From the Cosmic Matrix Podcast

In this episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast, anomalous trauma researcher and therapist Eve Lorgen speaks to Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue about how hyper-dimensional forces can hijack us via unresolved trauma and the importance of reclaiming our soul.

In the first hour, they speak about how hyperdimensional influences can affect love relationships, and how this relates to personality disorders and narcissistic abusive relationships. They also speak about traps of agreements affecting certain family/ancestral lines, how these agreements can even be made in past lives, and the importance of taking responsibility for your healing process and moving away from blame. They also speak about CPTSD, spiritual bypassing, the importance of compassion, how unresolved trauma may cause paranoia, the importance of somatic work and going through the grieving process when healing, and the simplicity of Being.

In the second hour, they dive deeper and speak about the mRNA vaccine technology and how it may disconnect the soul from the body [soul harvesting], the globalist agenda to introduce a synthetic human via transhumanism and AI, why it’s important to not get trapped in the “mental realm” and the power of loving-kindness when engaging in the healing process.

They also speak about how the solutions are much simpler than we think, the red flag of spiritual materialism and seeking “more advanced” knowledge and information, how many people think they’ve worked through their “stuff” but are lying to themselves, the issue of gurus, coaches, therapists who have not worked through their own stuff becoming hosts for occult forces, how to get out of the doom & gloom fear mindset, and why it is of critical importance right now to reclaim our soul and reconnect to who we truly are in order to counteract the matrix agenda.

Eve Lorgen’s website:


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Shari has been active with PFC since 2018. She is proud to be a Council member and a co-facilitator of the Nature Restoration Group. The Nature Group is filled with passionate, Earth loving volunteers who wish to heal and restore the planet to a healthy state. Shari also hangs out with the awesome people in the Media Group where she writes, researches and creates innovative media projects. She has a background in Holistic healing and Wellness. She is a Reiki teacher, mindfulness meditation teacher as well as an ascension guide. Shari is a community member of Energetic Synthesis, which is an ascension community that follows the Law of One and Guardian Alliance teachings. She is also the founder of an environmental education nonprofit called Greening the Sphere.


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