Home Authors Posts by Dane Arr

Dane Arr

Dane Arr
Inventor, Designer, Astrologer, Writer, Web Developer, Artist, Entrepreneur, Father, Husband, Grandpa and all around mad creative, born under Pieces at 5:55 degrees in California USA.

A Man Built A Gold Pyramid In Illinois & Found Remarkable...

In a world now filled with outlandish and unconventional architecture, the idea of someone building a gold pyramid certainly doesn’t seem newsworthy, but the story of...

E-Cigs Have A Million Times More Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Polluted Air...

According to a new study out of Hong Kong, China, the chemicals most commonly included in e-cigarettes contain more cancer-causing substances than polluted air. The...

Psychotronic Firewalls against Public Truth

A secret electronic war is now being waged against We The People. This article reveals an internal document, the Comm 12 Briefing Report is important, which discloses the...

US To Disclose Drone Strike Deaths

"White House To Include Both Enemy And Civilian Casualties Since 2009 " After a long policy of secrecy the Obama Administration is suddenly saying they...

NESARA The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act

Prepare for Change Members, I have no way to verify that this is the genuine NESARA Bill, but it seems to have everything I heard...

Forging Reality: The New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Information War

Because the people responsible for today’s New Manhattan Project are mass murdering and wrecking the environment, they feel a need to cover it up....

WATCH: Computer Programmer Testifies He Helped Rig Voting Machines

One thing in US history is consistent throughout every single election cycle — allegations of voter fraud. These allegations, however, are not the ramblings...

Natural Music and Where All Music Comes From

The most common and widely accepted definition of music includes three main elements: rhythm (timing), timbre (nuance) and pitch (height). Secondary elements might be...

How to Naturally Detox from Mandatory Vaccine Injections

If you're being forced to take a vaccine against your will (by a totalitarian medical regime like California), are there things you can do...

The Solution Under Our Feet: How Regenerative Organic Agriculture Can Save...

Many of us are now choosing to eat holistically grown foods. We want:• more nutrition from our food. • to avoid toxic pesticides and GMOs. •...

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