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Creation of the Galactic Family – Where did you come from?

 http://www.in5d.com/creation-of-the-galactic-family.htmlfrom Lyssa's book, The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage The following are the main characters displayed in this tapestry from the perspective...
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Our New “Ideas for Change in Action” Page is Ready!

Greetings, beloved PFC family!  The Ideas for Change in Action page is ready for your ideas?  While we've given a few ideas for change...
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History is Being Made Right Now: World Global Settlements and Asset-Backed...

Dear PFC,I am going to try and provide some relevant information on a daily or weekly basis. I make no claim to the accuracy...
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Important!!! Catholic mass grave sites of 350,800 missing children found in...

Dear PFC, I am going to try and provide some relevant information on a daily or weekly basis. I make no claim to the accuracy...
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Prepare For Change Newsletter June 9th, 2014

Dear PFC Family, There have finally been some long promised changes made to PFC website with some of the promised new pages finished and others...
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Sisterhood of the Rose Groups Forming!

 Greetings PFC community members !It's time to take the next step forward and Take Action !We are beginning to form Sisterhood of the Rose...
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PFC Newsletter June 2, 2014

Please enjoy the last PFC Newsletter here:Leadership PFC FamilyI wanted to remind you all that in the universe and on the material realms as...
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World Wide Facebook Network Update

Hello Loving Beings,The world wide Facebook network page has been added to the website archive and you can view it at the following link: https://prepareforchange.net/world-wide-face-book-network....
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What is Common Law – and Why we need it.

“Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains.”http://itccs.org/ I want to HIGHLY recommend this web-site and encourage you to watch any youtube of...
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Friday Daily Weekly Update Report

Dear PFC, I am going to try and provide some relevant information on a daily or weekly basis. I make no claim to the accuracy...

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