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Quarter Moon: ascending half moon in Virgo

Today we have a Quarter Moon – or half moon constellation of the ascending moon. If we refer to it as Quarter Moon it...

Nanoparticles, Which Change DNA, Are In The COVID Tests! Nanoparticles &...

By Expat Gal,  NOTES FROM EXPAT GAL: 1) Vaccines contain nanoparticles & Nanoparticles change DNA. (Z3 News Article – “Dangerous Nanoparticles Contaminating Many Vaccines & Altering DNA”) 2) Farm...

Full Moon Reading 27 April 2021

We can expect actions now!  Astrology for today. by Katharina Bless Action The Moon in Libra, Sun in Aries, a “Beauty and the Beast” topic is unfolding....


We are experiencing a miracle! What a change has occurred in such a short space of time. Who would have thought, even a year...

Interview with Cobra for the Age of Aquarius Final Activation

We Love Mass Meditation, International Golden Age Group and Prepare for Change Japan Official had organized an interview with Cobra in order to raise...

aTONAment, NWO Achilles’ heel

US Inc., (NWO) Achilles' heel is the Titles of Nobility Act of 1810 enacted 1819 as Organic law of the land!    and who did it...  "if...
Yoda may the light be with you

A New Cobra Interview – 28th July 2020

Just after our Age of Aquarius activation, a joint Cobra / Dr. Joseph McNamara interview was conducted by FESIG group. You can listen to the...

Benjamin Fulford 7/13/20 Report: How The USA Became a Babylonian Slave...

Note to readers: The next three issues of this newsletter will be pre-written so that I may take my annual sabbatical. If something truly important...

Revealed: millions of Americans can’t afford water as bills rise 80%...

Millions of ordinary Americans are facing rising and unaffordable bills for running water, and risk being disconnected or losing their homes if they cannot...

BREAKING: Researchers claim 100 percent cure rate vs. covid-19

BREAKING: Researchers claim 100 percent cure rate vs. covid-19 in 100+ patient trial conducted in Ecuador, using intravenous chlorine dioxide   From Natural News: Preliminary data from...

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