We’ve begun processing through the most phenomenal unravelling mechanism imaginable, which is multidimensional and multifaceted. It’s happening within the quantum field, which shapes everything, yet it’s doing so gradually, so that with the naked eye, you hardly perceive the daily changes. Most recently, a Benevolent Mission has been instrumental in helping Gaia realign with her Twin Flame, after many thousands of years of misdirected captivity by the Intervention. What will that mean?

Precession of the Equinoxes

Consider the “Precession of the Equinoxes” – which is a most curious phenomenon. It’s described in mainstream cosmology as a “wobble” in the earth’s orbit, due to misalignment from the axis of rotation. And so Gaia now rotates through a 26,000 cycle, that circumambulates through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. It’s why the “New Age Aquarius” has recently commenced.

Image: Human Origins Project

Consider this precession of the equinoxes more deeply, because it’s crucial to the nature of life on the planet. In fact it’s not a “wobble” as described at all. Because it is smooth and consistent through the complete cycle. For some curious reason, the Earth has been ‘shunted’ from rightful alignment down its axial core of rotation. 

To be clear: it’s the interplay of the Moon between Gaia and the Sun causing it.

We now know the Moon to be artificial. There are just too many synthetic anomalies for it to be natural. Like for example, that it only spins once on its axis around the Earth, creating a “dark side” that is never seen; it’s perfectly spherical and positioned at the exact distance from the Earth so as to exactly block out the Sun at an eclipse; it’s 5 degrees misaligned from the equatorial axis, which creates the tides; it’s exactly 108 times its diameter from the Earth, just as the Sun is a 108 times its diameter from the Earth. There are many more curious ‘coincidences’ to consider:

Losing Your Twin Flame

The point is, the Moon, which is locked in place by electromagnetic coupling with the Sun, generates the Precession of the Equinoxes. Recently on pilgrimage in the Heart Chakra of Gaia, Glastonbury, a group of Openhanders experienced the impact of this, by travelling into the quantum field dynamic. It’s caused Gaia to disconnect her consciousness, her orientation of Soul, from alignment with the Galactic Core, and instead, to be more identified with the Sun.

Why is this a problem?

Anyone who loses connection with their own Twin Flame, often due to losing themselves in physical relationship, will come to know only too well. It can mean you don’t follow your rightful sovereign pathway. It’s wonderful to be in relationship with another, yes, but not to be in their pocket!

With Gaia, it became clear that her natural alignment of consciousness had been purposefully reconfigured so that interconnection with the Sun, and specifically the entity “Ra”, the Sun God, has, over time, usurped her natural alignment and connection with her Twin Flame in the Galactic Core.

It’s a crucial misalignment for the Intervention, which has enabled them to drain energy from Gaia’s Torus (so-called “Free Energy”) which then has powered the foundational layer of the Shadow Simulation here, through the 4D morphic fields. A highly sophisticated ruse, has ensnared and encapsulated Gaia, over many thousands of years. She’s been bound into a web of energetic deceit, caught like a giant football, in a cosmic net.

However now, as the layers of the Intervention are steadily being stripped down by Benevolence and the arrival en masse of the Star Being Nations, another pivotal Shift has just taken place.

What is that exactly?

Fundamental Realignment in Gaia’s Base Chakra

In terms of quantum mechanics, each sentient body has a natural alignment of its fractal with a higher body – you can consider the fractal phenomenon, like that of being encompassed by ever larger Russian Dolls…

In a particular galaxy (the largest “doll”), around which all life in it rotates, alignment of consciousness is meant to be with the Galaxy. It’s the nearest phenomenal representation of the Universal Torus. And we can say, this is where one’s Twin Flame connection ultimately resides and originates from. The Twin Flame being the other polarity of you, which stays out of incarnation, but progressively draws you back to the Source, through the Ascension process.

Now, at the recent Glastonbury Pilgrimage, a strong infusion of Draconian energy through Gaia’s Torus, has seen her base chakra reconnect back into alignment at the Galactic Core. It is for sure a phenomenal realigning event.

Anyone tuning in, as I am here in the planetary Heart Chakra, may feel this recent Shift. Although it’s a quantum field effect, nevertheless, I maintain it is so profound, that it’s bound to ripple out onto the surface of the Earth, including through society. We may witness in the days and weeks ahead, increased flooding and earthquake or volcanic action, for example. Or some seismic shock on Gaia’s physical surface.

Ongoing Work With The Star Being Nations

This realigning work by the Star Being Nations is still very much ongoing. Because now they’re working to reorientate Gaia’s Crown Chakra with the Galactic Core. I can feel the Lyrans amplifying her high Torus frequencies, but then the Andromedans applying hexagonal sacred geometry to the field, so as to stabilise it in this reorientation.

It’s a complex dynamic, because with the moon still in place, the physical precession of the equinoxes continues – for anyone feeling this crown-realigning dynamic that’s now just beginning, it feels like having a huge magnetic weight around your head! 

Although deeply energetically demanding, it doesn’t need to stop Gaia, at the Soul level, from making this critical realignment with the natural axial core of her Torus; that which is integrated with the core of the Galaxy, and her Twin Flame residing there.

The fascinating question is: with this new realignment happening, just how much longer can the Moon actually remain in Earth’s orbit and thereby retain the precession – that which energetically controls the morphic fields of life on the planet, through the Simulation? No doubt, things will change greatly at the final “Event” – the Solar Micronova flash, coupled with the completion of the Pole Shift (whereupon Gaia’s magnetic field dwindles rapidly (practically to zero) as it flips flops, at this upcoming Grand Galactic Convergence we’re sailing into.

Front Row Seat in The Shift

I realise this recent reorinetation of Gaia, which is still very much underway, is highly complex to describe and understand in a short article. But it felt important to share this initial insight with the ascending community. It’s happening at a pivotal time, where the balance of power on the planet has clearly pivoted and opened up. It’s happening as the “swamp” in the lower-density consciousness is being cleared.

For sure, these are phenomenal times to be alive. And it’s crucial people in the Shift now truly orientate to the field itself, because that’s where the real news and the defining energies are truly coming from. It means we’re going to become increasingly successful in creating our lives from the infusing energies of the much anticipated, “Golden Age”.

From openhandweb.org

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