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Edward Morgan

Edward Morgan
"Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer"

New Report: Suicide Kills Almost 5 Times As Many U.S. Troops...

By Amando FlavioA new report by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) has revealed that suicide death among troops on combat missions on...

Worst Jobs Report In Nearly 6 Years – 102 Million Working...

This is exactly what we have been expecting to happen.  On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the U.S. economy only added...

Portugal’s Example: What Happened After It Decriminalized All Drugs, From Weed...

As diplomats gather at the United Nations in New York this week to consider the future of global drug policy, one Portuguese official, João...

US Taxpayers Forced to Pay $3 Billion for Damages in Vaccine...

In 2007, the US taxpayers were told that they were responsible for the negligent actions of several large banking institutions. They were told that...

10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical...

Think the Zika virus is responsible for all the cases of microcephaly in South America? Think again: There is no reliable scientific evidence linking...

Fracking wastewater causes cancer

Fracking wastewater causes cancer by Stepy — June 1, 2016Fracking wastewater causes cancer Fracking wastewater causes cancer, according to new research from Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology....

How GMO agriculture unleashed a dangerous wave of chemically-resistant superweeds and...

(NaturalNews) A new landmark study has refuted many of the claims of the genetically modified organism (GMO) industry, demonstrating that many of the promises...

A major study is destroying drug war fear-driven propaganda – As...

A curious thing is happening as the war on weed crumbles before knowledge and reason. The propaganda campaign orchestrated during the 20th century by...

US On Nuclear Weapons: Do As I Say Not As I...

by Michael HicksObama recently made another call to end nuclear weapons during his speech at Hiroshima; while I’m sure the words were well-intentioned they...

Free Your Mind by Detoxing from Heavy Metals

Detoxification is big news these days. From special drinks to diet programs, there are now ways to rid your body of a host of...

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