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Expressing Our Will

As the paradigm in prison Earth has largely been about suppressing free will, through all the contracts we signed, implants, energetic and technological attacks,...

Etheric Implants and Entities ARE “Human Nature” Part 1 — Removing...

Symptoms of the System After an incredibly intense energetic activation, I became aware, as clearly as you are reading these words right now, of a...


Darkness is based on primary anomaly, which manifests as entropy. Entropy is a term used in physics to describe the amount of energy within...

Co-Creating a New Paradigm for 2017

TZ here - as this post is composed of channelled material I am advised to ask for reader discretion. by Patricia Cota-Robles, December 30, 2016,...
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Jesus’s Christmas Message: 2017 a Year of Extraordinary Fulfilment

December 25, 2016 by Linda Dillon Jesus’s Christmas Message on the Winter Solstice   122116 Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda. I am Yeshua, I am Jesus, I...

Cobra / Prepare for Change: December Interview

See also: 11-16-16 Cobra Interview  09-29-16 Cobra Interview   08-31-16 Cobra Interview     07-29-16 Cobra Interview     o6-20-16 Cobra Interview    05-26-16 Cobra Interview   05-03-16 Cobra...

The Reptilian Replication Process as Described by Former “Illumined One”

Reptilians Replicate by Hijacking Other Life Forms: Carolyn Hamlet is a Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor, who has done many audio interviews about her experiences in...

A Birth/Rebirth out of Mayhem ~ Archangel Michael

Because this post is based entirely upon information received through channeled material I am advised to ask for reader discretion. On December 15th Archangel Michael...
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Corey Goode & Jimmy Church radio Nov. 29, 2016 ~ The...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE69TENIxH0 Jimmy: I would like to welcome back to Fade to Black our friend Corey Goode. Corey, good evening. Corey: Good evening to you. Jimmy: How are...
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Final Reminder Solstice Meditation December 21st

We dreamt and hoped that a transition to a new life on Gaia would be initiated 4 years ago on December 21st 2012. Many...

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