The Russian and Jewish people are finally getting justice for the Holodomor and the Holocaust, mass murder human sacrifice events staged by the Khazarian mafia. This is thanks to a Russian police operation against the Khazarian mafia operating inside their borders. The Russian action against the KM is just part of a larger international move by the white hat alliance to remove the KM from all positions of power, Asian and Western secret society sources agree.
In Asia, an agreement has been reached to unify Taiwan and China and form a friendly alliance with Japan, a unified Korea and ASEAN, dragon family sources say. Asian secret societies say that humanity is now 3/4 liberated from the Satanic Khazarian mafia.
When this is all over, there will be a jubilee, world peace and the start of a new Golden Age, alliance sources promise.
Here is a bullet-point summary of what Russian Presidential Avatar Vladimir Putin had to say about the operation in Ukraine:
This has to do with the entire system of international relations…fundamental norms that were adopted following WWII…came in the way of those who declared themselves the winners of the Cold War…[The Khazarian mafia] had a feeling of absolute superiority…coupled with the low cultural standards…For our country, it is a matter of life and death We had to stop that atrocity:, that genocide of the millions of people who live there,,,we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians…We all know that having justice and truth on our side is what makes us truly strong.
To illustrate, here is a video sent to us by the Russian FSB showing the sort of thing the Satanic KM mercenaries in Ukraine do to Christian prisoners (warning extremely graphic).
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To understand how truly historical the removal of these war criminals is, we need to briefly look at the history of what is now happening. We will not go back thousands of years to the origin of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia. Instead will start with a brief look at how the KM took over Europe and embarked on a centuries-long quest to restore their ancient homeland of Khazaria.
A good summary of their activities can be seen here:
To quote and paraphrase a few key bits: Khazaria was a kingdom in central Asia that practiced Babylonian black arts. They were known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered…About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included the kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. [Satan].
The KM elite fled to Europe where they slowly, over a period of centuries, infiltrated and finally took over the ruling classes there. Their biggest victory came in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Board was taken over by the KM in an illegal Christmas day move.
By grabbing control of the money of the people of the United States of America, John Rockefeller I and his fellow KM honchos were able to finance Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky’s communist revolution in Russia. As soon as the KM overthrew the Christian government of Russia, they began their revenge for the destruction of Khazaria. Overall they killed as many as 80 million Russians during the 20th century. They also began their project to recreate Khazaria by starving millions of ethnic Russians to death who lived within the ancient borders of Khazaria.
That is why Putin said “The Modern Ukraine was entirely and completely created by Russia, or rather, the Bolshevik, Communist Russia,”
The Russian’s patience finally ran out when the KM tried to take over the nation of Kazakhstan to further their project to recreate Khazaria.
One more point that needs to be made is that in 2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991. Since the UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state and Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, In other words, the so-called Ukraine invasion is a police action taking place within the borders of Russia.
It’s also very interesting to note that Israel is refusing to back a UN resolution by the fake Biden administration to condemn the so-called “Russian invasion of Ukraine.”
This means the Jews have removed KM control of Israel and now realize the holocaust (burnt offering) was a mass sacrifice of their people to Satan by the KM.
According to Mossad sources, the move by Russia into Ukraine means the fake Biden administration is about to implode and will not last beyond March. “That smell in your nostrils is the Deep State shitting themselves over their Ukraine money laundering operation getting demolished by Putin. Pelosi, Biden, Bush, Obama, Kerry, Romney, Soros, Clinton and the Vatican (And others to be exposed), all have their blood-soaked hands planted deep in Ukraine,” the Mossad source notes.
Putin and his team are extracting all the data from the banks, which will disclose the corruption that has taken place since 2014 and that $10’s of Billions were siphoned off using Ukraine as a conduit, the source continues.
Dragon family sources add “The bio-weapons factories built by Bill Gates and the Soros Foundation (Rothschilds) have been destroyed,
the Ukrainian Navy has been sunk, the cities are surrounded and the alliance now controls 75% of the country so we are winning.”
The arrest of top KM agent Turkish President Recep Erdogan means Turkey will not be fighting for the KM. Turkey knows that, despite being a NATO member, the U.S., Europe, and NATO are the origin of all the threats it has defined so far. It knows very well that these countries abandoned it in every field. Turkey knows that they established a terror army against it in northern Syria. It only recently overcame an internal attack like the 2016 coup attempt, which was also a U.S., Europe and NATO operation, is how the official Turkish media describes the situation.
Germany and France are also staying out. Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, has made it clear his country would not support sanctions against Russia and neither would the EU. In particular, the European nations are not supporting financial sanctions against Russian banks.
The KM propaganda media is making a big deal about Russia now being cut off from the SWIFT. However, the alliance is five moves ahead of them. That is why they seized Davos head Klaus Schwab and EU Central Bank Chief Christine Lagarde in Antarctica recently. This led to the replacement of SWIFT with the quantum financial system. If you have recently done an international money transfer you will know this because instead of using the alphabetical SWIFT system, you now need a number to make a transfer.
A visible sign that Europe is not going along with this charade is that gas prices in Europe are plunging as exports via Ukraine increase. In other words, the KM has been stopped from price-gouging Europe on gas.
More importantly, the Rothschild banking servers are in Ukraine and they have now been seized. This means it is game over for them.
It is also very interesting to note the United Nations is not letting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his delegation visit the UN in Geneva. This means the UN has outed itself as a Rothschild entity. It is about to be replaced.
Now let us take a look at the fake story being put out by the KM propaganda media about what is happening in Ukraine. You can see they stage fake atrocities and deaths because they don’t have real atrocities to report on
Now let us take a look at the fake story being put out by the KM propaganda media about what is happening in Ukraine. You can see they stage fake atrocities and deaths because they don’t have real atrocities to report on
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The other thing we need to note is that all the hysteria in the Western propaganda media about Ukraine is a desperate attempt to distract from the growing body of evidence the recent mass vaccination campaign was a huge war crime. Death rates among the vaccinated have soared by 495%.
Payback has begun. Thousands at the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris to pay their respects to Luc Montagnier, French biologist and virologist and Nobel laureate in medicine who spoke out against Covid “vaccination”, chants of “liberate”
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Here is a list of 40 billionaires who got rich from this crime. You can be sure they will all be hunted down and brought to justice.
List Of 40 Billionaires Who Got Rich From COVID – GreatGameIndia
Pentagon and MI6 sources say special forces are continuing to hunt down all top cabal leaders and henchmen. These include Canadian traitors like Justin Castro and Chrystia Freeland.
In Asia meanwhile, we are hearing from the Dragon family and Asian secret societies that all KM influence is being removed from the region. The sources say a fundamental agreement has been reached to reunify Taiwan with the mainland, as mentioned above. We have been asked not to provide further details because this is an ongoing operation.
However, we were told the fake Kim Jong Un and the fake North Korean missile news being put out in the KM propaganda media is a bunch of lies. Kim is dead and his sister is in charge in North Korea now, the Asian secret society sources note. North Korea is part of the alliance to liberate humanity, they add.
In Japan, police and the military have begun arresting many people who were involved in the Fukushima mass murder attack, Japanese right-wing sources close to the emperor say.
Asian secret society sources promise historical changes will continue to take place between now and the spring equinox of March 21-22.
Finally, this week, as is our habit, we will conclude with a project blue beam-related bit of information. Recently corporate media has put out this video from 2010 showing a very strange weather anomaly or unnatural disk in Australia. This is a hint something very mind-blowing will be coming our way soon from Antarctica, a US space force source promises.
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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Just a Reminder, as this conflict in Ukraine rages on, Mr. Putin & many Media outlets are calling out phrases such as "Neo-Nazi." One might take offense to that if one is German.
So, my Reminder is this: Germany under Hitler's Third Reich Never called themselves "Nazi's." The Third Reich were 'National Socialist.'
"Nazi" was a term made up in the 1920's by a Marxist journalist, Konrad Heiden whom belong to Democratic Socialist Party.
Furthermore, there was a Communist party in Germany called Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD), which Germany banned its "Antifa" flag one day after Adolf Hitler won election in 1933. The KPD reemerged in West Germany in 1949 & won Parliament seats.
This needs to be explained, Germany also has the Right to finally Mourn its Victims of a War they did Not want & did Not start.
Germany/Germans will Not be the Fall Guy once again! They took it Twice from two world wars!
Most important Link Benjamin left:
To many outlets are mistranslating this De-Communization into something else.
More dumb disinformation from Russians and the communist Fulford. Denying that civilians are being slaughtered. That right there should show you how honorable his side is.
Ancient Khazaria was not conquered by "Russians". How totally DUMB they are. It was the Kievan Rus kingdom run by the Norsemen who migrated there. Ukrainians (ancient Medes) lived there. Today's Russians were elsewhere north.
He and his communists totally ignore the concept of western freedom. Blame everything on Khazarians. They want Ukraine because they are simply murderous pigs by nature. There's just a serious clash of western and eastern values there. It is fatally unfortunate.
You followers of his are sheep in your own way.
Journalist Jim Stone reported as follows:
"Zalensky has ordered all people fleeing Ukraine shot on sight without even questioning who they are."
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