When it comes to Lightworkers and determining which one you are, know that you will most likely exhibit many of these characteristics. Pay attention to your intuition. Trust your instincts about how you can help.

“How may I be of service?” I’m always asking. You will receive an answer if you ask this question. Pay attention to your inner guidance, take action, keep shining your light, and make a positive difference in the world in whatever way you can.

This is what it means to be a Lightworker. It does not imply that you must appear on camera. You are not required to appear on stage. It is not even necessary to be a spiritual teacher.

If that is where you feel called or where you are right now, you can be an Undercover Lightworker. You can live a normal life, work in a corporate environment, or play in a mainstream area of reality. You simply shine brightly while loving and supporting others, being of service, and spreading positivity in the world.

Because service is so important to Lightworkers, I’ve divided the various ways lightworkers serve into 11 categories.

The 11 Types of Lightworkers

Use your intuition to discover your unique lightworker gifts… And yes, you can and likely have more than one!

1. Gridworkers and Gatekeepers

These are Lightworkers who work with Gaia’s grids. This could be the human heart grid, which connects all awakened humans’ hearts. It could be the actual earth grids that connect sacred sites via lay lines. Higher energetic grids, such as the crystalline grid, could also be involved.

There is clearing work, and gatekeeping is a more advanced form of grid work in which you work with your team to open interdimensional gates to allow more light and love in.

2. Divine Lightkeepers

Lightworkers whose primary mission (or a significant portion of their mission) is to embody the light. They are here to maintain a higher vibrational frequency and presence regardless of what is going on around them.

During turbulent times and chaotic events, these Lightkeepers consciously focus on embodying the light and expanding it out beyond them to neutralize challenges and density. They uplift humanity and assist us all in the process of awakening.

3. Transmuters

Transmuters enter negativity to transmute it and release it into the light. This transforms negativity into divine neutrality, restoring presence and balance. By transmuting past karma, transmuters may be working on behalf of the collective consciousness and all humanity.

There are also many Lightworkers who are transmuting through their ancestors. You may have chosen to be born into an ancestral line with a lot of negative karma in order to release, dissolve, heal, and assist your entire ancestral line in vibrating up. This, in turn, benefits all of humanity.

4. Healers

Healers are those who serve humanity, the earth, animals, all souls, and all beings. Healing can take a variety of forms. It could be mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual in nature. There are numerous modalities to choose from.

If you are a Healer, follow your inner guidance about the modalities, techniques, and ways you can use your gift to help others. As a Lightworker, your healing work includes you. You are increasing your vibration and filling yourself with light so that you can heal, support, serve, love, and guide others.

5. Seers, Psychics, Clairvoyants

These are Lightworkers who have opened their third eye or psychic vision in order to see beyond the physical; beyond the veil of illusion. This gift can come in a variety of forms.

You can offer readings or services to motivate, empower, and guide others. You can also direct your energy toward areas that require healing, transmutation, or release. This is where your light, power, and presence can have the most impact.

6. Divine Blueprint Holders

Every one of us has a unique divine blueprint; a blueprint for your fully awakened self. This template is available to all Lightworkers, but the Divine Blueprint Holders are actively tuning into it and retrieving the codes of awakening that are unique to them.

They embody their codes in this way and send them forth through the crystalline grid, the human heart grid, service, or love in any form.

The Divine Blueprint Holders are tuning in to their fully awakened being and expressing it. The divine blueprint for the awakened earth and humanity is also included in this gift. Tune into this awakened template and summon it to bring ascension into the present moment, which is right now.

7. Dreamers

Dreaming, dream transmutation, interdimensional travel, and entering the dream space all allow you to access alternate dimensions of experience. Pay attention because dreamtime is real!

What symbols do you see in your dreams? Make a note of them. Consider them. Every time you remember a dream, ponder it and extract some truth from it.

What could that dream’s higher-dimensional manifestation be? If you dream of going to school, the higher dimensional correlation indicates that you are studying and leveling up in your dreamtime. As a soul, you are developing new abilities and gifts in order to be of greater service.

During dreamtime, there is a lot of light work that takes place. Set the intention to do light work and connect with your higher self before going to bed. Request that your Angels reveal to you what you need to know, and then pay attention! Dreaming is a fantastic way to grow and learn.

8. Messengers

A Messenger is a Lightworker who receives guidance and messages from the Divine, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactics, and your higher self.

Share these messages with others by making videos, blogging, teaching, or writing. Messengers receive guidance from Spirit and pass it on in order to serve humanity and the awakening process, regardless of the medium or form.

9. Divine Blueprint Creators and Manifestors

These are the Lightworkers who actively weave light in order to bring about positive changes on the planet. This could take the form of wishing for and manifesting favorable timelines.

It could be manifesting positive events or creating the template for more love, more light, or harmonious co-creation. The Divine Plan Creators manifest not only for their own benefit and gain, but also for the benefit of all beings, Gaia, animals, and humanity as a whole.

This is manifestation at its most powerful. These Lightworkers act collectively in the best interests of all. This is extremely effective.

10. Ascension Guides

These are people on the rise. They are ascending to higher levels of light and sharing what they have discovered about the ascension process.

They show us how to avoid some of the pitfalls and tune into the blessings so that we can assist everyone who has the opportunity to ascend.

11. Wayshowers

Lightworkers who walk their talk are known as Wayshowers. They’re paving the way! Perhaps they are not consciously teaching in the same way that Ascension Guides do, but rather embodying the ascension process and living in their highest authenticity.

They live awakened, inspired lives, always looking out for the best interests of all beings.

From consciousreminder.com

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