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LNM Radio Aug Tellez MKUltra The Dream State Celebrity Cloning Underground Bases Non-human Races
LNM Radio guest Aug Tellez MKUltra The Dream State 03 22 16
Michael T Vara, Late Night In The Midlands
Interview starts around 24 minutes in
Audio is property of www.latenightinthemidlands.com
Become an LNM insider & subscribe
This is an up and coming radio show network that carries a full schedule of new daily streams of various topics, shows, and guests. This brings back the 90’s era feel of real talk-radio about the system and paranormal experiences in the Universe.
This is insider testimony on many subjects that I have direct experience with through the secret projects, MKULTRA, MiLabs, trauma-based and monarch mind-control, Underground Bases, Humanity and the races, ancient knowledge, the sacred geometrical Universe, time manipulation, zero-point field technology and the secret government, and much more.
I wanted to give credit for the line I spoke about the English language and the phonetic/etymological synchronicities that occur. Weekday/weakday, weekend/weakend, earn/urn, job/persecution. Etc etc etc. Laurel’s video’s are not the first time I’ve heard this and my own search has uncovered much of the same, but her video’s are the first that came to mind during the interview.
-Laurel Airica.
Secret Spells of the English Language https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJTpw… Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of =The Unveiling of the Hidden Knowledge and the Secret Space program
https://augtellez.wordpress.com/2017/… The Unveiling: Chapter 4 The Convolution of Time; A Preview of Phase-3 Disclosure Information, How the Secret Operations Have Altered History and Influenced Humanity:
https://augtellez.wordpress.com/2017/… The Unveiling: Chapter 4 The Convolution of Time; A Preview of Phase-3 Disclosure Information, How the Secret Operations Have Altered History and Influenced Humanity: