In some ways, the British are becoming more American than the Americans. After all, Brexit hero Nigel Farage just did to the EU what our founders did to the motherland centuries ago, except WITHOUT the Revolutionary War. Farage delivered an amazing, patriotic, flag waving speech to the EU on the night before England leaves the political union forever. (Glen Beck)

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  1. Don’t be too optimistic. For a while the world thought Ukraine would be a flagship for a model democracy. But they sabotage it. Russia is pushed to take it over. Netenyahu has said that any nation that refuses to succumb will be turned into a welfare state. Why does Europe refuse to import from Ukraine? Trump was refusing to give aid because he is on the same side as Russia.

  2. Nigel is a great guy and hopefully next will be Frexit, a great inspiration to erase this corrupt EU for a new free Europe. EU is the third Reich all the way and nothing to do with been the best for European country , the opposite. Great time, people are waking up, France revolution is started and is winning, the globalist will pay for their crimes against the population


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