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Support the Egyptian Democratic Coalition with Meditation

To Event Support Groups worldwide:All groups should do the Liberation Meditation as often as possible on behalf on the Egyptian people. The western media...
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Comments on Fulford’s Who’s Who

I believe this video from Benjamin Fulford is important from the standpoint that you can get an inside view of how the power brokers...
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New Groups are Forming

Leaders for new groups are coming forward and organizing in their areas:In Portugal, João Sustelo has joined with many others to form an Event...
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First Visit? Start Here….

Many of you are aware that something is very unfair with our current financial system.As hard as you may try, the monthly cost of...
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Dedicated to You – orginal post

Dedicated To YouBy Rob PotterThe Prepare Change Group is dedicated to everyone who is inspired to aid the planet in an non-violent transition to...
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Dedicated to You

Dedicated To YouBy Rob PotterThe Prepare Change Group is dedicated to everyone who is inspired to aid the planet in an non-violent transition to...

Cobra on The Event

On Saturday, April 28, 2012 Cobra posted on his blog:New Financial SystemMost of this intel comes from sources deep within occult economy and it...

Event Support Groups Tools

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6HF4etgNaA&width=550Instructions:Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central...
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Event Support Groups are forming all over the world

We are busy creating infrastructure to make them effective, which is a major part of the Prepare for Change Network's responsibilities. Our vision of...

Event Support Group Drive: Prepare!

From Cobra's Blog, published on July 21, 2013. Event Support Groups need to be formed around the world in every country. Instructions for group formation:Those groups...

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