To Be a Leader/Human: Balancing Power with Compassion
by luveniwai of New Earth Consciousness
We are all leaders — to each other and ourselves. Let’s make sure our Heart is in the right place.
My essence is solar energy.
I thrive off the Sun.
It brings me joy, vitality and wellbeing, seemingly more than anyone else I’ve known.
My solar plexus chakra is alive and well.
When I’m in my power, no one can stop me.
When I’m in my power, I’m full of vital life force energy to the brim;
Spilling over to fill the cups of those who need their dose of Vitamin D.
The Solar Plexus is our internal power, but it needs to be running in tandem with all of our chakras.
I am called to activate my Heart chakra more.
For if we are only operating from the Solar Plexus and not the Heart,
That is how tyrants are born.
Too much power, with no compassion to marry it.
A desire to assert ourselves; with no consideration of those around us.
A spiritual leader is well aquainted with their heart.
They know how to lead from a place of knowing the pains that humans bear.
Leadership without Heart is called politics and governance.
Leadership and Rulership are not the same.
We can no longer dismiss affairs of the Heart to only ‘women’.
All humans are being called to activate the Heart.
Connecting with our own suffering and recognising the suffering of others is what is going to make us human again.
We are not A.I. We are not bots. We are not mechanical. We are not here to just work factory jobs or desk jobs day in and day out.
We need our heart. It needs us to listen to it.
Our heart is the portal to remembering interconnectedness.
That’s how humans will stop harming the Earth.
War promotes duality and opposition. Connecting to our heart renders this invalid.
I’ve been getting physical growing pains in my heart because it is opening up.
This is the portal.
You want to be a Leader untainted by corruption or greed?
Connect with your Heart.
You want to feel connected and not alone?
Connect with your Heart.
Listen to it deeply, and it will whisper its’ Truths to you.
Then let the fire of the Solar Plexus drive that compassion forward, like gas in the car.
You are the steward of your own ship that is your reality,
Steer it with the fire of Self Knowing and the fluidity of Compassion.

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Belief is Your Power
Belief is the fire, that powers your soul,
It can lift you up higher, or set flame to the whole.
It may let in the good, but can flood in the bad,
How that's understood, this power she's had,
Is to rally your mind, around the fuel of your will,
That's where you will find, the start of the hill.
To apply your will up, you give it some gas,
Out of your cup, how much belief that it has.
If it has enough, the needle will move,
But will become rough, if you have nothing to prove.
Belief without will, is a mountain to climb,
But if it has fill, you'll be cruisin' in time.
Nicely said and… I think I love you, LOL!!