Dane Arr
High Vibrational Food
By Martine te Kloese. Specialist in naturopathy, orthomolecular and natural nutritionIn the interest of enhancing the collective consciousness of humanity, we each need to...
“The House Of Horrors” – Earth’s first main joint United States...
By Rick HeskeyLocated almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico was an installation classified so secret,...
08-30-15 Cobra and Prepare for Change Interview – Introduction to the...
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous...
September 2015 Dates of Significance
These dates and predictions read as if they portend negative things, but those of us who practice with the Enlightened Masters understand that what...
08-23-15 Florian Boschi: Return of the Goddess/Feminine Energy
From an early age, Florian has always had a fascination with medicine and healing. His turning point came when as a young child he...
PFC offers Vaccination Exemption Form
During an interview with Dr. Simon Atkins, the Leader of the PFC Healing Group learned about an important form that can be used to share...
08-16-15 Dr. Simon Atkins
Dr. Simon Atkins is a climate economist, disaster risk forecaster, doctor of bioelectromagnetics and natural health, a corporate strategist in planetary and solar threats...
08-02-15 Alex Collier
Alex Collier has been a contactee of the Andromedans since childhood. He began public speaking about the Andromedans in the 1990s. The information that...
8-02-15 Dorothy Donahue
DOROTHY LEE DONAHUEDorothy Lee Donahue is an author, life and business coach, spiritual advisor, keynote speaker and Founder of Energetic Alchemy and Executive Producer...
Everything is Energy
By Jeyda Toygan
August 2015Everything is illusory- it is predictive programming to stop full resistance, we must promote familiarity.If we believe in what were saying...