US Inc., (NWO) Achilles’ heel is the Titles of Nobility Act of 1810 enacted 1819 as Organic law of the land!
and who did it…
“if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts,” by George H.W. Bush
At the Precipice We Change…or Do We? – John Renesch
For those of you still awaking to the real world that has been hidden from us all of our lives, here is a short allegory from a movie for you. This opening excerpt article is a repeat of a blog post in The Great Growing Up website from March 2016.
It seems particularly poignant as this writer attempts to try and wake up humanity to a threat that has openly declared it wants 90% of the population dead and the remainder enslaved under a One World Order – Global Police State ran by a handful of sociopaths. The threat we are all up against may as well be an Alien threat for the parasitic creatures behind this threat are intent on genociding of us all (See here).
“The Day the Earth Stood Still,” a black-and-white film which was remade in 2008 starring Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, Kathy Bates and John Cleese with more advanced special effects.
In the film a space ship lands in Washington and an alien messenger named “Klaatu” – played by Reeves – assumes a human body and meets up with a Nobel Laureate – a “Professor Barnhardt” – played by Cleese. Klaatu warns the professor that barring a major reversal in our behavior we will be eliminated. The professor pleads, “You must have some technology that could solve our problem.” Klaatu responds, “Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change….I cannot change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other.”
In the 1951 film the aliens’ concern was the reckless development of nuclear weapons. In the 2008 version the issue was expanded to include the reckless path we are on toward extinction. Cleese argues to Reeves, “But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually.” Reeves replies, “Most of them don’t make it.”
Cleese says, “Yours did. How?” Reeves explains, “Our sun was dying. We had to evolve in order to survive.”
The professor points out, “So it was only when your world was threatened with destruction that you became what you are now.” The alien agrees, then adds, “This planet is dying. The human race is killing it.” He explains that he and his civilization are here to save the Earth. “We can’t risk the survival of this planet for the sake of one species…There are only a handful of planets in the cosmos that are capable of supporting complex life…this one can’t be allowed to perish.”
Pointing to the similarity of the alien civilization’s history and our own situation here on Earth, the professor says to the visiting alien, “You say we’re on the brink of destruction and you’re right. But it’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve….” He then pleads for the alien to help us, not to destroy us, and not give up on us.
Needless to say the Earth is not destroyed in the end but you’ll have to watch the movie to see what happens and why.
My point in writing this now is to ask these questions: How close to the precipice must we get before humanity wakes up to our common condition and threat? If an alien race was invading our world right now would humanity not unite and cast them off! Well – WE HAVE AN ALIEN RACE warring on all of us. Sometimes in our faces like the ongoing NWO invasion against Syria and sometimes evidenced by 2.5 Million in America’s jails all of whom NEVER had a lawful trial! A war on the American people evidenced by 20,000,000 illegal fraud closures, millions of missing children, 20,000,000 children separated from their parents for no lawful reason, absolute poverty across America instilled by design, Chemical, assaults on the American people.
How close to irreversibility are we willing to take ourselves before we banish the parasites as Egypt once was forced to do? All of our crises have a common cause, a common denominator. The causes are not what the people generally believe the problem is!
The problem is not GLOBAL WARMING, CLIMATE CHANGE, BOOM AND BUST, DISEASES spikes from nowhere …. ALL OF THESE CONDITIONS are manufactured by the parasites warring on us all! Time time to wake up America – world EVERYTHING you have been told and are being told and have been told by government is a lie. The common problem is that all of our nations have been couped by members of a global satanic cult connected to the Old Word Black Nobility Families identified here: .
We need to stop ignoring the problem or acting as if the problem will go away. We should have never have relied on so called leaders to fix our global challenges. It is up to us to fix them ourselves. our current leaders are inadequate because they are contaminated by those that want to enslave humanity! If we do not reverse NWO policy the morally insane will regress humanity back to the Stone Age.
Unbeknown to 300,000,000+ Americans The United States of America was couped in the 1860’s and has been ran by PERMANENTLY BANNED (TONA) Judus Goats and imposter foreign agents ever since that have literally enslaved us.
As a result of the coup of the Americas, the American people have been fed endless lies, asset stripped and enslaved in to a false word system over the last 150 years. Now that system has done the job that the NWO planned on it doing they are now looking to terminate what they call the ‘Useless Eaters’ and ’empty vessels.’
The JUDUS GOATS behind this scheme today illegally operate the foreign de facto UNITED STATES as governance asif it were a National governance, one that America never had! A had a states co-ordinating governance – we never had a National governance – for the states were Sovereign in their own right and only placed very little reliance on the states co-ordinating governance for a few very specific acts. Once the states co-ordinating governance was couped it created the De facto UNITED STATES Corp. and then it went on to create fifty STATE OF STATE sub corporations masquerading as our organic states governances which they are no such thing! These foreign corporations operate as vassal state de facto governances of the UNITED STATES that itself operates as a vassal of the UN/IM Findex.php/unlearn/united-states-corp-imposter/398-december-9th-1945-international-organization-immunities-act-relinquished-every-public-office-of-the-united-states-to-the-united-nations :
Those instrumental in the running of these de facto Governance Corporations were banned from governance under the 1810 Titles of Nobility Act (TONA) which has been hidden from the American people by the enemy within our gates. Evidence of TONA’s passing can be found in more than 70+ government publications printed all the way up through to the 1860’s must of which have been captured on this website.
The implications of what is being exposed to you here further explain why the couped DC UNITED STATES Corps. has engaged in endless wars, why the Israel – Bush false flag Inside job commonly known as 911 occurred, why manufactured false flag school shootings are occurring across America today and why these manufactured GLADIO style PLOTS are never solved by the alphabet agencies that both manufacturer these events (See: FBI, The Terror Factory) and work for those that couped the nation rather than the American people! It further explains why Americans are funding over 900 foreign UNITED STATES Military bases around the world that violate American Organic laws – we the people governance!
Let me try and drive home what was just stated: America is an OCCUPIED nation operated by SWORN enemies of the American people that want Americans DEAD! If you doubt this last comment please read here:
…I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
…if you do so, you will do well, and that which you are obliged to do to their Highnesses, and we in their name shall receive you in all love and charity, and shall leave you, your wives, and your children, and your lands, free without servitude, that you may do with them and with yourselves freely that which you like and think best, and they shall not compel you to turn Christians, unless you yourselves, when informed of the truth, should wish to be converted to our Holy Catholic Faith, as almost all the inhabitants of the rest of the islands have done.
And, besides this, their Highnesses award you many privileges and exemptions and will grant you many benefits.
But, if you do not do this, and maliciously make delay in it, I certify to you that, with the help of God, we shall powerfully enter into your country, and shall make war against you in all ways and manners that we can, and shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and of their Highnesses; we shall take you and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them as their Highnesses may command; and we shall take away your goods, and shall do you all the mischief and damage that we can, as to vassals who do not obey, and refuse to receive their lord, and resist and contradict him; and we protest that the deaths and losses which shall accrue from this are your fault, and not that of their Highnesses, or ours, nor of these cavaliers who come with us.
And that we have said this to you and made this Requisition, we request the notary here present to give us his testimony in writing, and we ask the rest who are present that they should be witnesses of this Requisition.
While the vast majority of politicians since the birth of America have shrunk in terror and fear from the Jesuits, a brave few have stepped forward to warn us of the dangers. Consider what the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code had to say about the Jesuits:
“Popery [refers to the Jesuit-controlled pope and Vatican] is more dangerous and more formidable than any power in the United States, on the ground that, through its despotic organization, it can concentrate its efforts for any purpose with complete effect; and that organization being wholly under foreign control, it can have no real sympathy with anything American. Popery does not acknowledge the right of the people to govern, but claims for itself the supreme right to govern people and rulers by divine right. Popery does not tolerate the liberty of the press. It takes advantage, indeed, of our liberty of the press to use its own press against our liberty; but it proclaims in the thunders of the Vatican, and with a voice which it pronounces unchangeable, that it is a liberty never sufficiently to be execrated and detested. It does not tolerate liberty of conscience or liberty of opinion. They are denounced by the Sovereign Pontiff as a most pestilential error, a pest of all others to be dreaded in the State. It is not responsible to the people in its financial matters. It taxes at will, and is accountable to none but itself.”
Sadly, more than 150 years later, even with all the warnings from keen observers and insiders and egregious Jesuit behaviors, Americans still have not gotten the message, much less understood and acted on it. This unfortunate phenomenon is a grand testament to how brilliantly the Jesuits’ & the ZIONISTS PR machine functions.
The Jesuits’ political reign of terror continues to this day, to ensure they maintain complete control over, and manipulation of, the entire political spectrum, not to mention every sector of American society and all nations. This is the reality until now – but the waking people of the world can easily put a stop to the plans of the mad men if they would just wake up and UNITE.
To understand beliefs of the Zionist that control the vatican system since Rothschilds took over the Vatican bank in the 1820’s read here:
America is being ran by a foreign controlled SHADOW GOVERNMENT DEEP STATE apparatus orchestrated by those that WANT TO DESTROY AMERICA AND THAT HAVE USED AMERICA AND ITS PEOPLE AS A HUMAN RESOURCE BATTERY TO FUND AND BUILD WHAT IS A ONE WORLD ORDER PRISON PLANET SYSTEM. Despots have been constructing this system since 1776! The roots of this plan go back millennia!
There plans are known to us: NWO Plans 1776; 1869 plan for World Jewish Domination; 1869 Leaked NWO Plan; Fiat Paper and FED NWO money scam…
Every American has been betrayed. Millions have fought foreign wars under false pretenses. Millions of our children have been used by Satanic Sociopaths and Psychopaths that call themselves government! The end game of the NWO is the termination of 90% of the American people! They even wrote this in to the Georgia Guidestones to make sure we got the message [cf. ].
The same enemy within has been Human Trafficking ALL Americans via Rothschilds Zionist International Bankers (aka SLAVERY) since March 9th 1933 when the foreign agents of the Couped UNITED STATES Governance made all Americans an ENEMY OF THE STATE and a debt slave to the ZIONIST International Banksters; those creating a One World Order Slave Planet [cf Act of 1871, Emergency Banking Relief Act and Trading with the Enemy Act of March 9th 1933].
Now America is awakening to 150 years of betrayal by Judus Goats, the enemy within our gates, agents of the CROWN – HOLY SEE – ROTHSCHILDS ZIONIST criminal triumvirate that has been operating illegally in America, desperately now want to break up America. The only way they can do so is cause another civil WAR, FALSE FLAG EVENT like 911 and create some fabricated national emergency.
The school shootings for example are a manufactured pretext to take America’s guns – an act that WOULD SPELL THE END OF AMERICA if it ever came to pass. Fortunately Americans have awakened to the plot and what it means for America to be armed against a tyrannical corporate thief-dom pretending to be government.
ROTHSCHILDS & SOROS led agitators right now are doing everything they can to blind America with Bull Shit Fake news about bat crazy loan wolf gunmen and other fake news.
The ZOG government of the British Isles is doing the same, the latest of which is that Russia Poisoned two Russian dissidents and that Assad just dumped poison on his own people!
These ZIO-FAKE-NEWS false flag events should inform you as to how desperate the NWO is right now to distract the people and get the World in to fake WORLD WAR III.
The foot soldiers in this ongoing war against the American people are the CROWN FRANCHISED BAR ATTORNEYS and costumed actors that think they are constitutionally appointed law enforcement. They are not.
The later take orders from seditionists and traitors pretending to be government! BAR Attorneys acting by virtue of their ATTORNEY title – Esquire – are engaged in Sedition and Treason per the Titles of Nobility Act detailed herein! Despite what the BAR agents and NWO Propagandists would have you believe, the violation of TONA is an act of Sedition and Treason! In other words – seditionists and traitors are operating ALL so called UNITED STATES courts, de facto government offices and so called legislatures! They control America through the illegal BAR network, where BAR agents are a franchise of the Corporation of London Middle Inns of Court operated from England.
So America, the problem we are facing today is we do not have a lawful we the people governance in America! The United States of America and the fifty Nation states have been occupied under the Black Nobility Roman satanic cult since the 1860’s as evidenced by the lawfully ratified Titles of Nobility Amendment ratified 1810, enacted 1819 that BANNED such foreigners from United States governance.
The satanic cabal occupying DC and the fifty Independent Nation states answer to the Crown Corporation of London – The Holy See and the Vatican unholy Roman cult system
During the trial of James and Sharon Patterson, (Case 6:97-CR-51) William Wayne Justice, Judge of the United States District Court Texas-Eastern Division when presented with law stated: “I take my orders from England. This is not a law this court goes by.”
[cf. ]
Americans have been lied to about everything! This satanic cabal is currently engaged in multiple programs to systematically genocide the American – all – people using Quiet Exotic Weapons.[, ].
More on Shadow Government and World Government: SES World Shadow Government
The following illustrates what the parasites behind the occupation government have done to every American behind their backs!
It all starts with registering the CARGO, the new born American baby! See here: Meet your Strawman: From this act the Sociopaths create numerous Trusts entities all with out your knowledge or consent.
This wonderful half hour movie called the American dream explains how this fraud manifests itself in the so called Banking fraud perpetuated over the American people and all people of all Western Nations: This page further sheds light on the history of the Rothschilds Money Scam:
At this late juncture in the ongoing Coup of The United States of America and the fifty Free and Independent states it is the duty of every American to unlearn the lies they have been told by imposter De facto government their entire lives and to see to it that the Titles of Nobility Act [TONA] e.1810, r.1819 is enforced. The people must ignore seditionists and traitors pretending to be government that are operating in office openly violating TONA.
The American people have no duty to support or obey criminals pretending to be government and in fact it is against the law to support Terrorist operations that are engaged in Genocide and crimes against humanity. We can easily prove Government has engaged in crimes against humanity (SEE BELOW). A government prostituting its own people is by definition a terrorist operation.
An awakened people must realize that a Government that openly harbors those that did 911 and further funds them and gives them weapons to engage in Genocide of the Palestinian people; those that carry out weather warfare on its own people, those that used Direct Energy Weapons on its own people, those that poison our air – water – food and so called medicine and that has been trafficking 329,000,000 American people in BUSINESS with banned International criminals [i.e. Rothschilds Banksters] is not a we the people government that the people have any business supporting or funding or donating their children to it, that are being used to fight illegal Bankster wars like what is going on Syria right now. Is it not obvious that the American people have no business funding an imposter government actively engaged in a program to genocide the American people?
President Trump was elected by the American people and he has a duty to now step in to the proper The United States of American Presidency and terminate the UNITED STATES Corp. and all of its illegal activity post 1819! !776Rloaded is not holding its breath but we do believe he has it within him to do the right thing for America!
You are about to see proof that one of the De facto UNITED STATES Sub Corporations occupying the physical California state, the imposter De facto STATE OF CALIFORNIA governance masquerading as the California state organic governance is engaged in HUMAN TRAFFICKING, Child Abduction, false imprisonment all aided by DOJ Dept of Justice.
The Holy See – Crown created UNITED STATES Corporation is behind this crime against humanity. Post creation of the Emergency Banking Relief Act this Ponzi Scheme has been exported globally such that HUMAN BONDING system described on this page described by Colonel Mandell House now underlies the world financial system orchestrated by the Black Nobility Banksters, the Rothschilds which manage the BIS, IMF, UN et al and has operated as the Vatican Bankers since the early 1800’s. Each De facto US Sub Corp STATE OF STATE is engaged in human trafficking of every American issued a Birth Certificate from March 9th 1933 onwards enabled from whence a child was just a few days old. The US Corp. slavery scheme, like UK Ltd. et al; slavery scheme relies on deception, lies, sedition, treason, constructive fraud, war crimes, personage, peonage, identity theft and it is orchestrated to deny Americans unalienable rights developed under the common law system of England or America.
Through this fraud the UNITED STATES Corp and its Sub-Corps (the fifty STATE OF STATES) made every American in to an Internally Displaced people under the IMF which is an act of legal Genocide of the Sovereign American people. As hard as this may be for the American people to accept this is a fact proven below.
Once you understand the condition the American people have been placed in to and by whom, and that the Titles of Nobility Amendment was enacted to forever BAN foreign agents from doing what they have done to the American people, you will then understand what we are suggesting by the term ATONAMENT and how important this issue is.
The Titles of Nobility Act that is widely researched and exposed on this site is the law of the land that was enacted by the early framers of the states co-ordinating governance to stop the infiltration of our Republic by Judus Goats, Seditionists and Traitors, carpet baggers WHICH INCLUDED ROTHSCHILDS CROWN BAR ATTORNEYS OF WHICH WE NOW HAVE 1.2 MILLION ILLEGALLY OPERATING IN AMERICA. THOSE THAT ARE ENGAGED IN FOISTING AMERICANS UNDER PRIVATE RULES AND CODES INVENTED BY CROWN BAR AGENTS that work for those that imported the illegal Federal Reserve System in to America which of course according to American organic law is an abomination of America’s sacred history and principles!
The CROWN agents that infiltrated American governance have been responsible for trying to hide the passing of the Thirteenth Amendment from the American people. The people access and use of the Internet allowed the American people to re-discover TONA and all else exposed on this site much to the disappointment of the Oligarchs [Jay Rockefeller: Internet should have never existed – ]
The internet – was the CROWN’s HOLY SEE worst nightmare! It has allowed diligent American people like this writer to discover the smoking gun that is undeniable evidence of the coup of The United States of America by the Rothschilds Crown – Holy See and their sycophants. If TONA was lawfully enforced Lincoln as an Illinois BAR attorney would never have made it in to office and none of the Mickey Mouse Amendments, Emergency War Powers, FEDERAL RESERVE ACT and other frauds and acts of treason foisted on the American people would have resulted (not that any of these acts are lawful or were even properly ratified by what was a Couped Congress at that time).
Those masquerading as We the people governance across the entire The United States of America fifty free and Independent physical states since the 1860’s are currently occupying America via imposter FOREIGN DE FACTO Overlay Corporations [cf. See Buck Act] which are sub corporations of the imposter UNITED STATES Corp. [cf. ] which is under the Rothschilds UN/IMF Control and has been since the 1940’s [cf. ].
The Judus Goats – running this scam over America are mostly members of foreign Institutions and as a result violating TONA. Every act that foreign agents have engaged in per TONA is legally VOID for FRAUD. These facts impact ALL Crown BAR attorneys who act as so called JUDGES; and members of the following Institutions: UN, IMF, Bilderbergers, CFR, TLC, Masonic Orders, Jesuits Orders, FEDERAL RESERVE, NATO, ADL, SPLC, … etc. which agents were forever banned from American governance for good reason. Just look at what they did behind the American peoples backs these last 150 years!
…the action of making amends for a wrong or injury. “he submitted his resignation as an act of atonement” ; (in religious contexts) reparation or expiation for sin. “an annual ceremony of confession and atonement for sin”
synonyms: | reparation, compensation, recompense, payment, repayment, redress, restitution, indemnity, indemnification, expiation, penance, redemption; More |

Organic United States Constitution Article XIII, Titles of Nobility Act of 1810, Law by 1819 – never terminated:
The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment to the Organic Constitution For The United States of America is:
“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”
It should be noted that the above applies to any governance office in America, and this includes every Attorney.
[Journal of the Senate] and law by 1819 at this link:
Titles of Nobility Act was never terminated. It was buried by the BAR attorneys who have tried to pretend it was never ratified. To get around it they created the Counterfeit UNITED STATES Corp charter under The Act of 1871.
Its creators copied the original Constitution but made some notable changes including deliberately missing out Amendment XIII.
For a comparison see here:
For the enactment of TONA in 1810 see here:
Link to Journal of the senate for Amendment XIII:
So if the laws of the land states that American government can not include foreigners in Governance – then why is the UNITED STATES and its SUB STATE OF STATE Corporations ran by foreign agents.
Answer: Because UNITED STATES is not an American government! Its an Occupying force since the coup of this nation in the 1860’s. Violation of TONA is an act of sedition and treason the penalty for which is hanging.

In their own words: Mandell House, Woodrow Wilsons controller who was directly engaged in the organization of the Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate for foreign enemies EXPLAINS HOW THE AMERICAN SLAVERY SYSTEM would function before it was built:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency.
Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.”
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
URGENT NOTE FROM ANNA VON REITZ: The most urgent thing people need to do besides cleaning up their own political status records is organize their county level jural assemblies. Toward that end, here is the contact info for the Michigan General Jural Assembly.The Michigan General Jural Assembly is hosting a Thursday night call each week to help people find their own county history and follow through their own process to set up their land jurisdiction county jural assemblies— call in at nine o’clock p.m., EST, 1-712-770-4160, access code 226823#. They also offer help through their website at and a Hotline from 2 pm to 7 pm EST, Monday through Thursday: 989-450-5522. |

Rhonda Barovsky is a sociopath she believes her own BS, it is hard to believe that she still has her license. My daughter is still traumatized at age 22 by Rhondas actions of not listening to my 12-14 year old daughter. My daughter and I missed out on precious years because of this women. Her damage lasts a lifetime, do not hire her it will be the biggest mistake of your life. The only way to get rid of her is to stop paying her

To understand the amounts we are talking about, here follows a partial Summary of funds associated with the 2005 FAMILY LAW CASE mentioned above. The father has now been separated from his own two children for the last 9 years for absolutely no cause. It should be noted that the Attorney that became involved with the fathers ex wife is a shareholder for a National Law firm stamped on the FAX header below that is directly connected to Comrade Jerry Brown, Governor of Marxist NWO Republic of California.

170 Deaths Following Gardasil Reported to VAERS as of August 2014
“Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.” – Dr Bernard Dalbergue

Alameda County DA Nancy O’Malley Announces Settlement over the Misleading an Untrue Claims of Plastic Coffee Pods which can be found here:
Excerpt: Alameda County District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley announced today that her office, along with 24 other District Attorney’s Offices in California, settled a consumer protection action against Costco Wholesale Corporation, Inc., and JBR, Inc., a coffee company headquartered in Roseville, CA, which does business as San Francisco Bay Gourmet Coffee and the Rogers Family Company. The settlement was based on allegations that the companies sold plastic coffee pods, labeled with untrue and misleading marketing claims, including statements related to biodegradability and compostability. A stipulated final judgment settling the matter was issued by Alameda County Superior Court Judge Morris Jacobson.
I will come back at some point to point out the list of crimes that Alameda County has engaged in! They are the last Authority that has any credibility to go after other companies to suggest that they they have made Misleading and Untrue Claims!
Here are a few points that our we or our Children were not told at school, and were instead given a whole bunch of
Misleading and Untrue Claims indead!
CIRCA 1933
December 9th 1945 International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations.—-000-notes.html
Whatever the form in which the Government functions, anyone entering into an arrangement with the Government takes the risk of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act for the Government stays within the bounds of his authority.
The scope of this authority may be explicitly defined by Congress or be limited by delegated legislation, properly exercised through the rule-making power. And this is so even though, as here, the agent himself may have been unaware of the limitations upon his authority. See, e.g., Utah Power & Light Co. v. United States, 243 U.S. 389. 409, 391; United States v. Stewart, 311 U.S. 60, 70, 108, and see, generally, In re Floyd Acceptances, 7 Wall. 666);
As a member of a corporation, a government never exercises its sovereignty. It acts merely as a corporator, and exercises no other power in the management of the affairs of the corporation, than are expressly given by the incorporating act. Suits brought by or against it are not understood to be brought by or against the United States. The government, by becoming a corporator, lays down its sovereignty, so far as respects the transaction of the corporation, and exercises no power or privilege which is not derived from the charter.); U.S. v. Georgia-Pacific Co., 421 F.2d 92, 101 (9th Cir. 1970) (Government may also be bound by the doctrine of equitable estoppel if acting in proprietary [for profit nature ] rather than sovereign capacity); the “Savings to Suitor Clause” is also available for addressing mercantile and admiralty matters aka “civil process” at the common law and within a state court.
Title 8, 22 & 28 USC
December 26th 1933 49 Statute 3097 Treaty Series 881 (Convention on Rights and Duties of States) stated CONGRESS replaced STATUTES with international law, placing all states under international law.
December 9th 1945 International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations.
22 CFR 92.12-92.31 FR Heading “Foreign Relationship” states that an oath is required to take office.
Title 8 USC 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished, thus you become a foreign entity, agency, or state. That means every public office is a foreign state, including all political subdivisions. (i.e. every single court and that courts personnel is considered a separate foreign entity)
Title 22 USC (Foreign Relations and Intercourse) Chapter 11 identifies all public officials as foreign agents.
Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A states that the United States is a Federal Corporation and not a Government, including the Judiciary Procedural Section.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 4j states that the Court jurisdiction and immunity fall under a foreign State.
The 11th Amendment states “The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of an Foreign State.” (A foreign entity, agency, or state cannot bring any suit against a United States citizen without abiding the following procedure.)
Title 22 CFR 93.1-93.2 states that the Department of State has to be notified of any suit, and in turn has to notify the United States citizen of said suit.
Title 28 USC 1330 states that the United States District Court has to grant permission for the suit to be pursued once the court has been supplied sufficient proof that the United States citizen is actually a corporate entity.
Title 28 USC 1608 I have Absolute Immunity as a Corporation
Title 28 USC 1602-1611 (Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act) allows the jurisdiction of a court to be challenged, and a demand of proper jurisdiction to be stated.
July 27th 1868 15 Statutes at Large Chapter 249 Section 1 “Acts Concerning American Citizens in a Foreign State”, expatriation, is what is broken when jurisdiction is demanded, and it is not met with an answer.
Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12b 6 the prosecution has failed to provide adequate proof that the parties involved in this situation are actually corporate entities. I have provided ample proof that the prosecution and other agents are actually corporations.
1950 81st Congress Investigated the Lawyers Guild and determined that the B.A.R. Association by definition is founded and run by communists. Thus any elected official that is a member of the B.A.R. will only be loyal to the B.A.R. entity and never have allegiance to the people.
Please all note that the UNITED STATES Corp. is LOCATED IN the District of Columbia. It is operating a CORPORATE Democracy, and its citizens are CORPORATE US citizen chattel of the UNITED STATES Corp.
“Congress is the supreme legislative body of District of Columbia; District of Columbia is a municipal corporation, and not department of government, or sovereignty, and while, in sense, it may be called state, it is such in very qualified sense.” _Metropolitan R. Co. v District of Columbia (1889) 132 US 1, 33 L Ed 231, 10 S Ct 19.
“UCC § 9-307 (h) [Location of United States.]
The United States is located in the District of Columbia.”
I hope you’re following this. If the United States is LOCATED IN the District of Columbia, and District of Columbia is a municipal CORPORATION, then OBVIOUSLY United States is a CORPORATION… and corporations have no parity with the living and therefore no authority over people on the land, EXCEPT through lawful CONTRACT. Yet – every contracted they have foisted the people under are based on FRAUD according to American common law!
By the time you have finished this article – you will have on-boarded what many have spent decades or more figuring out! You will no longer have any excuse for conspiring in your own death or building the prison planet to enslave your own children as your Human farmers have intended! Once you have awoken you should feel compelled to become part of the solution to expand and accelerate global awakening! Once enough wake up we can then all get on with building heaven on Earth and terminating once and for all the NWO agenda exposed herein!
Be absolutely clear that those that belong to the NWO cult do not care about you and they never did! All you are to them is a means to an end! You are simply a Human Resource – a battery – to power the NWO machine. If they can keep you blindly enslaving yourself and feeding the NWO Prison matrix then they are contented! That is until they no longer need humanity – which is rapidly approaching!
The thing they want the least is for you to awaken! They do not want you reading at this site or those linked to it! For – it is true – once you take the Red Pill there is no turning back and those that have enslaved you will no longer have any power over you again.
Does this all sound to crazy to you! Is cognitive dissonance setting in:
Those occupying your country have no allegiance to a nation – a community or a people. The NWO cult have sold their souls to a demonic fantasy that goes against EVERYTHING that America once embraced before it was corrupted from within!
It was Marcus Tullius Cicero that reportedly stated that:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
TONA is how we undo the NEW WORLD ORDER and separate their hands from around our necks! You have no excuse to bow down to the authority of the openly corrupted! DO not consent to their tyranny! You should also realize that – to support International terrorists is a crime in of itself and it is your reason to NOT SUPPORT terrorists pretending to be government!
This advice applies to the world community being strangled by Rothschilds Zionist institutions including the World Bank, the IMF, the FED, BIS – all part of the money changers swindle. Yet – the grief caused by this scam continues to be blamed on the American people:
… As one prominent Brazilian politician, Luis Ignacio Silva, put it.
“Without being radical or overly bold, I will tell you that the Third World War has already started – a silent war, not for that reason any the less sinister. This war is tearing down Brazil, Latin America and practically all the Third World. Instead of soldiers dying there are children, instead of millions of wounded there are millions of unemployed; instead of destruction of bridges there is the tearing down of factories, schools, hospitals, and entire economies . . . It is a war by the United States ZIONIST OCCUPIED UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CORPORATION OCCUPYING AMERICA against the Latin American continent and the Third World. It is a war over the foreign debt, one which has as its main weapon interest, a weapon more deadly than the atom bomb, more shattering than a laser beam . .”1
If a group or organisation had used its hard earned money to help these developing nations, then we might sympathise that there should be a real effort to repay these loans. But the money used was created from fractional reserve banking. The money loaned to the Third World came from the 90% the banks allow themselves to loan on the 10% they actually held. It didn’t exist, it was created from nothing, and now people are suffering and dying in an effort to pay it back.
This has gone beyond clever financing, it’s whole sale murder and it’s time we stopped it. We can!
1. Luis Ignacio Silva, at the Havana Debt Conference in August 1985, quoted by Susan George, A Fate Worse Than Death p 238
We as the people of the world have the ability to end this insanity right now but you cant fix something until you understand it!
Please unlearn – re-educate and pass forward on the knowledge that everything you have been told by government and their NWO media is a lie! Understand the NWO agenda referenced below on this site and then look at the words of the so called politicians and the plots being spun on edu-tRainment – and enter-tRainment TV to see how you are supposed to fall for the NWO Social engineering!
Please note that the UNITED STATES Corporation of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA originally created under the Act of 1871 is One leg of the New World Order triumvirate stool working on the enslavement of humanity.
The current US Corp is a successor to the US entity created through the Organic Act of 1871 without delegated authority of the states or the people by agents of the Black Nobility crime syndicates that were exposed in the congressional record in 1916 in the outing of the Secret Treaty of Verona 1822. This exposed the Old World Crime syndicates represented by the Crown (Corp. of London) – Holy See and their sycophants and their plan t destroy we the people representative governance.
The Black Nobility – Illuminati – are the Roman cult families! The current UNITED STATES is not an American government; it is a corporate occupier of America for foreign interests and has been since the 1860’s! As a result, the US Military is NOT American military – its the New World Order Military of the Crown and Holy SEE Corps as given away by its registration under the Crown recorded under Companies House Register (as shown right)!
We have not had an American military since post civil war other than the Free militia in the physical states! There are many men in the US military loyal to the The United States of America that have NOT realized that they were lied to their entire lives about everything and are current;y being used by those criminal forces intent on destroying America per the treaty of Verona 1822! Military men and law enforcement in America were lied to so that they could be duped in to fighting NWO Bankster expansionist wars in a bid to expand the Rothschilds – Crown – Holy See central banking and legal system fraud across the planet!
The events of 911 sum up this ruse perfectly. Wesley Clerk revealed Seven Wars years were planned when 911 Mosad – CIA – Deep State inside job was still fresh! Meaning the agenda was pre-planned – they were just waiting on the Rockerfeller event to trigger the final assault on America!
Why are Dept’s of the UNITED STATES under the CROWN Corp. which is under the Vatican and has been since 1215. If you are finding these points hard to accept then ask yourself why is the USAF Registered in England: Why is the UNITED STATES AIR FORCE A CROWN REGISTERED CORPORATION dumping chemicals on the people of America and the entire planet (Chemtrails: ; ) and why has it directed DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS over California? Why is it a for profit corporation?
You should be able to see how Americans have been duped in to joining a military that is warring on America and humanity! THIS EXPLAINS WHY THE USAF is SUPPORTING THE ROTHSCHILDS UN AGENDA! – AGENDA 2030 as is widely reported in alt media.
A note about President Donald Trump, President and CEO of US Inc., not currently sworn in to the Office of President for The United States of America which has been vacant since the 1860’s as best we can tell thanks to BAR attorney Lincoln violating the office and enable the creation of the dummy US Corp.
The writer does not believe that President Donald Trump is part of the NWO program and we do believe he is trying to do right by America! Unfortunatly we do not know how much he knows about the real facts exposed across this site and those linked at the Real News Link!
What happens from here on out in regard to his legacy will be the proof of the pudding concerning where his loyalties really lie – with ZIONISTs or Americans! Those awakened watching unfolding events in American and across the world are concerned that he appears to have been brainwashed by the ILLEGAL ZIONIST’s unlawfully surrounding him at this time who are operating inside the de facto government in violation of TONA – which is the undisputable LAW OF THE LAND.
FORTUNATLY TONA is the smoking gun and the litmus test for America to turn this situation around!
PLEASE NOTE relentless research on TONA has been uploaded here:
In order to try and balance this writers rant on the reality we are living in – here is a tamer perspective from another writer, a summary on where we are at: shared for educational purposes from the following source with a couple of amendments in the later italicized paragraph:

What the New World Order Would Look Like
Throughout history, numerous politicians and members of the elite have spoken out about their support for a one world government or a New World Order, and the shadow government that’s pushing for it, but what do all of these terms mean?
The New World Order is the supposed goal of a handful of global elitists who are pushing for a one world government and a heightened national security state. This group, often referred to as the cabal, has been using foreign threats to heighten security, strip us of our rights, and invade other countries. The entire world is practically covered with U.S. military bases, with the exception of Russia and a few other countries.
Those pushing for the New World Order are the same members of the elite class who control the U.S. government, otherwise referred to as the “shadow government.” Numerous politicians have publicly discussed the people who secretly control the U.S. political system, creating laws and bending them.
John F. Hylan, former Mayor of New York City, explained:
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation . . . The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties . . . [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection. (source)(source)
Senator Daniel K. Inouye, a high ranking Asian-American politician, has also stated: “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” (source)
Canadian economist Dr. Michel Chossudovsky, who is the University of Ottawa’s Emeritus Professor of Economics, also gave a great speech at the International Conference on the New World Order. You can check that out and read more about it here. Who is this group of elites? Well, Dr. Chossudovsky believes it originates with those who control the U.S., Israel, and other allies, but who is controlling these countries and this massive global agenda?
The shadow government includes billionaire families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, members of the financial elite like George Soros, and large corporations and big banks. The following video from THRIVE Movement, a documentary created by the heir to Proctor & Gamble, Foster Gamble, perfectly explains how this system works:
The shadow government can manipulate, or in some cases, create legislation through either close ties to politicians or even organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
ALEC is a conservative group comprised of state legislators and corporate leaders that allows corporations to help write, or in some cases, just hand over legislation that the “official lawmakers” can then take credit for and formally propose. ALEC has been responsible for numerous immoral bills including those that aim to lower minimum wage, suppress voter rights, pro-gun laws, ag-gag (animal cruelty) bills, and more.
It’s clear that NWO De facto corporations have a strong hold on government and inventing regulations that are UNLAWFUL persuant to the fact that those making them have been banned from Government since 1819.
People ought to be asking why would chemicals be put in our food, water, the air we breath and the environment? Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has strong ties to oil companies, despite the fact that they’re supposedly the government agency that protects the environment (learn more here). Some have even speculated that the Trans-Pacific Partnership was designed to enable a one world economy.
Other countries are publicly recognizing the role the elite plays in the U.S. government. For example, after Bill Clinton accused Poland and Hungary of turning into a “Putin-like” and “authoritarian dictatorship” last year, their governments saw right through it.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán responded by saying, “The remarks made about Hungary and Poland … have a political dimension. These are not accidental slips of the tongue. And these slips or remarks have been multiplying since we are living in the era of the migrant crisis. And we all know that behind the leaders of the Democratic Party, we have to see George Soros.”
He went on to say that “the mouth is Clinton’s but the voice is of George Soros.”
In order to successfully create a New World Order, some of the tactics this group uses are false flag terrorism and the fear of global threats, which enable them to increase security measures on domestic populations (like Bill C-51) and thereby justify the invasion of other countries (like Iraq and 9/11, for example). You can read more about that in our CE article here.
David Rockefeller’s 1991 Speech at a Bilderberg Group Meeting
Although David Rockefeller just died, it’s inevitable that his family legacy will live on, quite possibly through the implementation of a one world government. As an elitest and a globalist, David was always a strong advocate of a one world government and was proud to support the New World Order.
The transcript from a 1991 Bilderberg group meeting in Baden, Germany, was released, proving how deluded Rockefeller’s views truly were. Bill Clinton also attended this meeting, I’m sure along with many other members of the elite class. Rockefeller stated:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. (source)
This quote is extremely revealing, as it proves that not only has he been striving to create a one world government since well before 1991, but mainstream media (MSM) news outlets were aware of it and chose not to disclose this information to the public. It’s disturbing that MSM turned a blind eye to this; however, it’s not really surprising given the fact that the elite people attending these types of meetings are the very people who fund and control these corporations.
MSM exercises extreme control over the masses, expertly keeping the general population ignorant and oblivious to the events going on all over the world. If you live in the U.S., you probably have no idea what’s going on with Syria or Russia, because the elite loves to keep you in the dark and feed you propaganda and misinformation (you can read more about that in our CE article here).
Despite his wrongdoings, Rockefeller was a proud member of the elite, and he voiced this pride on numerous occasions.
In 1994, Rockefeller was quoted at a U.N. dinner as saying, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
Could this crisis have been 9/11, an orchestrated and planned demolition by the elite? Or perhaps he’s referring to the current events in Syria? Either way, it’s no secret that the elite use false flag terrorism to manipulate the masses.
David Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 memoirs: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Final Thoughts
It’s clear that the elite are pushing for a one world government, as it serves their best interests. They would gain further control of the population and make more money in the process. However, the elite has tried to spin this like it would be a good idea for the global society, which is far from reality.
Thankfully, there are other governments that see through their lies, highlighting the corruption that takes place within the U.S. government. The danger doesn’t lie within the idea of a one world government, but rather with the people who would control it.
CE strongly advocates for oneness and breaking down separatism and division, but that is not what this type of New World Order is about. The elite have been working against our best interests for a long time, which David Rockefeller plainly admitted in his 1991 Bilderberg speech.
The type of one world government that Rockefeller proposed would allow the elite to strengthen their leash on the general population and expand their reach. So far, they’ve proven that their goals are to strip us of our money and our rights, poison us through our food and the environment, and brainwash us using MSM and entertainment. Why would we want these people controlling the entire world?
It’s important to reflect on what role you, play in all of this. Are you supporting the organizations that the elite govern and their NWO agenda’s? Are you participating in and falling victim to the very systems that keep perpetuating their control over the system? While it may be difficult to admit, this is at least in part a reflection of you, because you are part of the collective; however, the good news is that you can be part of the solution. You vote with your voice and your dollar every single day — make it count!
What they did NOT want Americans to know is gain knowledge of TONA because it makes EVERY ACT written or voted on since 1819 legally invalid!
This act trashes every Amendment post the Organic Amendment XIII. It further exposes the De facto XIII, and the never ratified XIV slavery for all Amendment!
It is the single element of evidence that the most indoctrinated, lobotomized American should be able to understand and tell them OUR NATION HAS BEEN COUPED AND IS OCCUPIED BY FOREIGN AGENTS THAT HAVE HELD AMERICANS in a Consitution of MIXED WAR!
We will attempt to keep this brief. This page should help all people awaken in as short as time as possible. It should be of particular help to those creating or joining county safety committees. There is no excuse why every teen from 16 on should not have formed their own safety committee group in their community for it is the millennial that are being relied on by the NWO to NOT AWAKEN and allow America to be destroyed! It would be great to see them wake up and turn the NWO MARCH FOR OUR LIVES social engineering NWO agenda 180 degrees around! If the Millennials understood the content on this site it would be game over for the NWO!
The flag used on the right is the Canton from The United states of America Civil peace Flag without the Red and White stripes which are a creature of the CROWN – Corporation of London – EAST INDIA CORPs., which is as ANTI-AMERICAN as the War of Independence evidences! It seems to this writer that the flag to the right best represents what is the American portion of the civill flag and it does away with that does not represent America which is the stripes associated with the Crown East India Company Flag! It is for this reason that we have adopted it as a flag for IDP and the county Safety Committee movement that we are looking to catalyze across America and the world! Why the world? Because every Nation has been invaded by the Talmudic – Jesuitical – Satanic parasite class exposed herein on this website. Those that represent the unholy cult of Rome and those that stood it up – the Black Nobility!
If only Americans would unlearn and learn the truth we could get ourselves out of this mess sooner!
What you are about to hear and read is an assimilation of pivotally important data that has taken many Americans a life time of study to assimilate, understand, uncover and expose!
Only a few have been able to break down thousands of documents written in code, that have been digested over decades in some cases; and then be able to explain what has been unearthed in such a way that most Americans would be able to understand what happened to America and what was done to Americans by the silent parasite class that JFK warned us about days before he was murdered by those Black Nobility Families that have been trying to enslave humanity since the fall of Babylon and the Roman cult. [cf. ].
Anna Von Reitz is probably one of the most gifted educators that has come forward to not only to be able to explain what happened but also was able to check mate the Banksters with the help of many passionate patriot Americans that are not afraid to stand on the law of the land and reclaim our Fifty Independent Nation states from the small parasite class that has tried to turn us in to chattel debt slaves; to alter our DNA, maim us, dumb as down through; air, food and water borne poisons, edu-trainmen, enter-trainment, military psychological warfare, blatant lies, indoctrination and historical revisionism.
The parasite class that run the Global debt slavery and legal system today have been feverishly building their New World Order with wealth stollen from the American people for over 200 years. The parasite class – NEVER wanted the American people to understand the debt slavery system that has nearly enslaved all of humanity and that is responsible for the death of hundreds of millions since they hatched their plan in Bavaria in 1776 to create a One World Order slavery system. The parasite class behind the BLACK NOBILITY did not want Americans to understand what you are just about to unlearn!
The fact that we have collectively figured out their sick and pathetic games leaves the parasites class that violated us over at least the last 200 years naked and without any clothes! They literally thought they could kill us all off before we ever figured out what the bastards were up to! CLICK IMAGES RIGHT FOR ARTCLE ON CHEMTRAILS – GENOCIDE AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS being used to vaporize homes across America under the pretense that they are victims of natural fires! The USAF is clearly engaged in SEDITION AND TREASON and those behind should be tried and hung for crimes against humanity!
Some of the parasite families have not yet realized their game is over and that they must now play with all the other adults on the planet or they will be put out with the trash. Some of the silly children have resulted to scorching the earth with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), HAARP, Chemtrails and other weapons that are currently being DIRECTED at the American people. These slimy underworld creatures are likely claiming on Insurances on all the buildings that they have recently flooded and torched without the American people having any idea this RICO is ongoing! The same parasitic crime cartels that control the HOLY SEE – CROWN military advanced weaponry caused the East Coast Hurricanes and the ongoing fires in California which is tragic for those whose lives have been destroyed! Some of those affected are known to this writer. There is no doubt that in Santa Rosa – DEW and HAARP were unleashed against a peaceful unsuspecting people!
The parasites behind these crimes against humanity should not be trusted with matches let alone militarized cell towers, DEW, HAARP, Chemtrail exotic weapons et al! The used, abused and lied to Americans that have unknowingly staffed the enemy CROWN – HOLY SEE – NWO – UNITED STATES Corporation military seriously need to ask themselves if they support the turning of he most advanced weaponry the world has ever seen being turned on their own homes, their brothers, sisters, mothers, children! Did they join the military to protect America or to destroy America for the NWO and the parasites behind it?
Its a real question that EVERYone in law enforcement, military or the EMPLOY of the NWO FED Corp. – STATE OF STATES needs to ask themselves! The other question to be asked is that do you really think the parasites will be loyal to those confused Americans that are destroying America for the NWO when their programs are complete! If they think they are safe from the NWO plans of the NWO then we would encourage all to look at what happened to the leadership class in China, Russia, Cambodia’s revolutions! They were MURDERED for they became the threat to the so called elite once the millions of ordinary people had been terminated!
To the Rothschilds and their sycophants, Khazarians – Talmudic – Jesuits – satanists and the foreign CROWN BAR agents that have been genocoding humanity, enslaving humanity across the world – its game is over.
Now its time for the American people and all people to unlearn, to rise up above the insanity that has infected the world because of a small band of pathetic creatures that never grew up! That had morality bred out of them or even worse, that maybe according to researchers are genetically void of the genes that cause the majority to have empathy:
It is time to dispense with the parasites whose lineages have been controlling the world for the last six thousand years and for us ordinary sovereign beings to unite and to create heaven on Earth as it was always meant to be!
Please click on the image to hear what I believe is the best presentation to date on how America got where we are now at and where we are going! More on that later soon! First things first – understand what was done to America and how to straighten out your own circumstances to reclaim your birthright status as an American and state national! DUMP the notion that you are a UNITED STATES CITIZEN!
So now lets look closer at the achilles heel of the UNITED STATES Corporation problem:
The 1810 Titles of Nobility Act:
“No one can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24)
Organic United States Constitution Article XIII, Titles of Nobility Act of 1810, Law by 1819 – never terminated:
The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment to the Organic Constitution For The United States of America is:
“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”
It should be noted that the above applies to any office in America, even private corporations.
[Journal of the Senate] and law by 1819 at this link:
Titles of Nobility Act was never terminated. It was buried by the BAR attorneys who have tried to pretend it was never ratified when they created the Counterfeit UNITED STATES Corp charter under The Act of 1871.
Its creators copied the original Constitution but made some notable changes including deliberately missing out Amendment XIII.
For a comparison see here:
For the enactment of TONA in 1810 see here:
Link to Journal of the senate for Amendment XIII:
So if the laws of the land states that American government can not include foreigners – then why does it?
Answer: Because UNITED STATES is not an American government! Its an foreign Occupying force since the coup of this nation in the 1860’s.
Violation of TONA is an act of sedition and treason.
Its the 1810 Titles of Nobility Act:
The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment To
The Constitution For The United States
The Original 13th Amendment
This Article of Amendment, ratified in 1819 and which just “disappeared” in 1876, added an enforceable strict penalty, i.e., inability to hold office and loss of citizenship, for violations of the already existing constitutional prohibition in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 on titles of nobility and other conflicts of citizenship interest, such as accepting emoluments of any kind for services or favors rendered or to be rendered, and is particularly applicable today in the 21st Century as government is increasingly FOR SALE to the highest bidder, as foreign and multinational corporations and individuals compete to line the pockets of politicians and political parties to accommodate and purchase protection or privilege, i.e. honors, for their special interests.
The final state to ratify TONA pushing TONA over 75% of the states …
Now lets look at the lien that team Anna Von Reitz filed against the American BAR Association that was never responded to by the BAR. In other words based on the Maxim of law that silence equates to acceptance the BAR accepted the charges laid on them were TRUE in their entirety! They have accepted that they are engaged in crimes against humanity – directed at the American people! They have been waging war on the America relying on Sophistry for 200 years!
Posted on October 25, 2015by David RobinsonAn INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL OBLIGATION LIEN (INDICTMENT) has been filed against the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (A.B.A.), the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION (I.B.A.), and the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (D.O.J.), by a multitude of Lien Claimants in violation of 15 USC 1 & 2 for a total monetary penalty of SIX-HUNDRED MILLION ($600,000,000.) US GOLD DOLLARS EACH, alleging that, since “fraud vitiates all contracts”, ALL commercial contracts, including, but NOT limited to, ALL unlawful sentences & incarcerations of political prisoners (i.e.; imprisoned I.R.S. Lien Debtors, non-criminal offenders), wherein, such commercial contracts were all conceived in fraud, and lacking any moral & ethical character are in direct conflict with Natural Law & Commercial Law, and thus, every A.B.A “contract” since 1882, whether verbal, or written, including, but not limited to all Judicial Oath’s of Office, falsely sworn to, and fraudulently securitized, monetized, and commercialized, are Null & Void, ab initio.
They have been given NINETY (90) DAYS in which to answer the ALLEGATIONS against them. Failure to do so will result in an immediate “Asset Forfeiture & Seizure” of “Accounts Payable” of TWO- HUNDRED-SEVENTY-NINE TRILLION ($279,000,000,000,000.) US GOLD DOLLARS currently held by the A.B.A. and the I.B.A. — and the Secured Parties’ Right to take possession after default.
1. The “PROOF OF ALLEGATIONS” lies directly at the feet of the individual Officers & Crew of the A.B.A., the I.B.A., and the D.O.J., i.e.; their Administrators, Executives, Officers, Directors, Employees, Agents, and Contractors, and with their honor, willingness, and their ability, to respond, protest, argue, or rebut the allegations made, herein, point-by-point, and article-by-article, under an Affidavit of Truth, under sworn Oath, and under the Penalty of Perjury.2. It is anticipated & expected, that these individual members & contractors of the A.B.A., the I.B.A., and the D.O.J., rather than admit to their crimes against humanity, in-writing, will choose to go silent, or simply invoke the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution, which, again, is NOT open to ANY A.B.A., I.B.A., or D.O.J. member, agent, contractor, or employee.
3. Their acquiescence, or silence, will then, under the weight of Commercial Law & Natural Law, result in their waiving all of their corporate, public, private, and individual rights & immunities, as per 28 USC #455, and they will, also, be attesting 1) to their acceptance & agreement to all allegations made, 2) to accept all fines, fees, penalties & punishments they are deserving of, and entitled to, under Common Law, the Law of Merchants, International Law, Commercial Law, Natural Law, and 3) to have violated their very own corporate laws & self engineered codifications, which are grounds for the immediate dissolution of their corporate charters.
1. The ledger for this “TRUE BILL” is based on the Truth, the whole Truth, nothing but the Truth, and upon the MONETARY FACE VALUE of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE TRILLION ($279,000,000,000,000.) US GOLD DOLLARS retrievable from stolen & pirated properties & assets, pursuant 12 USC #411, believed to be of record, and all properties & assets suspected of being hidden in privatized off shore properties & accounts by various individuals & members the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, and the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION.
2. These stolen & pirated “assets” and “properties” will be confirmed & verified by a People’s open, complete & independent audit of the Federal Reserve Bank, and an audit of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
3. This “TRUE BILL” is, also, set against the MAXIMUM PUBLIC HAZARD BONDS/INSURANCES held by the A.B.A.‘s, and the I.B.A.’s Bonding Companies, whether “in-house,” or “independent,” for all of these Entities, Agents, and Individuals, including, but NOT limited to, the individual Lien Debtors listed above.
4. As a Commercial Instrument, this “TRUE BILL” has an S.E.C. Tracer Number of #2640220, which is the Reception No.# assigned by the Mesa County Colorado Deputy Clerk & Recorder, Brandy Emow, for the filing of the fraudulent, fictitious, and fabricated Oath of Office signed by Colorado’s 21st Judicial District Crown Administrative Clerks, Craig P. Henderson, and David A. Bottger, and witnessed by Sandra Casselberry, the Judicial Administrator for Mesa County, Colorado.
5. This S.E.C. Tracer Number of #2640220 is a “commercial securities tag,” and is but a single Exhibit, out of thousands, of the prima facie evidence of the A.B.A.‘s conspiracy to commit sedition, piracy, and commercial fraud, against the Lien Claimants, and against the American people, wherein, any such Oath “prescribed, given, taken,” commercially securitized & monetized, was, and is, a “solemn mockery,” and “equally a crime,” according to the Crown’s very own Supreme Court ruling by US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Marshal, in 1803.
6. This S.E.C. Tracer Number of #2640220, as related to this Commercial Obligation Lien, may be used as form of identification for any & all “Witnesses,” “Crime Victims,” and/or “injured parties,” when asked for identification by any A.B.A., I.B.A., or D.O.J. contractor, or revenue/tax collector (“Pulbicanus”), (ie; I.R.S. Agent, H.L.S. Agent, F.B.I. Agent, C.I.A. Agent, Sheriff, Sheriff Deputy, Police Officer, etc.).
7. All such “Crown Contractors” are, under the terms & conditions of this International Commercial Obligation Lien/Agricultural Lien/Writ of Injunction & Restraint/Cease & Desist Order, prohibited from engaging with, detaining, arresting, incarcerating, harassing, coercing, or intimidating, any “Witness,” “Crime Victim,” a.k.a. “any Living Being,” or citing same under any revenue-bearing statute, code, rule, ordinance, or any other “color of law” infraction, providing the Living Being has NOT harmed or injured another Living Being. [Corporations CANNOT be injured! Only Living Beings can be injured!] Without an “injury,” there can be NO crime, and NOWHERE can these revenue-bearing statutes adhere, and no “false presumptions of a crime” shall be made, authorized, or enforced!8. Any encroachments, or violations, upon the terms & conditions stated above by any “Crown Officer,” “Crown Agent,” or “Crown Contractor,” will result in additional 15 USC penalties being levied upon the corporate, personal, and private properties & assets of these individual “Officers,” “Agents,” or “Contractors,” while operating privately, or in their “corporate capacities.”
9. This S.E.C. Tracer Number of #2640220, however, and wherever, presented, will serve as the People’s Rescission of Consent, and as fair, proper, and lawful notice to CEASE & DESIST with any & all criminal aggressions, trespasses, and transgressions, while operating on the Land, and/or under the ‘presumed & alleged’ jurisdiction, power, or authority of the Military/Admiralty Flag of the Crown Templar.
The Sureties & Certifications of, and for, any & all Corporate, Public, Personal, or Private Accounts, Bonds, Securities, Profits, Proceeds, Fixtures, Chattels, and Assets owned/managed by ANY individual operating within the jurisdiction, or control, of the A.B.A., the I.B.A., the D.O.J., or their, “in-house,” Bonding Companies, under the indirect, or direct control of the A.B.A., or the I.B.A., their Nation/State franchises, Inns of the Court, The Federal Reserve Banking System, or The International Monetary Fund (IMF) for these Entities, Agents and Individuals, are all considered forfeitable assets, and as “debt obligations” to the Lien Claimants, their assigns, and/or their heirs. As such, the Lien Debtors are lawfully responsible for producing, upon this commercial demand, these Sureties, Accounts, Financial Statements, and all Certificates of Liability & Indenture.
1. The Affiants & Lien Claimants, without prejudice, and Reserving All Rights, declares this Commercial Obligation Lien to be self-effecting, self-evident, and self-enforcing, noting that the US Marshal Service, is now lawfully restored to the People’s Executive Branch of the Continental united States of America, and they are no longer contractually obligated to the A.B.A.’s subsidiary corporation of the Department of Justice, both of which, are, hereby, dissolved for by the People for cause, and by necessity.
2. The US Marshal Service, a Constitutional Law Enforcement Agency, and NO LONGER a “Legal Enforcement Agency,” in the State of Illinois, and elsewhere throughout the 50 States, Washington, D.C., and their 94 government offices, will be tasked & charged with executing the seizing, freezing, and recovery of all the A.B.A.’s, and the I.B.A.’s corporate, public, personal, and private properties, found upon the Land, at sea, or found to be held by any & all individuals operating under the A.B.A., or the I.B.A., until such time, as it is determined that the full face amount of this Commercial Obligation Lien can be satisfied, and that all other Claims for Remedy made, herein, are unconditionally satisfied in full.
3. The US Marshals, having been given the preponderance of evidence, and probable causes stated, herein, that crimes have been committed, and that, crimes are being committed, shall under their own authority, jurisdiction, and powers, as dejure Marshals & Sheriffs, commence, IMMEDIATELY, with serving Notice of this Writ of Injunction & Restraint/Cease & Desist, without the need of a court order, or warrant, as is their privilege, duty, and obligation, under Law.
4. On the NINETY-FIRST (91st) DAY after receipt of this Lien, the US Marshals & Interpol, are to commence, at once, with the freezing, forfeiture, and seizing, of all corporate, personal, public, private, and individual properties, accounts, and assets, known to be in the possession of, or under control of, the A.B.A., I.B.A., D.O.J., and/or any & all of their corporate contractors, however related. 5. Fair compensation shall be made for the anticipated expenses & services rendered by these agents, and for their abiding by their own Oaths of Office ( The US Marshal Service & Interpol will receive TWENTY(20%) of the recovered assets, and these funds will be divided equally. A Promissory Note shall be tendered to the dejure United States Treasury, and earmarked to the US Marsha Service & Interpol in this amount. The full face amount of the Promissory Note will be made payable to the US Marshal Service & Interpol immediately upon the successful recovery, reclamation, and return, of the Lien Claimant’s “Accounts Receivables.”
6. Should it ever be misconstrued, or misrepresented, that this Promissory Note, and/or payments made to the US Marshal Service & Interpol, is some form of bribery, the Lien Claimants shall argue & deny same, and declare these funds lawful & appropriate compensation for the tasks & expenses the US Marshals & Interpol are tasked & charged with. These funds constitute stolen & pirated properties & assets of the American people, and these compensations are to be considered “bounties,” “prizes,” and “rewards” for honest service by the people’s law enforcement agencies & agents.
The LIEN has been cured and it will be relied on to TERMINATE the CROWN BAR!
Is there any more proof that the courts are controlled
During the trial of James and Sharon Patterson, (Case 6:97-CR-51) William Wayne Justice, Judge of the United States District Court Texas-Eastern Division when presented with law stated:
“I take my orders from England. This is not a law this court goes by.”
For all of those who did not believe that the United States Corp. was under Great Britain here it is straight from the mouth of a Federal Judge. How much more evidence ‘do you need?’ America has never been Free. The Revolutionary war was a fraud perpetrated on the American people. The war’s purpose was to centralize power and make the people easier to control. All Federal Judges, Congressmen, U.S. Attorneys, State Judges, Legislators and most Attorneys know this and are in fact British Agents. Their job is to keep the people in line and to be productive slaves which they (The British Agents) are greatly compensated for. The police do not know that they work for Great Britain they too have been decieved so don’t attack them.
It is time for everyone in America to know the Truth. Let us all work together in exposing the CROWN Empire. Please re-fax and e-mail this release to every Attorney, Judge, and Legislator in your area to let them know they have been unmasked. Please get out your Yellow Pages and start faxing everyone in your area and also read this release over every radio show possible. We have printed thousands of evidence packages and mailed them across America that prove that the United States is a British Colony. It is time to send the British back to England. We must work together because if, we do not. we are all doomed.
Your Friend.
Stephen Kinbol Ames Jr.
TONA is law of the land. It has never been overturned and it cant be by those banned from governance in America – Really America – enough is enough wake up – form a Safety and Investigation Committee in your neighborhoods!
The above is an admission that the Crown controlled agents of the ABA in every state of America are engaged in sedition and treason. They were told about the illegal bankruptcy — they know about the STRAWMAN and that the American people do not! Yet they have chosen to deceived and steal of their brothers and sisters! It is for this reason that this creed that believe they are above the law were never permitted to set footy in a government office or even call themselves Americans! They have been waging a secret war against Americans and have been trying to place themselves above all Americans! They do not believe in equality per the Declaration of Independence!
Everything that this parasite class has been stollen from the American people and states must be returned to those from whom it was stollen.
1.2 Million BAR attorney’s in America are operating in violation of TONA and are engaged in sedition and treason.
TONA terminates ALL actions of the BAR and it will reverse every act of those that violated it back to its ratification. This potentially includes every act of the UNITED STATES Corp since 1819… This will mean the overturning of every COURT ORDER made where TONA was violated! If a BAR attorney was in any way associated with a ruling – it is legally invalid!
The cabal game is over!
God Bless America and may her people do right by all the crimes that have been done in the name of America by the UNITED STATES ZIONIST controlled parasite class that couped America in the 1800’s!
Americans now get to help drive a new golden age for humanity and terminate tyranny that became a cancer in our back yard that started to devour the world! Americans fell a sleep at the wheel and allowed these crimes to unfold! Americans must never become complacent ever again! We must always remain vigilant and make sure that which we created to protect our rights never again is used to terminate our rights and violate the rights of people on other sovereign nations!
The 1810 Titles of Nobility Act and the Declaration of Independence is all the American people need to restore America and get rid of the rats!
We certainly hope the people of the British Isles do what they need to do to remove the Rothshchilds ZIONIST scourge that has help the British Isles in a state of mixed war since the early 1800’s and the people of Italy do the same to terminate the infestation in their own country that started claiming the world as early as 1302 under the Papal Bull Written on the skin of a sacrificed child called Unum Sanctum in which the Vatican system laid claim to the World and later to all People and all souls! Any institution that stands on such insane principals does not deserve to exist! This ROMAN CULT institution and the sick minds behind it are responsible for virtually all misery on earth in the last 2000 years!
It is time for men and women to realize nobody need anyone between them and that which connects us all and all things! Why would we ever NEED a pope to be in the middle of our connection to all that is! The notion that BILLIONS believe that the POPE is their way to connect with all that is lunacy! Nobody needs a middlemen in the way of any interaction between men, women and all that is! Going forward all must control our life energy and each will choose who we wish to trade with and on what terms! In this I also suggest that we will build a system of exchanging our labor that parasitic forces can never again co-opt! Remember – we are each sovereign and we are the Bank! It is noted that a Nation can only be viewed as sovereign if it coins its own money! It is the same with us – for we are the Bank and this is the case even in the current parasitic debt money system – we are the Bank! We will publish more on this in due course! In the meantime – please form safety committee in your own neighborhoods and lets get everyone on the same page!
Please remember turn off the TV! Everything you will hear through it is created by BABYLON mainstream media to lower your vibration and have you focus on the things that do not matter!
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Its time to begin supporting the John Birch Society – – to restore the original Constitution and our Divinely inspired check and balances Republic. They have the organization and knowledge we need to free us from the NWO; to get us out of the UN and to support and keep our local police and sheriffs independent of state, county and federal government (checks and balances).
A member for 10 years, I learned how to read ‘between the lines’, to think for myself and about our Constitution (that was NOT taught in school). I shall always be grateful for their dedication and efforts to inform the public of our loss of freedoms and how we can restore our Constitutional Republic, peacefully (without violence). They need your help – NOW!
Actually Hitler killed off the Abrahamic Jews and we assisted him. DNA came out in the early 90’s and proved this being the likely scenario. But the United States is presently now debunked, and this is as it should be! The Humanitarian Leadership Award at Global and at Truth is Russia, under their leadership, Mr. Putin! The Cabal is dead. Just because their MKULTRA brains cannot receive at this point is their problem and our advantage!?
Brenda, You Really need to give up that Propaganda about Mr. Hitler. It has always been out there in Plain Site that the jews left Willingly under ‘HAAVARA’ also known as ‘The Transfer Agreement.’ There was 3.5 million jews in All of Europe before the war & that number stayed steady after the war because jews were having children during the war!
Indeed, there had been a transfer agreement. When people check the statistics of the jewish population before the war and after the war (WW II) and compare these counts, they will be surprised.
Well put, Linda.
William Cooper’s “Behold a Pale Horse” , page 164:
“I give lectures all over the United States. At some point before, during, or after every lecture, some well-meaning but misguided soul tells me that I have it all wrong, and it’s the JEWS, the Catholics, the communists, or the bankers that are the cause of all our ills. The target group is blamed for everything that has ever gone wrong. Power over everyone and everything is always attributed to this group- whichever group it happens to be to that person. These poor people are on the right track, in that there has always been and certainly is a conspiracy to bring about a totalitarian world order. They are COMPLETELY OFF TRACK to think that any one ethnic, religious, or financial group alone could ever muster enough power to bring its plan to fruition. One group, you see, would always be opposed by all the other special-interest groups that exist and have always existed throughout history. That is, unless they were already the same group (the Illuminati) or for some reason they became unified (the Bilderberg Group).
The one-group scenario, except for the Illuminati, has been used effectively to divert your attention away from the truth. It had caused you fight each other in a manipulation that always leads the REAL conspiracy closer to its ultimate goal, a New World Order.
Those of you who believe Hitler was financed by Jews so that he could murder Jews have a serious logic deficit.” …
End of excerpt from Cooper’s book.
I add: You haters can tell that meddling Super Jew Jesus Christ how evil all the Jews and Israel are when you meet Him face to face…
Actually Hitler did not take away guns. The previous government took fund away and Hitler started shooting clubs.