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Yearly Archives: 2014

Natural Antibiotics

Next time you start feeling a cold coming on, try a NATURAL antibiotic!  My favorite most robust choice is Olive Leaf Extract - Alexandrahttp://www.med-health.netNatural...

The Eight Best Home Remedies Relieve Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis

This is a great compilation of easy to do remedies to bring down inflammation and pain - A.M.Posted by JB BardotArthritis is a debilitating...
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Reverse Galileo, Force Fields & What Einstein Didn’t Know

Nuclear physicist and alien contactee Charles Hall maintains there exists in nature force fields which western science can easily duplicate, that could allow us...
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Jan 22 – Weekly Update from Leadership Team

Dear PFC, I am going to try and provide some relevant information on a bi weekly basis. I make no claim to the accurracy of...
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100 Reasons to Shut Down the Federal Reserve – forever

On The 100th Anniversary Of The Federal Reserve Here Are 100 Reasons To Shut It Down ForeverBy Michael Snyder, on December 22nd, 2013 http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/on-the-100th-anniversary-of-the-federal-reserve-here-are-100-reasons-to-shut-it-down-foreverDecember 23rd,...

Healing From A Healer To YOU

Roach DNAI saw my first cockroach when I was twelve.I screamed my head off and called for my parents. By the time they arrived,...
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Pretty cool video

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Website Help for Prepare Leaders

Dear Prepare  Team Members,This website now has all of the Languages up and running. We expect much more traffic and our interaction with the...
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Scientific Studies On Reiki

This is the link to an article that was brought to my attention by Reiki Master-Teacher Jon Pickell. It was originally published in 1999.There...
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Daily/Weekly Mail Leadership PFC

I am going to try and provide some relevant information on a daily or weekly basis. I make no claim to the accurracy of...

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