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Yearly Archives: 2014

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Ebola in the news……..

Ebola has been in the news recently……some are promoting that it is incurable. This is promoting fear (False Expectations Appearing Real). Always remember that...
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The Prepare For Change Newsletter is Here! July 28th, 2014

What do you plan to do when the EVENT is happening?Hello PFC Family! While this is stating the obvious, it appears that the scope...
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Rothchild’s Zionist Agenda, WWIII & ISIS – David Icke

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xe5cQDIbMs David Icke gives his views on The Rothschild Zionist Agenda, Third World War & New World Order.David talking about the set-up for WWIII and...
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Random acts of kindness

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Corporate Oligarchy & Geopolitcs/ Economic Crisis – must listen

Coast to Coast AM on July 24, 2014.  The brief description is below, but these are excellent synopsis of our current affairs around the...
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Mary Poppins calls it quits – minimum wage

http://fox13now.com/2014/07/25/video-kristen-bell-as-mary-poppins-calls-it-quits/ Very well done.  
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Washington, District of Corruption Movie

Anyone who wants to truly understand the truth about big government corruption must look behind today's headlines.  These are the trailers:https://www.judicialwatch.org/districtofcorruptionmovie/  District of Corruption  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuq6Jp-8R7g Book and movie...
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Another JP Morgan Bank Executive Commits Suicide July 2014.

for full article:  http://politicalvelcraft.org/2014/07/10/another-jp-morgan-bank-executive-commits-suicide-july-2014/ "For those not locked into the captured corporate media, we’re starting to see the truth emerging. The truth is that we’ve...
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The Prepare For Change Newsletter is Here! July 21, 2014

WOULD YOU LIKE TO FEEL YOUR VERY BEST EVERYDAY?Well.....now you can! There is a small device on the market now (about the size of...
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Light A Candle in Unity

Dear PFC family, one of our EVENT support Groups have taken initiative I hope you will will join me in supporting their efforsts for prayers...

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