

This beautiful energetic graphic  illustrates that Meditation is our strongest tool to create the change we want in our world!

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Prepare for Change Mission. We are here as an infrastructure to link liberation forces worldwide, in order to create a smooth transition towards total liberation!

You can :

  • worldpfcJoin us in the Weekly Event Meditation, it is one of our most powerful contributions to world peace
  • Create or Join a Local Group, click on the image to the right:
  • Subscribe to Our Blog and Newsletter. You can sign up by clicking on the “Newsletter” option at the top right corner of this page.
  • Volunteer to Join Our Team, click here
  • Find some inspiration to get prepared with these Basic Practical Steps to Prepare for the Event
  • You can Submit a Post you have written, either anonymously or with your byline . Read the instructions and protocols for submissions to be sure you can publish it here.
  • Download the “Community Leaders Brief” document and share it with your friends and neighbors and be prepared to give it to community leaders at the time of the Event.
  • You can send a message to a leader on the About Us page to express your opinion or point out issues of which we should be aware. This can be done anonymously as well.
  • Sign up as a Language Translator to help make this website available to people all over the world.

If you have any questions or need help with the sign-up process please contact [email protected]

Thank you for taking the time to participate !


  1. Can someone explain to me what is prepareforchange and what is the Event…and what is it based on? I would like to know, based on reliable sources of information and trustworthy people!

    • Change is an Absolute
      Humanity has reached a point of Critical Mass (UnBalance)…
      The Core Fundamental Human Values for Life Given to all Humanity by the Creator of our World and all Life… Society lives for Self / Desire…
      Our Lifetime has to decide to return to Core Values or Humanity will Cease to Exist…
      Hate will not lead us into a New Era of Human 4d Love & EnLightenment…
      Love One Another
      The Alternative ?
      Lots of Love…
      Pappa Tejas

    • These folks want world peace, but what about ADRENOCHROME? There is 0% peace possible other than delusional, if ADRENOCHROME is still a thing!!!!

  2. When I first signed up to this site, I really didn’t know what was going on, or what I had gotten myself into, but now as I am going back over everything. I understand a little better, I don’t even know if I have anything set up,for example a website.

  3. COBRA info on TWITTER:
    For example, in the current timeline there is a war between Iran and the United States. In the new timeline, that war doesn’t happen. That’s just one example of how things can change:

    (ditto the group around Cobra, the ‘Event’, Resistence Movement, Tanaath, Silver Legion etc. – Google! – ), this to be a ‘critical mass’ for the benefit of a transformassion/transit to a positive PEACE TIMELINE versus the now running WAR-TIMELINE. So that we will get on the end a Golden Future! Sign in for the scientific -right actions and -group meditations:

    FOR THIS: The Lightforces call for everyone NOW to start with [group-, mass-]meditations: Sign in; Tel. 06-17037501.

  4. Olá

    Prático o Yogasincrogalactico
    Acompanho a Meditação Sincronizada da Lei do Tempo 13:20
    Tenho um grupo no WhatsApp onde Compartilho em Português publicações diárias do Livro de Aulas Práticas de Yogasincrogalactico
    E tenho uma página no Facebookção-da-Mente-Natural-Sincrônica-591591201283077/ onde Compartilho Conhecimento da Lei do Tempo 13:20 e livros de José Aguïlis, entre outros artigos como o do repórter Ricardo Camilo(que sou fã), e foi através dele que cheguei até esta página com vcs porque ele indicou como Fonte em um de seus artigos!
    O que mais me chamou a atenção aqui. Foi a questão de reunir líderes, praticar ações Comunitárias para divulgar a Luz(Energia Livre. Gans, tecnologia Keche) afim de nos fortalecer os gradualmente e nos libertamos /não dependemos do S”istema Psicopata Social”
    Cuto Meditação, mas não curto assuntos que não tenha como base uma lógica Científica, embora me considere espiritualista
    (Posse dizer que conheci/penetrei em diversas crenças religiosas, espíritas , evangélicas, católicas, escolas iniciáticas, devorei muitos livros, pesquisei muito…E encontrei As respostas que eu busquei, estou num processo de Sincronicidades, me sentindo muito bem, neste processo de Iluminação!
    Conhecendo o blog…E quem sabe contatar algumas pessoas que de afinam com o Propósito desta Causa , que é a Ascensão Planetária, Salvação da Humanidade e serescencientes!

  5. Eu me disponho a trabalhar em grupo de comunicação social midiática ou em grupo da nova renascença; gostaria no entanto de conhecer mais detalhadamente as propostas de trabalho de ambos os grupos; gostaria ainda de receber as informações em português, pois não tenho proficiência em outro idioma.

  6. Look to the light so you can be help, follow the light so you can be save learn from the light so you can achieve your goals.
    Follow the pyramid so you can be blessed, the light is here to help you inbox the Grand master for your online initiation now on what’s app +1 (858) 218-0623 or Email address: [email protected]

  7. Greetings all from Barcelona, Spain.

    The Event is imminent and we are here to offer our love and support. We are here, we are NOW!

  8. Interesting, I think I found something valuable in here with much in common. Nationality I’m Azorian Portuguese with German and Jewish ancestors. I speak, read and write a little bit of Portuguese and Spanish or in combination. I consider my so called depression not a disease but a time of enlightenment in my life. It’s like someone slapped me in the face and I finally woke up to this world, a world with so much troubles and I hear you all by the way and I understand. I think I’m really good at connecting the dots, I understand people, cultures and all religions and all it’s complicated problems. I’m learning how to read in Arabic right now and it’s very interesting to me and beautiful too and I can see how people can memorise the entire Quran (third and last word of God). Words in Arabic are symbolic and very brain-compatible, more capable than English, Portuguese or Spanish. You have to maybe give Arabic a chance to understand what I’m saying. I also consider myself a historian and I collect history. I know the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran and I am a strong believer in all 3 major movements. Let’s say they all go together and my faith now is more complete. I was baptized and raised Roman Catholic and always will be with a combination of my Israelite ancestry and faith including the Quran and Islam. I Also know about the old Portuguese empire and the colonies and most of it’s hidden history too. The Portuguese made many mistakes but I believe the Portuguese has learn from them and as a result we have become a more compassionate and a more caring people who have no problem admitting and learning from our mistakes. History is so important and to know history helps prevent history from repeating itself and right now it’s doing just that in the middle east, Africa, north east Europe, North Korea keeps doing what they do, who knows what China is up to, Saudi Arabia and Iran are not getting along and when a political leader claims a war is over it’s always a lie. War has been a part of everyday life since the Egyptians, Romans, Persians, Greeks to the Mongols, Napoleon, WWI and after WWII, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, hidden wars, Cold war. Another war results in 2 or 3 or more wars and they keep multiplying and the bloodshed never ends and they keep lying to us all like we’re stupid. I have always been against a war since I can remember in 1990. The Berlin wall I remember came down on my birthday and I was 9 years old and I loved watching that wall coming down and watching families finally reunite again. Family is very important to me and I’m more like my mother in many ways and she’s a people person who is bilingual and self taught. My dad is barbaric and I become the total opposite. He was brutal to me tell I was able to defend myself. I say this just so you can better understand where I come from, I’m not looking for a response at all, it’s the past that made me stronger and who I am today. I’ve had nightmares in Hell from age 5-12 and another nightmare one more night when I was 31. I remember when I was maybe 5 and I climb up to the roof one day and an earthquake shook and I think that was strange, what are the chances of that happening to anyone? I’ve experienced actual dejavu and it’s a crazy thing to experience and that happen between age 5-12. When the day would come I use to say “here we go again”. Standing on this path I’ve seen before in my dream I always knew to turn around because what was in front of me was always going to be painful and it’s an amazing thing to experience and somebody was watching my back I believe. Is it crazy to say that I’m a reincarnation? I feel like I know my ancestors and what they have gone through. Sometimes I cry without any reason at all. Are they my tears or theirs? I fill like nobody understands me or cares to understand me and some think I’m crazy but I’m not and how can I make this stuff up anyway and how would I benefit from lying, talking like this? I wouldn’t. Why am I so different from others. I was bullied in grade school and my first language was Portuguese in an American English school. I’m a first generation Portuguese American and proud of it. I feel like I have a lot to offer. I’ve become emotional and I get emotional when I hear about what’s happening in Syria and Africa, all the threats and between Pakistan and India’s war that never ends that people are forgetting. My mind is always thinking of how to solve this and that and how can I get involved….I’ve found spiritual healing through occasional psychedelic experiences, it’s been years though since my last, just saying. There’s a lot more but I think this is enough and I hope we can build bridges and figure things out. Take care all and thank you, let me know if I can help…I’m open to travel to most places.

    • You are not so different from this ‘other’. I relate to what you’ve written here at a deeper level than nationality or religion, or any other surface-level label. Thank you for posting this; if you would like to correspond with me about some of the subjects mentioned in your comment, I can be reached by email at alfeozino at gmail.

  9. Glad to see positive comments I’ve been really down lately about our situation I work in England for a certain police force and I see on a daily basis how people are unnecessary suffering due to the corporate society . Bashar stated that in 2016 everything will.change lets hope so . Take care eveyone I wish you and your families peace happyness and freedom john from UK

  10. Let’s come together and combine our efforts! To speed up the transformation of this world we would like to invite you to join us on ***** Saturday November 21 ***** Global Meditation at 9:12 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 10:12 pm EET in Cairo, 8:12 pm GMT in London, 3:12 pm EST in New York, 2:12 pm CST in Chicago, 1:12 pm MST in Denver and 12:12 pm PST in Los Angeles, and 4:12 am CST on Sunday, November 22nd in Taipei.

    We are using a guided meditation audio in an online chat system called Tinychat which also supports camming.

    Please join us here:

    Let’s come together and combine our efforts!

  11. please share and spread the knowledge
    MAGRAV SYSTEM: FREE ENERGY IN EXCHANGE FOR WORLD PEACE KFSSI Blueprint Teaching: From Monday Oct 26 2015, the Keshe Foundation teaching about the understanding and application of the Magrav technology is live and open to the public. EVERYBODY IS WELCOME ONLINE Also at Zoom Meeting when live:

    Keshe foundation Website
    Spaceship Institute website

  12. Hi ! Check out the The Keshe Foundation Free Energy For Peace Conference on October 16 in Rome. He is giving away the technology to humanity and has put safeguards in place in case the” powers that were” try to stop him. Pretty Cool!

  13. FYI: For those seeking translations, I found a Website with a free translator that works pretty well as long as you have some notion of which language you need it to translate from. If you’re not sure, you can just plug in the text and try a couple until you hit the right one. For example, as a test, I plugged that Chinese post above into the translator and selected “Chinese (Traditional),” but it did not fully translate, so I changed my selection to “Chinese (Simplified),” and that translation essentially matches the translation traceycooke posted on this site.

    Not all Earth languages can be translated at that site, but quite a few can. Here’s the link:

    Love and big hugs!

    ~ Lauren 😉

  14. A anos esperamos por mudanças,por isso estou disposto a participar e também poder ajudar meus irmão.
    Já chega de sermos escravizados pela cabala escura esta na hora das mudanças,sem violência e sem medo,sempre com AMOR e pelo AMOR.
    Peçamos ao mestre Jesus que nos ajude a sermos um ser humano Manso e humilde como ele foi quando estava aqui entre nós na terra.

    • Traducido al Inglés Tomaz: “The years hope for change, so I am willing to participate and also be able to help my brother.
      Enough of being enslaved by the dark cabal in this time of change, without violence and without fear, always with LOVE and the LOVE.
      Let us ask the Master Jesus to help us to be a human being meek and humble as he was when he was here with us on earth.”

  15. Hi fellow humans,mutants,light warriors and light-workers,as well the Star seeds,Extraterrestrial and Intra-terrestrial giving FREEDOM to SUFFERING HUMANITY. Just 20 DAYS ago,I could not walk properly due to Diabetes -Metabolic Syndrome,Chronic Pain Syndrome 8-9 / 10 in the scale of pain;on =off blindness.Ihad a real limited mobility,hauling my body’s weight of 420 pounds. I have been enduring a life of pain and misery since 1997, which got worse since 2004. I also been fighting evil in its different featuring as a light warrior since age of 14 years old. I been fighting dark forces in third,fourth and fifth dimension,here on EARTH AS WELL YONDER AND BEYOND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM. In 1998 I started special sacred ritual and meditation-prayers ,asking for help,begging help not only for me ;but also, for the suffering humanity. I always managed to get the appropriated feedback from the ASCENDED MASTERS,DIFFERENT LOGOS,MY INNER FATHER-MOTHER ;EVEN HELP from our brothers from ANDROMEDA,PLEIADES ARCTURIANS ,ETC.ETC.ETC. 20 DAYS AGO TODAY,I got a very special help from the BROTHERS UP-STAIRS.The help came in person to person fashion;a face to face contact in my house’s living room here in LONDON Ont.I was medicate with a green-blueish-violet shot on my left arm ;it was hot,a very bright substance, liquid energy,photons…whatever it was is working and taking me back in shape very fast. Suddenly I LOST THREE INCHES FIRST TWO WEEK. No more insulin needed now – I used to take 300 -400 units of NOVO-RAPID /DAY;plus,80 units of LANTUS /DAY. I stop taking LIPITOR,PROZAC,ATENOLOL as well . Regarding pain killers like :TRAMACET, CELEBREX;also, those guys has been reduced at its minimal dose.Hope get rid of them completely by the end of this very month of JANUARY /2015. Here by ,I do express my sincere thanks to them,to my brothers from up-stairs . Next thing I want to share is my concern regarding the “how to create an event support group” button,cause I can not figure out it. Thanks so much. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT IS ALREADY HERE AMONG US !!! Dr. ELZERETTONE OTTOLINA LACAVALERIE,M.D.

    • Hi Elzerettone,

      I’m so happy for the progress you are making! Please check out Dr. Joel Wallach, DVM, ND. He has several videos on YouTube. There are natural solutions to many or most of the problems that plague humanity. We have not had direct access to these due to our world situation. It is now time to get as many people as possible oriented to finding solutions for their medical problems in nature instead of pharmacies.

      We would love to have your participation in a Prepare For Change group in your state. There is one in Ontario, Canada. Go to:
      Under the heading “Participate” in the drop down menu see “Worldwide Facebook Network”
      When you scroll down the page you will see: Prepare For Change – Ontario and Prepare For Change – Québec. I hope that one of these two groups are close to your location. If not create one in your area.
      Guidelines for conducting a group are also given.

      Never give up…..keep your light shining brightly!

      Blessings & love,
      Angel Eyes ~**~

    • Hello. Elzerettone, I just read your post in amazement. Can you give additional details of your contact. I have been a Type 1 diabetic for 56 years, very brittle, cannot be controlled, do not show symptoms of high/low blood sugars. I have always had faith that I would be cured one day, if that is God’s will. If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate hearing from you. I am so happy for your recovery. Thank you, Linda

  16. Every day, centred in love and light, meditate for love, light and peace on this world. There are millions of us meditating throughout this world, no need for a group, just join in, your intentions to connect to others that have the same goals are instant, including the wondrous beings above us now.

    Right now, today, meditate/pray for protection for self, family and all life on this planet. Connect to Source, radiate the love and light you are. Every one of us can make a change, start yours today. Do not wait for others to do it for you, be part of the change we all pray for.

  17. Hi, new to this site, have noticed that there are posts regarding joining the Illuminati along with testimonies. Asking if this site is connected to the Illuminati in any way.

    Thanks for your reply

    • Regarding our intentions, I would say we are as far from the Illuminati as possible. We have no connection to the various groups linked to that name.

  18. Eu sei que posso fazer pouco , mas o pouco que posso será suficiente .

    Algum brasileiro por aqui ?
    I know I can do little, but the little that can be enough.

    Some Brazilian here?

  19. Spero che il bene e l’amore trionfino il prima possibile ovviamente con tutta la grazia che è la loro virtù e con meno traumi possibili.
    Resto in attesa di consigli su come poter aiutare.
    Ricordate che l’amore è l’energia più potente nell’universo!!!

  20. Acabei de me inscrever, e estou muito feliz em fazer parte desse grupo. Não me inscrevi em nenhum grupo especial, no entanto estou disponível para ajudar. Aguardo notícias! Paz e Bem!

  21. So thankful for the inspiring individuals this website has brought into my life. Much love and light to all!

  22. I Travel for a living, taking temp job assignments. I will be in the US, but have no idea where, so I will just need to find meet up groups as I relocate.

  23. Hi guys,

    Just a little info to be organized after the different events. I did not sign up to an event support group (not possible – however met the leaders from Paris) but I’ve been preparing hundred of people in Paris and around giving conferences about what’s coming.

    Therefore, regarding Paris and areas around, do not hesitate to contact me to be organized. A lot of people will contact me to ask what to do next.

    As many of us, I’ve been prepared all my life for what’s coming and let you know that we are many people working behind the scene as you can imagine.

    Thank you so much for all your effort, and as say Cobra, Victory is near !


  24. Olá amigos;assim como muitos estou ansioso para vivenciar este momento único para toda humanidade;Espero dar minha parcela de contribuição para a vitória da luz!!!
    Um forte abraço a todos!Que Deus abençoe a todos nós.


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