Abby Martin’s new documentary, “Afghanistan War Exposed: An Imperial Conspiracy,” is a tour de force, a must watch for every American seeking a holistic understanding of American’s longest-running war.

he perpetual occupation of Afghanistan has become so normalized that it mostly serves as background noise to most Americans. It’s even jokingly referred to as the “Forever War,” accepted as just another constant reality. A soldier dies now and again, a couple of dozen civilians get killed in another bombing. It’s never enough to stir the population to pressure Washington enough to stop it. And the endless war drags on.
From George W. Bush to Barack Obama, to Donald Trump, every U.S. president has promised to end the war. But their plans to bring the troops home inevitably require first sending more troops to the country. You can’t look at all this rhetoric and reality and not conclude that the United States wants to stay in Afghanistan forever. And there is a reason, despite an unresolvable military quagmire, that the Empire won’t let go of Afghanistan.
In this latest “Empire Files” documentary, journalist Abby Martin covers reveals the reality of America’s Wars in Afghanistan, from the CIA construct of the 1980s through today’s senseless stalemate. MintPress brings you documentary in its entirety, published with permission from filmmaker Abby Martin.
Feature photo | A young boy carries a sack of goods on his back walks past a mural depicting Washington’s peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, left, and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the leader of the Taliban delegation, in Kabul, Afghanistan, May 5, 2020. Rahmat Gul | AP
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MOAB is a son’s name that was born to one of Lot’s daughter (Genesis 19:37) after the destruction of Sodom. There seems to be something More Sinister here. (Reference to video 23 minutes in.)
While I went on ‘Empire Files’ website, I enjoyed the interview with Author Peter Phillips, ‘Giants Who Really Rules The World’ I had this observation about these Private Military/Mercenary such as Blackwater/G4S that is supposed to protect Capitol. What If they turned on the 1% and are the one’s along with other Countries Military that recently took down, If true, “The Vatican’ & ‘The City of London’ & ‘The Federal Reserve’ as being reported by some. After all Italy/Rome was second in this (staged) Pandemic. That’s right, there are No new diseases.
Thankyou Abby Martin for this Documentation & ‘The Empire Files’ Thankyou. & Thankyou Edward Morgan for posting.