By Baxter Dmitry,
Justin Bieber told hundreds of people at a Bible study class in Los Angeles that Hollywood elites killed his unborn child and destroyed the relationship he had with the child’s mother, Selena Gomez, as a way of punishing him.
Since finding God last year, Bieber has become a regular at the Bible study class held at the Montage in Beverly Hills and on Wednesday he shared what he called “the worst moment in my life” with the congregation and explained why he had to retire from the music industry.
Telling churchgoers that he will “never go back” to the “evil music industry” until the “pedophiles and monsters at the top of the game are run out of town” and everything is “disinfected with bleach and sunshine,” Bieber explained how Hollywood elites tried to corrupt him.
“They tried so hard to corrupt me,” Bieber said, “because I reached a level they couldn’t control anymore.”
“They tried to destroy me with alcohol and when that didn’t work they tried with drugs – all different kinds. Then when that didn’t work they tried to destroy me with ambition.”
“I was interested at first,” Bieber acknowledged, before saying “but when I realized what the price of admission is in that world, I had to quit.”
“Selena and I were expecting. It was early days and we hadn’t told anyone. At the same time I was being courted by some really powerful people, the most powerful people in Hollywood.”
Describing a top-secret party attended by record industry executives, Bieber said he was shown into a back room where a group of men wearing masks were sitting around the edge of the room, drinking from cups. In the center of the room a dead child was sitting cross-legged, propped up against the back of a chair. It looked like a late-stage fetus and was completely drained of blood.
“The baby’s entire scalp wasn’t there. Its skull had been stripped down to the surface of the bone. Portions of the right side of its undeveloped little face had been torn away. You could see bite marks and bruises all over its tiny body.”
“They were wearing animal masks, sitting around drinking what they called ‘red wine.’ They offered me some. It was obvious that it was really important for them that I got involved.
“I literally gagged at this point. One of them boasted the baby had been alive for eight hours after they started cutting it and draining its blood.”
“When he described the pain the baby went through, he seemed pleased with himself.”
The horrific death described by Bieber to his congregation is called “exsanguination”, otherwise known as completely draining a person of blood. The practice is popular among drinkers of baby blood who consume what they call “red wine” in order to get high on the adrenaline, young hormones, and negative energy they believe is found in the blood of children.
They believe the more a child suffers before its death, the more “enriched” its blood will be upon harvest. Often the child is physically and sexually abused before it is killed in order to create the necessary trauma.
Bieber refused to drink the blood and that is when “everything started going wrong.”
“They threatened me. They said they knew Selena was pregnant. They asked if I wanted my baby to end up like the one in the center of the room.”
“This completely flipped me out and I lost my way for a long time. I went off the rails,” said Bieber, fighting back tears. “They murdered my unborn child. Me and Selena… we were driven apart by these people and the trauma.”
But years have passed since the traumatic episode and Bieber has vowed to protect her and become a family man. Acknowledging rumors that the pair are back together, Bieber even hinted he is set to become a family man.
“They won’t lay a hand on my family so help me God,” he said.
“There are truly evil forces at work in the world. God is real. Satan is real,” Bieber said, before exiting the stand.

These latest allegations from Justin Bieber add to the wave of accusations made by celebrities and musicians about the real nature of the music and entertainment industry elite. Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood have both gone on record exposing the pedophilia at the heart of Hollywood.
According to Elijah Wood, innocent young lives are destroyed to satisfy “people with parasitic interests” who “see you as their prey.” In an interview with the Sunday Times, Wood dropped a series of bombshells about the pedophiles that run the industry, noting that “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organized.”
If you read the Washington Post or watch CNN, pedophilia is not a problem, and those who talk about it are tinfoil hat wearing kooks perpetuating ‘fake news.’ But more and more stars are coming forward with similar stories about the depraved Hollywood system.
In recent months Nicole Kidman, Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan have spoken out about pedophilia in Hollywood. Close friends of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington claim the recently deceased pair were working on exposing the pedophile ring working at the heart of the music industry – and it cost them their lives.
Justin Bieber shocked his fans by cancelling his world tour and announcing that he needed some time away from the music industry. As more information comes to light, it appears he made the best possible decision.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
I am a survivor. I have nightmares about lifeless children. Babies toldlers children All Over the place. On the table, on the floor, outside, in the tables, at the window, in a mailbox and so on..
Some died with a weird look in their eyes, a weird smile on their face, others lay in a unnatural position or bended in some way.
I am a mother myself, but sometimes when I look at my young children, I remember them.
People only cared to read about the Hollywood star. People care about his baby. What about this baby? Have you ever seen a baby or child being abused? Being hit? You feel this in your heart, and that is something 'minor' compared to children beaten to death, raped to death.. I don't know why I survived, but the women in my family (gransmother – grandchild) are all severely trained.
Once I learned I had an older brother. I always missed him.
They killed my dog to break me. It worked. I was 8.
They've abused me since I was born.
Poor Justin & Selena were both MK’d as children. These kids didn’t have a choice in what happened in their lives. Her being a Disney kid & him a singer, they have been under complete mind control since early on. You can see Justin has no light left in his eyes. It’s heartbreaking what they do to these poor kids. These evil “people” (I use that term very loosely) will pay for what they do to innocent children.
What does MK’d mean?
Mind control
Even when there is no light
It can always ignite.
Mk ultra can do so much
But not everything
It is false that it is in possible to break free. Most of it is mental intelligence.
We all contain the technique or system of self healing. See it like.. They are drawing in clouds.. To cloud you.. So u do not let them.. And if you became cloudy, break through, like a sun.
Like when a child being Satanic Ritual Abused, they thrive on the pain and give the child more pain. I survived. I don't know why, but I did understand that they tried to give the feeling of dying. This is when I learned to mentally block pain.
They held me at my throat in the air. I did not feel a thing. No pain. No fear.
I did not think or feel anything anymore at all. I broke open in 2012 and I am still breaking.
I have given labour to two children
It is much less painful.
My husband asked if it hurt
I smiled brightly
Also you might hate and when to murder all the pedophile/monsters
Well I have 0 contact with my family, 'the monsters', but animals!! They do love and care for these monsters!!! My pedophile father who has abused Hundreds!! Of children
Is being cuddled and helped by the pets, cat and dog.
So let's be better please
Instead of yelling to hang em
You are no better than them
That is death culture
Killing something
Is killing yourself
Is losing
Of your soul
And you are all Doomed if you do!!!!
I pray that Justin will find peace, love and safety in the name of the Lord. Such a talented young man. Sounds like he is on the path to righteousness. You people are quick to blame. You don’t know the hell he must have gone through. One day a few weeks ago I ended up on the Ellen Show and I am not a fan of hers at all, but I saw who I thought was Justin, never a fan of his either. But I was drawn to how different he looked and his demeanor was like a different person. He sang a beautiful song with another singer and for the first time I actually watched him. Anyway, something was very different from the glimpses of him before. What puzzles me is why was he on Ellen? when she is supposedly one of the cabal. Whatever. I know one thing that the hand of God’s judgment needs to come down heavily and swiftly on these monsters but he has to feel that we will not put up with these atrocities happening right beneath our noses. Our greatest asset has always been our children. They are the future. We need to get down on our knees and pray like we have never done before, ask forgiveness of God for our ignorance and complacency, and pray for the children, babies and mothers who have endured torture at the hand of these Satanists. These people can’t be human to be doing such unspeakable acts of the devil himself. President Trump is a huge part of this great awakening and he needs all the support we can muster. He is a great president and a great man. He is showing the millions of supporters in a rigged election that he won as a landslide. Do not give Biden the time of day. He is a fake president and will never be the President of the United States . Say prayers for President Trump as he will stand with his people, us, for another 4 years and will go down in history as the greatest president our country has ever had. Stand with him and God will recognize the good within the majority of Americans. We will not tolerate these abominations against the most innocent. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Uummm I believe Justin is now a clone, he was already executed, a clone has no soul, Trump will take card of all this🇺🇸🇺🇸
Seems everyone is a clone now days. And those imaginary executions without any proof are just sheer hope. Nevertheless, BS.
Amen- well said.
I already saw his execution date! He and Salena have bern executed! So what is the purpose of this?
Yikers! You REALLY should be careful in the stories you believe, even if you want them to be true.
This is a bummer don’t get me wrong, but I’m pretty sure Justin and his now wife Hailey voted for Joe Biden a child molester, pedophile and probably the creepiest person on the planet alongside the many other “elites” so if I could ask Justin one thing it would be so what action are you gonna take to fix this cause who you vote for matters.
Is Bieber even able to vote, he’s Canadian, did he become a citizen?
This is all you take out of this??? This is your ONLY focus!? Wtf
No he can’t
Good point. I’m not sure how valid this article is but it does seem certain celebs aggressively cling to religion while they are being labeled as crazy. Like they’ve experienced the worst evil and finding God is worth more than their careers. Also, consider what they are up against. If they are forced to support Biden. Threatened. Would you claim to support Biden to protect your wife and family? How many in Hollywood are trapped?
I saw that too!
For anyone that has the ability to think for themselves and use logic and empathy – watch his ELLEN appearances since 2018. With deep sadness I am afraid Justin, who he really was is no longer with us. His forehead has tripled in size, he is three shades paler, his nose is completely different size and shape and he has lost his MAIN freckle (under his left eye) too alongside the ones on his cheeks. This is how dark the world we live in truly is but only TRUTH CAN SET US FREE. Let’s free his soul the world needs to know
Watch Justin’s Come Around Me video. It’s like it’s confirming every detail of this article. Back room, masks.. the blue mask that keeps showing up has the right side completely stitched up. Marks all over. Stiches on the scalp. I believe every word of this article and I think Bieber is making a difference.
i cant say much but visit dark web expo series
I don’t think Tupac or Michael Jackson or Paul walker are dead either I dnt think half of these celebs are dead I think someone is up to something whether it’s good or bad
I’ve been hearing this! What makes you believe this?! Also where did you get your info?! I’d love to read it!
Wow you just blew my mind with the Paul walker name drop because he did running scared n ends up dead. That movie was shocking to me and should be to anyone. Thanks for the reminder
Mj and Paul are alive for sure, cat say whether or not justin is
They were all at Trumps Christmas rally you will be so shocked to see who was there clouseau has done videos I will post one so you can see
JFKJR and wife and family are alive. Kailey Mcanany is their daughter
You say the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. That is why the Spirit of the Lord rests on all His children. We will have the discernment to Know who the Anti-Christ is. We must keep in the word. Not speculate. Just the WORD
You are so so right !!!
I don’t see here how HIS child was harmed? If she was expecting what happened to their baby? He said there was a baby there but it wasn’t her baby
God…reading comprehension would have been useful, ey..? /major cringe.
He states they cut up a fetus.
They stated they knew his gf was pregnant.
They threatened Justin they would do the same to his unborn child if he didn’t join them.
Justin then says they murdered his child with selena as well as their relationship, implying they punished them and stole/sacrificed their baby.
Get it now?
The guy is in shambles over it, never mind the fact he’s traumatized from seeing a mutilated baby, yet here you are concerning yourself whether it was HIS baby in particular. News flash for you – lots of people’s babies were in this situation. LOTS.
I think the commenter was trying to understand how they killed his baby but it was unborn still inside of Selena … I kinda wondered the same thing .
Same way you would go and get an abortion…… come on it’s not that hard to understand y’all….
Lol same
She miscarried his child, but he’s not the 1st celebrity to say about this vile stuff that goes on behind closed doors of the entertainment industry.
Forced abortion–there are drugs to induce labor.
What do you think abortion is. It traumatizes the baby and then they harvest. That is why they push abortion so much.
If this is true, good for Justin for staying sane and not joining that cult. it’s mind-boggling that “normal” “caring” people are brought into something like this and a switch just goes off in their head like “yea actually this sounds great to me Id love to do what y’all are doing!” WHAT. the ACTUAL. big name people, celebrities I grew up admiring, are now into pedophelia and satanic rituals of babies and young?!!! ugh.
Hillary’s coughing constantly when she was campaigning against Trump,remember? There’s a medical name for the cough,caused by drinking human blood ! This ritual is also practiced by many big time politicians.
they need to be hunted down asap to stop
Biden has had the same coughing problem recently. I’m guessing a lot of the messed up celebs are messed up because of all this. It’s amazing any of them are able come out of it on the other side. Bourdain, Robin Williams, INXS, MJ, Brittany Spears, Amy Winehouse, Lindsey Lohan, etc are just a few that come to mind. Is anyone surprised they are either dead or had mental breakdowns? From what I understand, adrenachrome is highly addictive which explains why this has gotten so bad. Jesus…this has got to be exposed and stopped!
It doesn’t matter when or how it only matters that it happened and it MUST stop NOW. We, the people, NEED to do something, not let this be swept under the rug, it needs to be scream from the rooftops.
Its called Kuru..& you get it from ingesting human brain or spinal fluid. Potentially could have been by accident…read symptoms of. Her behavior exactly in 2016. Merkel looked to have it last time I saw her.
Hillary died from kuru disease from eating human brain she is a clone. Obama is a clone and many more I do believe that.
how and when did they get S & J baby???
that is the question not answered
which story did you read? Try reading ‘every’ word Doc.
They do give drugs now to induce abortion, they very well could have drugged something she ate or drank without her knowing.
Penny Royal is an old world use for inducing failed carries.
That doesn’t seem to matter, if they did that to a fetus they still did it a “baby”. DON’T YOU GET IT? It’s not who, when or where, IT HAPPENED, IT IS STILL HAPPENING AND IT MUST STOP NOW!!!
What can we do as human beings to help, how can we get involved to get it to end, how can we make it a better world for our own children? Those are the questions that need to be answered not who, when or how. We are human beings! How can we help each other?
Well said..and true.
A little less arrogance and condescension would definitely suit you
Lola P.
Geez getout from under that rock. ? This article couldn’t have explained it any better.
I had no problem understanding what he was getting at!!
She had a miscarriage
Her baby was apparently murdered after that party. Maybe he doesn’t say how because it’s not his story alone and Selena doesn’t want to share.
Really? You didn’t even mention the horrific scene he witnessed like it didn’t matter because it wasn’t his child. I hope I’m reading you wrong. I’m in literal tears of utter disbelief that any “normal” human would ever hurt a child for their selfish pleasure! I, for one, am not going to stand by and allow this to happen to another innocent child, so help me God! I don’t have a ton of money (which is worthless) but what I have those amoebas will never afford for eternity! They know the hammer is coming down soon and they think us poor folk don’t have what it takes to rid this planet of the evil they so pathetically enjoy. It doesn’t take money to get rid of satan & his (there’s not a word vile enough to describe them) followers.
Please pray as hard as you can! I’m not a religious nut! On the contrary I always say God has no religion and I am with God! Satan & satanists can’t survive in the bright light. They flourish in the darkest of darkness.
Even if this story is not exactly true there’s still a dire need for us to pray.
God bless the children!
I know I’m way way late here but some ppl are really deep sleepers the type that sleep through their alarm clocks you know what I mean. I hope that that type will someday soon open their eyes on their own bc is trying to shake them awake doesn’t seem to waken them. Good morning ya’all
Amen, God can and will destroy evil, but He expects us to Call His Name to bare witness to Destoy evil.
Amen…we should all be grieving for the horrors these little one’s have suffered over the centuries at the hands of these monsters. This is one swamp that we should all be determined to drain.
I think she probably ended up losing the baby because of trauma & stress. No- he didn’t say what happened.
I can’t figure that out either ??♀️
Selena did look pregnant for a while and sort of vanished
I don’t think Chester, Chris and Avicci are dead. I think they faked their death, to help with intelligence operations to take down the corrupt criminal operations.
I hope so
Dear god in heaven i hope so. Chester Benningtons lyrics & thr anguish in his voice woke me up as soon as i caught wind that his father is john podesta of killiary clinton staff leader.
They are dead. They’ve been spoken to through medium Sloan Bella. She is authentic.
I hope you’re right..
I hope this is true! I’ve always wondered … everything I hear his music in the Presidents videos, thats what I hope for.
In Jesus name you are told
Soon such as the pope, Kissinger, Kerry will announce to the world that JFK is physically alive on earth and in miraculously good health.
Look among the nations, and watch — wonder and be amazed! For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe, though it were told you. Habakkuk 1:5
“……. when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19
As per Revelation 19, Jesus returns on the LAST DAY of the reign of the BEAST.
BEAST shows up YEARS before Jesus returns.
JFK will reappear and is the BEAST
JFK the Beast?? Could you exspand a bit. It has been said he and Jr. are good guys. I want to get to the truth. Thank you.
No one truly knows , you can speculate all you want but the truth will be known one day. The Lord’s truth
Omg. This stuff is true and so so so evil. I am so so angry…Jesus protect Justin. They have killed many that are talking. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
You get the truth by researching your own facts.
You get the truth by researching your own evidence and facts that support your claim, you cannot rely on ppl to do it for u!
How is JFK the beast when he fought the bestial Cabal that controlled the world? I think you need to pull your head out of the sand, and do some actual research.
Last summer I had come through documentation that claimed the Kennedys were deeply connected into child trafficking. I don’t know if this is true I’m not saying it’s true however I wanna say it was RFK’s sister? I’m not sure if it’s fake news or if there’s truth to it but I know it has a lot of people speculating their integrity and intentions.
The reason JKF was assassinated was because he was trying to bring down the cabal. JFK jr faked his death so he could work secretly in bringing the cabal down.
Amen to that, you can feel the twnsion here on earth….The Heavens have won and Satan is running tail tucked back into the shadows.
I pray JB’s is alive, name leaked on the execution list from GITMO is a ploy to shake out more Pedi’s for judgement.
I know their father was an evil man playing footsies with Hitler or Lenin and also a big time bootlegger but I never heard anything about the boys except for little teddy leaving Kopecnik to die in that car accident .That was pretty shitty but all that i ever remember hearing about JFK was his womanizing.
No I don’t think so and I truly don’t think you know. No one knows who the anti christ is, but we do know his minions. George Soros, which past his duties to Obama. The pope is my choice, but there with another instructing him. This will happen in Rome there about. That’s what I have learned. JFK was a good man. He was aware of the Illuminati and Scull and bones that’s one of the reasons he was assassinated, which was done by (Timber Wolf) George Bush another minion. JFK jr.. I pray he still is among us and that they didn’t get to him. It would be wonderful if he staged his death in 99.. I would love to see Hillary’s face. ? God Bless. Pray for Trump and those around him. He didn’t have to do this.
The pope is evil. Stuck. Gates. Ellen Oprah. Wait you will hear much more. Tom Hanks. All ties with Epstein… Jesus said these days are more wicked. Worse than Sodom and Gor
Well Pope is powerful. He may be the anitchrist. But many are here now. The beast will give him if him power like never seen. I will if we are here. See the two witnesses whom are of god. The one who calls him god I think. Perform. Miracles.. Like. Moses his staff turned into a snake. Then right after that the evil one threw his down and also turned into a snake. So I know who was the good one…Moses. This is what the world will see. Satan has just the same power but used it for evil. So this will be a strong delusion for many to believe a lie…if I know God and his word. Then I know the truth….Read Revelations now. So much coming now. Time is so running. Out. Get prepared. Pray for endurance……
Why would Henry Kissinger, 97 years old and John Kerry have anything to do with being the ones who announce JFK JR is alive? I believe he may still be alive and will be announced by POTUS. As far as him being the AntiChrist, Biblically the AntiChrist will come out of the revived Roman Empire, which the USA is not part of.
I hate it when people speak about revelation like they know what theyre reading. Consider you are all wrong. There is no beast and no rapture and no tribulation and no antichrist. Modern school of divinity had lied to you. Yeshua told us how to pray and thats to agree with Elohim. He also said not to speculate because your words manifest things. People read your bible!
Not sure what Bible you are reading from but you are wrong!
… miraculously, and no one will be aware save for the ones forged in love and truth.
JFK is dead!!! There’s no doubt about it!!!
Cloning could be the means by which something such as this could be accomplished…
A clone who looks and talks and is trained to emulate the person from whose DNA they are cloned could be very effectively used to nefariously influence the populace.
According to the Bible, “It is appointed a man Once to die and then the judgment”…
Thus the soul of a man who is cloned would not be present in his clone, leaving a clone a soul-less, living shell… open to inhabitation by a non-physical entity, such as a demon or fallen angel, including Satan himself.
Thus It is plausible that a beloved leader/ icon who has passed away could, in this way, be “resurrected” and used to lead the masses astray.
Please go climb back in your hole… The beast? Geez… ??♀️
Um, I study eschatology and the Bible in general and this ^ is lunacy. The timeline is all wrong, JFK is not alive, nor was he “the beast.” The Standard is Jesus. If you want to listen to legit “end-times revelation,” go listen to Perry Stone from Voice of Evangelism on YouTube. Also, mediums are never legit – that’s witchcraft, and all witchcraft is a part of the same spiritual depravity as the HORRIFIC things we read about here.
JFK, the beast? Not quite. Lion of Judah, Spirit of Yesus returning with flaming red eyes …come to destroy Satan & its army, ok I’m buying that! …but not if the beast is your claim. I don’t see it…& I’m pretty good at “seeing” the truth, if you know what I mean.
One life to live, make it count, listen to the good in yourself and trust yourself and your decisions! Good luck with your future, family is wonderful .
Silence is not golden , you need to speak up ,, together give a voice to these beautiful children ❤️ you have no right to remain silent . All the money in the world isn’t worth ,,selling your soul. We need to stop all this ugliness !!
Can we have another source for this info, please?
I am not saying it’s false, but I need some solid ground basis before I can publish it on media.
Where did you get it?
Because if we can prove this, it’s going to be a real blast.
Also, if this proves factual, and if you have any contact with Justin, for God sakes, warn Justin he should be careful, careful, careful. Probably hire a body guard.
They killed Isaac Kappy and many others, like this movie director, David Crowley, who was just about to finance a anti-New World Order, Gray State. He, his wife and child got “suicided”. Although he had said he felt he was being followed and threatened.
Take care.
Be careful Clark. Some of these people here may know your secret identity.
Batman….. Is that you?
Out of the shadows UTUBE please please watch
Kappa is most likely safe & sound. We will see him again..thats what my gut & my minds eye is telling ME.
You cast evil demons out of your life by asking Jesus into your heart and as you walk with him, you can demand they leave you and your loved ones alone in the Name of Jesus Christ…be strong in the Lord and he will set you free.
Dear Justin,
As I’m still profoundly affected by your story here, I feel it imperative that I provide you with the following links (to copy and paste in your browser) for information that I believe will help you; in case you’re not already aware of it. The power of sound / frequencies…wink, wink.
The Secret Behind Numbers 369 Tesla Code Is Finally REVEALED! (without music)
Cymatics study of Sound
Importance of sound / frequencies:
Cancer Can Be Killed? – Dr. Royal Raymond Rife… The Proof We Had This Over 100 Years Ago…
Dr Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment – Words are Alive!
Masaru Emoto Water Experiment – Water Consciousness
Please use these 2 links below for assistance in removal of witchcraft that was done on you. I had good results from cleansing frequencies in them. At this point, for you, I recommend only drvirtual7. Of course you are sovereign and should do only what your gut tells you. I just want to offer help that really helped me:
For the persons involved in the heinous activity mentioned in your story, their attendance is not required anywhere in the universe.
Peace and love,
I do remember Miley Cyrus’s DAD saying..”Satan is in our home”….
There always comes a cost with selling your soul to Satan. It never lasts forever. Satan will eventually abandon your spoils and overtake your soul forever in misery.
WHY. .WHY..WHY..haven’t more in the music industry spoken out..written..whatever they can do to end this satanic shyte???? How are these psychos still alive and well??
WTF?….It has to include closet psychos in law enforcement..judicial. and The Biz…therefore..we have to finally admit WE ARE SURROUNDED BY THESE NON HUMAN ENTITIES AND ARE THEREFORE IN CONSTANT are our children!! WE MUST WAKE UP…TAKE ACTION whatever is needed…TO REMOVE/KILL OFF…THESE PERV/PYCHOS..FROM OUR MOSTLY GOOD SOCIETIES!!!
Keep speaking out Justin! That’s your biggest protection! What a horrific experience.
I remember seeing you play golf at the evevt at Edgewood Gold Course in Lake Tahoe a few years ago and I thought ‘Gee, I wonder if he surrendered to the satanists…. then as I saw your sweet, polite behavior, I said there’s no way! I kept that to myself
SO glad to hear you got out!
Blessings to you and your family!
Good bless Justin, brave nan
Great work in walking away from the Satanists! It must have taken a lot of courage, such that words cannot describe. You did great!!!!!! I hope you are taking good care of yourself. Welcome to the Light!
I could not help but keel over and cry from the horror I read in your story. The more that people out these monsters, the more opportunity will arise for arresting and charging them for their beyond heinous crimes.
I believe this happened or something close to this happened. But, we have no proof. It would be wonderful if this incident had been recorded.
An old friend that I’ve known for 20 years reached out to me a few weeks ago. We hadn’t spoken in 5 years, and in that time I’ve “red-pilled” myself. Although very successful (lives in Denver, plays in multiple church bands and touring bands), he not only HATES Trump, he thinks any of these kinds of stories are all totally fabricated. He watches CNN every night and thinks I’m crazy. I could send him this story but why bother? He (just like almost everyone else I know) is not willing to do any research. He watches The Voice and Dancing With The Stars. Ugh. Frustrating.
They’ll never release video footage of this. That would be insane and even then people would call it “CGI” your friend sounds very obvious and is part of the problem of people not waking up. They think because life is made out how they programmed us, bad stuff can’t happen. Movies are real they have hidden meanings. Truth in plain sight
Hillary’s coughing constantly when she was campaigning against Trump,remember? There’s a medical name for the cough,caused by drinking human blood ! This ritual is also practiced by many big time politicians.
Pray for his lost soul
É muito verdadeiro este depoimento de Justin Bieber. Eu sofri muitas vezes sabendo o que essas pessoas fazem bebês e fetos humanos. É muito real, horrivelmente real.
Peço para os fãs de Selena Gomes e Justin Bieber rezarem por eles, para protegê-los.É muito verdadeiro.
Deus os abençoe, ilumine e proteja sempre, em todos os momentos de suas vidas!!!
Not an easy thing to walk away from the grip of these satanic monsters. It takes great courage and the knowing that they might kill you or a loved one at any tme. Bless those who have woken up to the bigger, far more beautiful truth.