Home 2014 January

Monthly Archives: January 2014

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Daily News From PFC Leadership

Dear Readers,I am going to try and provide some relevant information on a daily or weekly basis. I make no claim to the accurracy...

Kanaka Sick: A Look At Cultural Perception On Illness

Kanaka SickThere was a patient, an old Hawaiian woman, who had been seeing her Doctor in Honolulu for some time with no success. No...
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Links to some interesting information that i will ask you to...

China Surpasses US As World's Largest Trading NationID Cards in China: Your Worst Nightmare  - Vid (39:39)Pentagon admits U.S. fighter jets depend on electronics...

Surgery, Anesthesia, and Your Energy System

What to Expect: An Energetic Look at AnesthesiaSo you need surgery? Not a problem. You are going to feel better  in the long run....

Finding Your Pathway To Optimum Health

Releasing Dis-Ease 'Blockages' To Your Healthiest YOUCRNA Jo Ann was showing me how to set up for a case at the VA when I...
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What moves you?

As a college student many years ago, I fell into a deep dark cave. I let the dark consume me because it was easier...

An Example Of Energy Healing: Reiki And Cancer

Reiki and Cancer What is different about this cat? Look very close.Does it look right?Or is something a little off?This is from a local art...

Why does FREQUENCY have an impact on our health?

Sunday, 5 January 2014 posted by AlexandraA UNIVERSAL TRUTH We are all interconnected at the most fundamental level of being and consciousness. Cosmic interstellar to intracellular-...
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Financial Tyranny http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny

 Read and study David Wilcox for an excellent comprehensive investigation on Finance - and the Tyranny we have been under. When we can understand...
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Visualize Energy Of Healing

Something to AddLast night I read an article in the magazine, Whole Living. It was the January/February issue, titled: All in a Day's Work...

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