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Cobra Interview Transcript 20-05-14

Dear PFC Family,You may now see the Cobra interview transcript by going to this page here: Cobra Transcript of Radio Interviewsome of you should note...
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Cobras New Interview Page is up! Do you want to ask...

Dear PFC Family , The transcript is up on Cobras interview on this page on TPR. Go to the  link to listen or read interview...
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Sisterhood of the Rose

(NB - I highly advise visiting the two links at the end of Cobra's Post.  For those wanting to do additional research - click...
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Benjamin Fulford May 27, 2014: New energy technology moving ahead...

Weekly geo-political news and analysis (www.benjaminfulford.net)Last week saw major cabal set-backs in the financial war together with several big moves on the energy front.On...
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Cobra Interview /Egypt Portal 2012 Activation Interview Transcript Report Released /...

Dear PFC Friends,Please do enjoy this link to my latest blog on Thepromiserevealed.com find this blog here:   Please also be aware that the Cobra interview...
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4 hard truths that will wake you up

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Jesuit superior announces intention to resign after he turns 80

(NB - Interesting timing for this announcement. We will watch closely for additional updates.)Vatican CityFr. Adolfo Nicolas, superior general of the Jesuits, announced his...
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Pleiadian Portal Activation Report

Pleiadian Portal activation was successful. Confederation motherships have positioned themselves inside the Oort cloud. Many of them (mostly from the Pleiadian fleet) are now...
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NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | No-Fly Swatter & Straightening Out Some Family...

(NB - Original post contains downloadable PDF of No-Fly Accords as well as Keenan video.)Always two steps ahead of the cabal, Neil has moved...
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World Bank and aid donors accused of enabling land grabs

Millions of smallholder farmers worldwide have been left homeless and hungry because of private investment promoted by policies such as tax breaks and cheap...

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