By Chris White,
American voters’ trust in the national media and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide accurate information about the coronavirus pandemic has plummeted since March, according to a CBS poll published Sunday.
Roughly 54% of voters trust the CDC for reliable information about the virus, a 30 percentage point drop from March, when 86% of voters said the same thing, the CBS poll showed. Fewer voters also trust the national media to provide good information about coronavirus, or COVID, according to the poll, which was conducted between Sept. 2-4 and sampled 2,493 registered voters nationwide.
The virus originated in Wuhan, China, in December before spreading to the United States, where it has reportedly killed more than 188,000 people, according to data from John Hopkins University. (RELATED: Poll: Skepticism Amongst Americans Over Coronavirus Death Count Is Growing)
Former Vice President Joe Biden is trusted more than President Donald Trump to deliver on a safe vaccine, the CBS polls showed. Roughly 47% of voters polled trust the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee over the president (34%) to provide them a reliable vaccine, according to CBS.
A general view of the Centers for Disease Control headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia on April 23, 2020. (Tami Chappell / AFP)
The poll, which carries a plus or minus 2.4 point margin of error, also showed trust in Trump’s ability to relay good information about the virus is falling, though by a smaller amount than trust in either the media and CDC. About 40% of voters polled trust the president on pandemic information, marking a drop of 6 percentage points since March, when 46% of voters said they trusted what Trump said on the virus.
More voters trust the president than they do the media, with only 35% of voters saying the media’s pandemic coverage is trustworthy, down from 45% in March, the poll showed.
A previous poll indicated that Americans have grown skeptical of how the CDC counts deaths from the virus.
An Axios-Ipsos poll published in July showing 31% of Americans believed at the time that the number of deaths is lower than what is being reported. A total of 58% of Republicans and 9% of Democrats believe the number of deaths is less than the actual count, the July poll showed.
Only 16% of Republicans said the number is more than what is being reported, while more than 60% of Democrats said the same, according to the Axios poll.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
It’s a totally BS plandemic that never ends, but that’s not all. The illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, the corrupt Muller investigation, the secret proceedings of Adam Schiff, the following failed impeachment, the death of George Floyd, the riots that never end, the destruction of middle class businesses Trump had built back up after Obama’s strangulation by regulation, the cratering of the economy. One on the heels of the other. Hmmmm….is there anything all these things have in common???
Why, yes. The Deep State. Bet you a dollar to a doughnut the Deep State is behind the fires across the country too. It’s all just part of the Purple Revolution CHAOS brought to you by George Soros and his Deep State handlers. Ya can’t complain…Hillary and Bill wore the colors when she had to concede, so we were warned.
Folks say all this will end Nov 4th. It would if it were just about the election. But it’s about more than that. It’s about bringing America down, and stopping Trump is only part of it.
Next plan up is civil war no matter what the election brings. Do not participate. They can’t have a civil war if no one participates. Leave the riots to the police. Leave it to the Supreme Court to decide any election issues. Let the law work. The military has already said they have no place in the election. They won’t be out unless the riots can’t be controlled and Trump uses the insurrection law. Let the law do it’s job. Don’t get mad and get out in the streets and there will be no one to fight a civil war. The worst that could happen is a conflagration. We will just rebuild.
Marxist revolutions are from a long, long planned playbook. Their agenda always destroys the country once it starts. It counts on people getting emotional and buying the lies. DON’T.
“Novis Ordo Seclorum” The dark lords who are behind ALL of this were bold enough to print it on the back of every Federal Reserve Note ever printed. The New World Order. Like the Hokey Pokey, that’s what it’s all about.
It seems that fires in the US are attempts to scare the population, those particularly, who are speaking up and think for themselves, beginning to. Lorie Ladd has shared her view on these conditions when she’s herself living near the area with fires and smoke IS the air, so to speak. Courage and strength for those living in or near the fires and shelter plus comfort when you and your family need it.
Here’s a map with an overview showing the fires in the US:;@11.0,1.3,3z