The White Nobility Families


TZ here; This post from Cobra might be of interest too.

Ordo Bucintoro

There is a certain positive secret society that had a dramatic impact on destiny of this planet as it has created an energy current that is directly responsible for the exploration of space which will inevitably result in the First Contact.

It was founded in 1510 in Venice by a Venetian doge named Leonardo Loredan, a member of the one of the most important White Nobility families of Venice. At that time he was one of the most spiritually developed people in the West and is now an Ascended being, not to be confused with Paolo Veronese, which is known as the Venetian Master….

To continue;

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    TZ here; I was so happy to see this fantastic video. This video is so beautiful and wonderfully compiled and we so need this type of information about the Light Forces on the surface. Thanks to these Light Nobility families through time there has been a much larger quota of Light in very dark times than would have been without their presence. Have taken the liberty to add post by Cobra that may be of interest to those who enjoy this video ~ Namaste

  2. Encouraging to know we are walking the White Track. Rainbows of Love, Light and Laughter to us all. Soon we will be able to have a wonderful party full of Loving Vibrations. See you there. Pamela


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