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Evolve by Matthew Silver

Matthew Silver is a clown with a very positive and loving message with the potential to change the world. He's already started :https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=530181060455804&set=vb.476410055832905See more...
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Entities: A Life Force of Their Own

By Liam R. PhillipsIntroductionAn entity by definition is anything that has a life force of it’s own. In this article we are going to...

Notes from Cobra and Isis Conference in Konstanz, 21st-22nd March 2015...

Art by Erial AliThese notes were taken by somebody with the codename 'Antares', and somebody else who also attended the conference, with the codename...
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Hello world – let’s dance

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The Disintegration of the Veil

I would like to remind everyone of something that Cobra said in February. He spoke about the risks that were attached to the too...
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An Open Letter to Corporate Executives: What the EVENT Means...

(NB - Despite my job taking up almost all of my free time, I've been working with an IT guy to create a website...
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Follow-Up Post: An Open Letter To Evangelists Who Come to...

(NB - This is my first post on Prepare For Change in many months.  It's been a hard time as I've been working 70...

You wanted to be Luke Skywalker . . . . but...

http://upriser.com/posts/you-grow-up-wanting-to-be-luke-skywalker-then-realize-you-ve-become-a-stormtrooper-for-the-empire(Very well said Daniel - warning to some - swear words.  I appreciate his candid and honest writing.  War is . . . ....
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New Moon Eclipse and Putin

Vladimir Putin will get a nice boost from the New Moon Eclipse as he continues the Jupiter sextile Sun, exact on March 10 and May 8. President Putin will...
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David Crayford responds to Board of Govenors

 http://www.stage2omega.com/david-p-crayford-responds-please-allow-me-to-explain-the-real-situation/Tuesday, 10-Mar-2015 In Response To: Board of Governors of World Bank and IMF announce transition to asset-backed currencies (Lymerick)This article, besides being total BS, tells me, in...

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