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I recently found out that David wilcock is being controlled by the beings that have put in place the “sun blocker” that is blocking all of our real precious sun light. They plan to have a false Ascension where money and technology are still involved, and still feed off our energy. David wilcock is not a reliable source.
People talking about “Trump taking children away from their parents, putting them in cages”, etc. need to pull their heads out of their a_ _es. Where was your vitriol when Obama built the cages these kids were placed in, when he did nothing about human trafficking? You are so MSM brainwashed. If your source of information is only mainstream media, then you are misinformed. Research, research, research.
The Cabal is the umbrella group, for the most negative people on this Planet. They have been ruling from behind the scenes, consisting of 13 ruling Families. They have been assisted by the Draco, a very evil ET species who are reptilian. They feed off the negative energy ( called lech ) given off by Humanity via the evil deeds of the Cabal. The Deep State are Cabal members within the United States, who did rule from within. The SSP Alliance and SSP Earth Alliance defeated the Cabal, the Draco, and another reptilian group recently.
For the love of GOD Gary…..get some professional help
I’m not very familiar with Wilcock’s vocabulary, and I’d like someone to explain me what “Cabal” and “Deep State” mean. Thank you
Here: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/654734_32bfb0eb2a6643fe9643877529f747aa.pdf
Ohhhhoohohohooooo they took it down.
Well, definitely finding this video elsewhere, now.
No doubt about that.
The video has been uploaded again Alex.
David Wilcock supports Trump. Now I already am well aware that no politican is going to change this world for the better since they are puppets of the illuminati families.
Also, someone tell me why The Simpsons episode predicted Trump would be president 16 years before it happened? Why did that same tv show predict the ebola virus and 9/11 several years before it happened?
Trump, was selected to be president. Wilcock, is just another puppet. The Simpsons also predict that Trump will bankrupt America and a female president will come after him. Let’s see if that happens.
People need to raise their consciousness and work on themselves. If they don’t, they aren’t going to see the new earth. End of story.
The accuracy behind this is stunning.
I appreciate David’s work and have seen or read most of it. Yet I find his supportive attitude toward Trump inexplicable. Trump as a warrior against evil? A man who takes children from their parents? Who encourages environmental pollution? Who takes poor families off Medicaid and Food Stamps? The only good that might come of having him in power might be that he could bring down the whole structure of our current civilization, with its vicious economic system. So far, however, he seems to love the money-dominated order and profit from it. Please David, say you’ve rethought your position on this homegrown Hitler.
Oh please!…………
Trump is a narcissistic, upside down bible holding dictator. It is sad that so many people are so vulnerable in their ignorance that they support this orange buffoon , no matter what ….ugh
Divine Goddess Shekina Rose Pleiadian Blue Ray Transmission: Higher Octave Ascension Wave Avatars Dolphin & Whales New Sirius DNA Strands
Victory Of The Light !!!
I’ve been told that all channelled messages are interferred by the Cabal, so anyone of them are fair. How do you think those mesages are true, the Cabal allows only mis-information and lies
I channel and they exist. I was abducted and it was witnessed.
I’ve been working in close contact with ET for years.
I have info that the insiders can’t release. Funny how only the things ET allows these people to remember, gets out, isn’t it?
Several of us have been involved in most of what is going on.
Hello Drake, Prepare For Change salut you for all of your contributions to the Planetary liberation. Stay safe & God Bless You!
C’est bien de nous mettre des vidéos mais vu que même en allant sur Youtube les traductions pour cette vidéo est en Amharique ???? je ne peux rien recevoir. Serait il possible que pour la France on nous fasse des traductions pour les vidéos car le reste Chrome nous aide bien. Merci.
I totally resonate with David Wilcox’s disclosure, as most things he exposes confirm my visions, messages, and experiences.
We live extra-ordinary times of change, we are in a cycle of Transformation, and preparation on All levels is now vital. There is no time to waste.
Your Prepare for Change Newsletters are informative and hopefully reach out to as many ‘open’ people out there as is possible.,in search of the Truth. (Discernment is
Thank you and blessings,
Ascension Wave New Frequency/Special Solstice Broadcast: Soulology/SoulSpeaks Shekina Rose
Victory Of The Light !!!
DNA Higher band Activation Frequency/Special Solstice Broadcast: Soulology/SoulSpeaks Shekina Rose
Victory Of The Light !!!
5D Galactic Ascension ET contact, NDE Discussion on Soulogy/SoulSpeaks Shekina Rose & Todd Medina
Victory Of The Light !!!