Are Leaders being threatened by an International Public Health Mafia?
Polly continues her investigation that she covered in her Vials and Thugs and Spies video. She feels that the powers that be are deliberately...
Is this a possible COVID vaccine antidote? – The Freedom Articles
By The Freedom Articles
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Published 2 months ago on May 13, 2021
By Makia FreemanIs there a possible COVID vaccine antidote which could protect those who have...
Dr Ardis Claims the FDA knew about all the adverse events... Ardis Claims the FDA Knew About all the Adverse Events and Hid the Documents. Do you know that only 1% of the deaths...
Resolving “Long-Haul COVID” and Vaccine Toxicity: Neutralizing the Spike Protein
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
(OMNS June 21, 2021) Although the mainstream media outlets might...
AURA Regression Reptilian Earth Galactic History | Ancient Builder Race! This is a A.U.R.A. Healing Hypnosis session on a client that finds herself on Earth, with the conscious realization that she is from...
12 Year old Maddie de Garay volunteered for a COVID study... 13-YEAR-OLD SUFFERS SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS AFTER PFIZER COVID-19 VACCINEPosted by Meiling Lee | Jul 1, 2021 | Epoch TimesMaddie de Garay was a healthy, happy, straight-A student from Ohio...
Washington DC – Closed? – Richard Citizen Journalist
Richard Citizen Journalist has become a bit of a Telegram sensation. Richard has lived in Washington DC all of his life. He has been...
Why Can’t I Sleep? – Energetic Synthesis
By Lisa Renee - Energetic SynthesisDear Ascending Family,One important factor of kundalini activations during the spiritual ascension process is that no one informed me...
Dr Robert Young Interview with Alpa Soni Robert Young discusses his views about the effects of the vaccination program over the next two years.About Dr Robert Young"Dr. Young may be...