As spiritual movements have often focused in recent years on outer information (the cabal, the dark forces, the Event, the Light forces), many people have missed the actual purpose of these informations and have forgotten the importance of their inner work. Our purpose in learning about outer information is to find the active role we have in the story, not to become stuck as spectators, or victims, or judges. We are still and always will be creators of our reality.


As people learn about the dark state of this planet, the matrix occupation of Earth energy field, people realize the negativity in the average reality on Earth, and may experience attacks, interference, personal negative situations. To react to this negativity by simply blaming the dark or others, and leave it at that, is not helpful and not a complete accurate picture of what is happening. This dark occupation has been able to take over Earth because it has been invited and allowed since Atlantean times. And even right now, it is able to go on only because it is still invited and allowed by Earth population. Even on an individual level, we have individual free will to create our own individual reality based on what we hold in our energy field, and negative situations can only enter our reality via negative entry points in our personal energy field. Free will is the basic law, basic foundation of reality and no being in the universe can trespass it.


Let us see an example which is very common for many Star Seeds, who have experienced much healthier realities in liberated planets in the past, and therefore usually have inner feeling that there is something wrong with this reality. Some of them may remember and see this consciously. This helps them to be awake and to have the desire to create something else, something Light. However, many also have difficulty to accept being here, which means that their free will decision about what they want to create is not clear and stable, as a part of them wants to escape somewhere else, and a part of them wants to be here to anchor the Light. The matrix creates an unforgiving mirror of our inner state, often with the negative parts amplified, but still it is only a mirror of our inner state. If we do not accept that we are here at least for now (which doesn’t mean that we accept the matrix), then we are not welcoming ourselves into this here and now, and we open the way for unwelcoming situations to be entering our reality. This is how the matrix works, as an unforgiving mirror. Those beings in the past who were dedicated enough to clear themselves despite the darkness and insanity they may have faced in their time, have either ascended, or moved to Agartha or other planets (Mayans, Hopis..), as they could no longer be magnetically tied down to the matrix. Situations can only enter our lives by being magnetically attracted to our lives by holding alike energies in our energy field, which are created by our will, and our will densified into our personality as thoughts, emotions, etheric plasma and physical energies.


In healthy realities, if there is an inner issue it is met with forgiveness and mercy, with healing and guidance, all of which are created by Ascended Beings. But this can not happen within implanted and programmed human contexts inside the matrix. Only people who are deprogramming themselves, doing their inner work, and anchoring their I Am Presence here and now, can manifest cracks in the matrix, healthy reality here and now.


When we created and participated in realities of Light in Pleiades or other star systems in the past, we manifested it from Source, from IAm Presence. Source and IAm Presence are everywhere in the Universe in just the same way, and we can create a home reality of Light right here and now on Earth if we accept to be here for now and to fully ground our Soul Presence here and now in the physical, then we will create our own reality of Light. The Soul presence holds within it the blueprint of reality of Light, of New Atlantis and Golden Age, and this is our original mission as Star Seeds, to bring Home Reality of Light anywhere and everywhere.

In order to clear negative entry points in our energy field, we need to be able to interact harmoniously with people, as other people mirror our inner state, and together we are meant to put all our different talents, pieces of the puzzle, all our different Soul codes completing each other, creating a Soul family mandala which is the energetic blueprint and trigger for New Atlantis.

There is a simple basic principle that if we really stick to it, can allow to release all issues and connect together harmoniously. This is to understand that free will is law and can never be disrespected for any small thing, and that criticism is the simplest disrespect of free will which is usually the doorway through which conflicts and disharmony come in. We were never assigned with the job or the power or the need to go and pressure other people to change their ways, or do more, or do less, by criticizing them. Criticism is based on the false idea that people have a right to change others by force, even if that force is only verbal, or even only silent and energetic. The only time when free will can be stopped is when free will interferes with another free will, and/or openly causes direct harm to another sentient being, which is the basis for the Galactic Codex :

This means that for example if we walk outside and see somebody beating another sentient being, we can intervene.

This does not mean that we can attack and criticize other Lightworkers based on opinions, interpretations, personal perceptions, various speculations and indirect factors relating to personal choices. People change and progress only thanks to constructive and respectful invitations and suggestions. As we are sticking to always have zero criticism and zero disrespect of free will, it forces things to be resolved in harmonious ways. Instead of criticism, we can ask questions, explain our personal situations, make respectful suggestions (when they are welcome), show by example, etc.

We also need to not bottle up our personal issues and make the effort to express things with the people concerned, without any criticism ever, for things to be able to shift and transmute. As we mirror each other, we can take full responsibility for what we create in our reality, have forgiveness for ourselves and the others and make a definite stand for manifesting the pure Light and Love which is our IAm Presence of Eternal Light, our Higher Self. We are the doorways, the bridges of Light, who can magnetically attract via our energy fields, all the positive events, healing of this planet, First Contact, the Event, Ascension, New Atlantis – Home Reality of Light, right here, in any context everywhere.

Victory of the Light

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Great article, Untwine & thanks for posting Ed! Really put things in perspective for me. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

  2. Simon Parkes also states that some Beings do and will not abide by your personal authority alone. That it indeed depends upon the interaction/Being involved. Please see most recent … I believe 4/27/18? live transmission. I would love some clarification if possible. LOVE

  3. “During this critical time of planetary transition, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet.”


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