorance that considered the Lemurians actually needed it. Yes, Big Foot, at skin level, doesn’t look highly advanced, yet this is a severe oversight. Big Foot, perhaps the most evolved of the Lemurians, has mastered how to live at one with the Earth, and yet be interconnected through the dimensions – surely an inspiration for us all.

In society, we have departed far from this fine, natural and authentic example. With each passing AI day, humanity seems to be descending deep into the abyss of misalignment. The level of acquiescence, as the apple is bled of its juice, is utterly astounding. The powers that be, have assumed near-complete control. We see that even in the manipulation of the weather, like Hurricanes Helene and Milton recently, so as to try to manipulate the US election. Yes, Milton was right – Paradise has been Lost!

And, I do believe, it can still be regained. I witness that direct involvement and empathic engagement with the perpetrators, realignment can happen and the natural Flower of Life Torus be re-established – so let us all hold on a while longer.

Self-Appointed Council of Nine

It’s actually through the Hurricanes, and their artificial amplification, that a group of intrepid Openhanders did indeed contact this wayward Council of Nine. It’s clear, they have now stepped out of the background shadows and into the fray, having sidelined Ra, due to the entity’s lack of ability to keep a lid on the emergent planetary consciousness.

With direct support from the Group of 9 Ascended Masters, (which we’re calling “Openhand” in our movement), we’ve been able to connect with this wayward Council of Nine and reveal through these dramatic events the error of their ways. It seems they’ve believed it’s been right to stamp their authority on proceedings, because after aeons of direct involvement, “We know best!”

And therein lies the root of failure. You don’t know best. The Flower of Life does. And it functions perfectly well when we allow it to simply ripple through us in the ultimate act of surrender. All we really needed to do was connect with them, and reflect the simulation nonsense that has been created here in their name. Because in the Akashic record, it becomes their legacy, their epitaph, for all in the cosmos to see.

The Dirty Washing

The only weapon you ever really need to correct a great wrong, is this sword of truth. However, we must wield it carefully. For it serves no being nor civilisation to create enemies  – the polarity of us against them. This only cements identity and division, which causes an immediate departure from the interconnected Torus Flower of Life. The gathering density casts you out from the singularity, like dirty clothes in the drum of a washing machine.

Imagine the weight of carrying such responsibility for an entire civliisation – several even. It’s a burden that grows incrementally over time, twist by twist, notch by notch,  until it crushes you, and derails natural flow. This is what I reflected to the Council of Nine on behalf of the Group of 9. Any healer would likely empathise, where they’ve carried too much of the other’s burden.

They were met, and empathised with. Not castigated by their dirty linen. We’ve all made mistakes, and each will make a zillion more as we collectively move to Nirvana. They were seen, at their level. Their mistaken waywardness illuminated. It’s only this which can precipitate a letting go. Indeed it did. Right amidst the two hurricanes. And so the artificially amped-up catastrophe was greatly reduced and mitigated. Such was the releasing effect.

Unravelling Future

These are early days. But what I can say, is that I can feel the beginnings of reconciliation between the Group of 9 Ascended Masters and the Council of Nine. It can only bode well for the unravelling future here on the planet. I sense much healing of the reality can now begin – less control by an overpowering big brother state, replaced by a more individual sovereign consciousness.

Only time will tell.
Only the Torus,
The Flower of Life.

Let’s trust in this.

From openhandweb.org

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. My head hurts reading this wouldn't it be nice if we could all just live in peace and simply be as was intended by the creator and let life unfold. we have people who need to control everyone and everything and factions are trying to gain power over the planet and once they get that power they just turn into oppressor. What have we discovered well we are being shown a lot of evil how much of that is real and how much is created virtually to make us feel there is more evil than there possibly is for an agenda. I do not know All I know at this stage is that there is a movement of sick people who think they have the right to own everything on the planet and dominate everyone they don't much care how they get it and that of course has to be dealt with. But so many people trying to brain wash you all at once you can forget your own name. WE all need to stand back and take time away from it all we are in the mad hatters party from hell


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